Training Delivery Plan – Incident Handling for Rally and Cross Country Diciplines

mins / Section / Objective/Learning Outcome / Method / Resources & Evaluation / Slides
2 / Welcome & Overview / To understand the purpose of the session / Outline the session verbally / PowerPoint Slides
3 / What is an incident / To recognise that an event requiring intervention should be considered as an incident worthy of note. / Explanation by tutor with q & a on various scenarios / PowerPoint
10 / First actions to be taken / To understand the need to focus on reporting before intervening if possible.
To understand that those not present on scene may be the decision makers who need information on which to base their decisions.
To accept that the marshal is the eyes and ears of the senior official in charge and should report accordingly. / Question and answer session by tutor to draw on trainees existing knowledge and to get them to apply it to this area.
Discussion of scenarios presented on screen. (Textual)
Illustrate with a simplified incident flowchart slide showing information flow. / PowerPoint
10 / The initial verbal reports contents / To realise that only a limited information set is required initially. Just sufficient for decision making process. Such as whether assistance is needed, whether track is blocked or not, (discussion point and example) estimated time to clear. / Group discussion, delegate input and Instructor questioning regarding example scenario depicted. / PowerPoint slides, video example.
10 / Secondary actions and taking charge of the incident / If the incident isn’t quickly resolved what actions to take with local support to resolve it - flags etc. How to manage spectator assistance if there is a possibility of competitor injury. / Tutor led worked example using a suitable scenario on video or images as preferred / Example video provided but tutors expected to add their own resources.
10 / Actions after the incident / Awareness of what to report and record and who to pass these details to and for what purpose. / Group discussion tutor led to examine each step. / PowerPoint slides
5 / What happens as a result of your final report / To be aware that in some cases further investigations may be based on their understanding and observation of what happened. Eg Protests, time penalties, external enquiries, coroners court etc. / Build from previous exercise
5 / Summary, Review / Delegates show improved knowledge of way to handle simple incidents and keep others informed / Tutor led Q & A Tutor observations of discussions
Evaluation forms
55 mins / CLOSE

Training Delivery Plan – MSA 2014| Page1