DicksonCounty Youth Athletic Association

Board Meeting Minutes

October 28, 2012

Board Members present: Billy Lamastus, John Terlecki, Shannon Britt, Jody Britt, Butch Bagsby, Donnie Guthrie, Joe Riley, Dennis Deblock, Carrie Simpson

Non-members present: Paula Tidwell, Ralph Neblett

  1. Call to order at 3:01 pm
  2. Approval of September 30, 2012 Board Meeting minutes: Motion by Jody, 2nd by Donnie, all were in favor.
  3. Old Business:
  4. Sponsorship checks: all but two sponsorship checks are outstanding. Butch is attempting to work with one of the sponsors to get the check, Jody has delivered an invoice, and we expect the check to be mailed.
  5. It was decided that Shannon will be the gatekeeper for all sponsorship checks. In the future, if a sponsor gives a Board member a sponsorship check, it will be passed on to Shannon, who will take care of the deposit. This is very important for her bookkeeping, for all deposits to be recorded correctly.
  6. Bank Accounts: there are two accounts at Tristar bank and one at Bank of Dickson. It was agreed upon by all members that all accounts be closed and we work with one bank only. We must choose a bank that will distribute a debit card for purchases online with Dixie Youth and other services, such as the phone tree and website.
  7. Phone tree: Joe is looking into other systems, one option is Multiplier.com. He will report back at the next meeting on options other that the system we are using now.
  8. Meeting with the Mayor of Dickson and City of Dickson Parks and recreation: Billy and Dennis met with the Mayor and the Parks department. The summary of this meeting is that the Mayor wants our fields in use. The Mayor wants the numbers up, drama under control, better communication with the public and with parents, and for us to look at ways to lengthen the season for those kids that don’t make the Allstar teams.
  9. DoyleAcademy: It was decided that DoyleAcademy is not an option this year.
  10. Bylaws: the latest edition of the Bylaws has been typed, handed out to all Board members, and placed on the website for parents and coaches.
  11. Coach’s applications: tabled until next meeting.
  12. Roundtable:
  13. Board vacancies: tabled until next meeting.
  14. Jody: we need to explore ways to raise funds for the league. We need new pitching mounds and a 3-wheeled machine for field maintenance. This is tabled until the next meeting.
  15. Butch: we need to look at possible a mid-season or pre-season tournament with surrounding counties. This is table until next meeting.
  16. The meeting was adjourned at 4:53 pm. Motion by Jody, 2nd by Shannon, all in favor.
  17. The next meeting is December 2, 2012 at 3 pm at the Housing Authority meeting room.