January Birthdays

1George Reeve

3Peter Cianciotto

4Steven Fernandez

10Christine DeNoia

Carol Dort

12Barbara Johnson

15Joshua Lee

20Joyce Reeve

Diane Seekamp

21Scott Boysen

23 Alice Hild

25Jessie Harrison

27Dan Doherty

28Betty Bangert

30 David Ploth

January Anniversaries

12Michael & Patricia Buchman

Lectionary for January

2nd Sunday after Christmas Day

Jer. 31: 7-14; Ps. 147: 12-20; Eph. 1:3-14

John 1: (1-9) 10-18

Baptism of the Lord

Isa. 43: 1-7; Ps.29; Acts 8: 14-17

Luke 3: 15-17, 21-22

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Isa. 62:1-5; Ps. 36: 5-10; 1 Cor. 12: 1-11

John 2: 1-11

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Neh 8: 1-3, 5-6, 8-10; Ps. 19

1 Cor. 12: 12-31a; Luke 4: 14-21

4th Sunday after Epiphany

Jer. 1: 4-10; Ps. 71: 1-6; 1 Cor. 13: 1-13

Luke 4:21-30

Scripture Readers

If you would like to read the Prayers & Scriptures during the Worship Service on a Sunday or two – Please use the sign-up sheet in the Colonial Room or call the church office 516-354-1848.

Annual Reports Are Due

All chairpersons, moderators, and treasurers are asked to e-mail their report to A.S.A.P. Please do not be late because the office needs time to put the report together and print by the end of January when they will be available for viewing in preparation for the Congregational Meeting in February. Thank you for your cooperation.

Special Thanks

Barbara McVeigh and the Worship Commission would like to send outa special thank you to the 2015 Communion Servers and Ushers for another year of outstanding service.

As the saying goes, ‘we couldn’t have done it without you!’

Attention: Save the Date

The Presbyterian women, with help from our congregation, would like to have a spring fling-white elephant sale the 23rd or 30th of April 2016. We would like to sell table space to our members.

The price for a large table would be $35.00 and a small table (bridge size) would be $25.00. Any member of the congregation would be welcome to sell anything that they would like to clean out of their house or garage. Each person would be responsible for their own set up and clean up. If you have things that you would like to dispose of, but not purchase a table, then you can donate the items to our jewelry table, holiday table or our trash and treasure room. We also need people to donate raffle baskets. To make this a success we need your help. If you have any questions please speak to Marilyn Bohm, Terry Prekopa, Barbara McVeigh, Lois DeGroff, Alice Hild or call the church office.

Music News

We would like to thank all our singing and ringing choir members for the beautiful Advent music and the magnificent music on Christmas Eve! It was wonderful.

Epiphany is January 6th, and there is much beautiful music for that Season too; the Epiphany Season is rather short this year, as Lent begins February 10th!

Our chancel choir (high school and adult) continues to practice every Sunday morning at 9:15 AM. If you like to sing, please think about giving choir a try. We work hard but have fun

Our handbell choir (intergenerational) will ring in church on Sunday, February 10th, with practice Saturday February 9th at 10 AM. We are looking for additional handbell ringers. If you would like to learn more about ringing handbells please speak with Carol Dort.

A happy and healthy New Year to all!


The Coach

Martin Luther King Day Youth Event

A Martin Luther King Day youth event will take place on Sunday, January 17th with a youth lock in and it will go until Monday, January 18th. Details more to follow.


EVERY SUNDAY EVERY THURSDAY 9:15 AM - Choir Practice 10:00AM-Thursday Ladies

10:30 AM - Worship Service

11:40 AM - Fellowship Hour

January 310:30 AMEpiphany Celebration

January 57:15 PMInterfaith Study – P.C. G.C.

January 1010:30 AMBaptism of the Lord

January 127:15 PMInterfaith Study – Garden City Jewish Center

January 18 4:00 PMMartin Luther King Day – Office Close

January19 7:15 PMInterfaith Study – GardenCityCommunityChurch

January 25 7:30 PMSession Meeting

January 26 7:15 PMInterfaith Study – Unitarian Universalist Congregation of

Central Nassau


91 Chester Avenue, Garden City, N. Y. 11530-3928

Phone: 516-354-1848 E-mail: Fax: 516-354-1846


Dear Friends,

Happy New Year!

It is hard to believe the year 2016 is here!

I hope that you will set aside some time to pray about your goals and dreams for the New Year. I also hope that you will make attending and participating in worship one of your top priorities in the year ahead.

I invite you to begin putting your faith and priorities into action this week by participating in our Epiphany Celebration in worship.

Epiphany is the Greek word for ‘coming into the light’, ‘appearance’ or ‘manifestations’. It signifies something that was already there, something hidden that makes an appearance, like the sun hidden by the clouds that suddenly appear blazing brightly. In Matthew and John we are reminded that Jesus was always with God even before he made his appearance in human flesh on earth. “In the beginning was the Word and Word was with God and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and lived with us for a while.

The church speaks of Epiphany with a capitol ‘E’ as a special day and season when we celebrate the coming of Christ as an event in the life of the whole world. But the church also speaks of epiphanies with a small ‘e’ as those times throughout the ages when ordinary people like you and me have experienced God in many different ways. We use the word to talk about times when someone or something or some action shows us who Jesus is and help us better understand what it means to be his people, trying to live his way. We may have epiphanies throughout our lifetimes if we are open to the presence of God like the wise men were so long ago.

I also hope that you will strive to participate in the Garden City Clergy Fellowship Study Series this year. We are hosting the first event on Tuesday, January 5th from 7:15 – 9:15. The topic this year is “The Heart of the Stranger”. A member of our congregation Millie Cruz – Campbell is going to share about her work with UNICEF. She has some amazing pictures and video footage to share. I hope that you will come to hear about the incredible work that Millie is doing. It is a very relevant and timely subject. I hope that you will be a part of the conversation and dialogue throughout the month long series.

Also, following worship this Sunday, January 3rd all of our college and young adult students are invited to join me for lunch at The Starving Artist Café at 1045 Tulip Avenue in Franklin Square.

Blessings & Pease in the New Year and Always,

Pastor Wanda