(articles 46-47 of Italian Presidential Decree no. 445 of 28.12.00 and amendments thereof)

The undersigned …………………………………………… Born on………………………………….

in ………………………………….………………. Province/State …………………………………….

PhD in …………………………………………………………………………………….


aware of the fact that in case of false declarations, besides the penalties provided for in the Criminal Code and the special Laws for forgery in deeds and the use of false deeds in the event of false declarations,the benefits resulting from the order issued on the basis of those declarations shall be forfeited,


under their own responsibility, for the purposes of being admitted to the final examination for obtainment of the PhD,

that they are aware that

in compliance with the Università degli Studi di Brescia Regulations, in order to be admitted for the final examination and for issuance of the PhD certificate, they are required to lodge the following at the PhD programme and Schools of Specialization Unit:

- 1 paper copyof their PhD dissertation andthe summary (abstract) in Italian, if the dissertation was authorised to be written in a foreign language;

- 2 copies of the dissertation on DVD or CD-ROM to be filed at the National Libraries of Rome and Florence;

and also DECLARES

- that the content and structure of the dissertation are original work and in no way jeopardise rights of third parties,

- that it will be available for consultation immediately after the PhD has been obtained, since it is not the result of the activities included in the legislation on industrial property, it was not produced in the context of projects financed by public or private entities with restrictions on the disclosure of the results, and it is not the subject of any patent-type or protection registrations.

- that the University shall not assume any liability of any kind, whether it be civil, administrative or criminal, and shall be indemnified from any request or claim from third parties;

- that the dissertation in electronic format (DVD or CD-ROM ) is complete in all its parts and is identical to the one lodged in paper format at the PhD and Schools of Specialization Unit of the Università degli Studi di Brescia and sent to the members of the Examining Board. The University shall not therefore be held liable in any way for any errors, imprecisions or omissions in the dissertation content.

They also declare that they are aware that random checks will be carried out. Any discrepancies or omissions may lead to exclusion from the PhD;

Place and date……………………………..Signature of the declarant ……………………….


(to be filled in only where a classification period is required)

The undersigned…………………………………………… Born on………………………………….

in (specify the foreign country, where applicable)…………………………………………………………..

province of (or abbreviation of the foreign country)………………………………………………………….

PhD in …………………………………………………………………………………….



- that the content of the dissertation cannot be consulted immediately for the following reason


The reason should be detailed and countersigned by the Tutor and/or Coordinator

(Patent, business secret, research priority reasons, editorial reasons, other)

- that the complete text of the dissertation shall be made available for consultation after:

12 months from the date on which the certificate as obtained

24 months from the date on which the certificate was obtained

 other period______

- that the abstract of the dissertation, which should be delivered to the PhD and Schools of Specialization Unit, will in any case be immediately available for consultation

Place and DateSignature of the Declarant


Countersignature of the PhD Tutor and/or Supervisor and/or Coordinator for justification of the embargo and the period.
