Diane H. Nettles, Ph.D.
250 University Ave.
Keystone #313
California, PA 15419
Current Employment Status: PermanentRank: Professor
Department: Elementary Education/Early ChildhoodAppt. Date: August 1989
Degrees Earned
Doctor of Philosophy
University of SouthFlorida
Curriculum and Instruction in the Department of Childhood/Language Arts/Reading Education
(August, 1987)
Dissertation: “A Study of the Variation in Probing Behaviors of Teachers Across Two Subject Areas and Two Levels of Student Ability”
Master of Education
University of SouthFlorida
Elementary Education (December, 1984)
Bachelor of Science
University of SouthFlorida
Elementary Education (December, 1978)
Experience - Education and Professional
CaliforniaUniversity of Pennsylvania
Department of Elementary Education/Early Childhood
Elementary Education (1989 – present)
Teaching or Administrative Load (most recent three semesters)
Fall 2008
Language and Literacy II (EDE 340, Section 1)
Language and Literacy II (EDE 340, Section 2)
Spring 2008
Language and Literacy II (EDE 340, Section 1)
Language and Literacy II (EDE 340, Section 2)
Fall 2007
Language and Literacy II (EDE 340, Section 1)
Language and Literacy II (EDE 340, Section 2)
Service to Department and University
Member, Portfolio Committee (2007 – present)
Member, Block Committee (2005 – 2006)
Co-Chair, Search Committee (2005-2006)
Member, Curriculum Committee (2005 – present)
Chairperson, New Course Development Committee (2003-2004)
Member, Department Search Committee (2001-2002)
Member, Departmental Retention Committee for NCATE Self-review (1999-2000)
Member, Standard 1 NCATE Review Committee (2005 – 2006)
Service to Professional and Community Organizations
Teacher, Adult Faith Education Class, Center Presbyterian Church, McMurray, PA
(2000 – present)
Volunteer, Fourth grade classroom, McMurrayElementary School, McMurray,
Pennsylvania (2004 – 2005)
Volunteer, Reading Specialist classroom, PleasantValleyElementary School,
McMurray, Pennsylvania (2003 – 2004)
Member, Staff Development Committee, PetersTownshipSchool District,
McMurray, Pennsylvania (2001 – 2003)
Member, Christian Education Committee, Center Presbyterian Church,
McMurray, Pennsylvania (2000 – 2002)
Member, Act 148 Steering Committee, PetersTownshipSchool District,
McMurray, Pennsylvania (2000 – 2002)
Member, Advisory Board for CharleroiAreaSchools and CaliforniaUniversity
Partnership (1997 – 2002)
Current Professional Association Memberships
International Reading Association
Nettles, D., & Diehl, H. (n.d.) More Than Mentioning: A Guide to Explicit Comprehension
Strategy Instruction. Unpublished manuscript.
Nettles, D. (n. d.). The Heart of Classroom Management for Teachers of Literacy.Manuscript
submitted for publication.
Nettles, D. (2007). Toolkit for Teachers of Literacy. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Nettles, D. (2006). Comprehensive literacy instruction in today’s classrooms: The whole, the parts, and the heart. Boston: MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Campbell, D., Cignetti, P., Melenyzer, B., Nettles, D., & Wyman, R. (2007). How to Develop a Professional Portfolio: A Manual for Teachers (4th Edition). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Campbell, D., Melenyzer, B., Nettles, D., & Wyman, R. (2000). Portfolio and Performance Assessment in Teacher Education. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Conferences, Workshops or Seminars Attended
Blackboard E-certification series, California University of PA, December, 2006.
Blackboard Workshop, FPDC, CaliforniaUniversity of PA, August, 2005.
Presentations, Workshops or Seminars Conducted
2008, March. Three Strands of Diversity. ACEI Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
2007, April. Visual Literacy in the College Classroom. National Social Sciences
Association Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
2003, April. Good Books, Good Times: Teaching the Whole, the Parts, and the Heart
With Children’s Literature, 2003 PAEYC Regional Conference.
2002, February. Uncovering Reading Behavior: Assessments for Literacy Instruction.
Inservice workshop, PleasantValleyElementary School, PetersTownship
School District, McMurray, Pennsylvania.
2001, November. Thinking Outside the Box: Encouraging Young Children to Read and Write,
2001 PAEYC Regional Conference, California University of Pennsylvania.
2001, April. Balancing the Process and Products of Reading: A Framework for Teaching
Comprehension. Inservice Workshop, Pleasant ValleyElementary School,
Peters Township School District, McMurray, Pennsylvania.
2000, February. Teaching the Whole, the Part, and the Heart, Inservice Workshop, Peters
Township School District, McMurray, Pennsylvania.
Research Activities, Special Projects & Field Trips
2008, April. Exploring Diversity in the 21st Century, Multicultural Learning Community grant
awarded by the Faculty Professional Development Committee, California
University of PA.
2001, April. Guided Reading Project, a joint project between Charleroi Area Elementary
School teachers and my Language and Literacy II class.
2000, December. Writers’ Festival 2000, a joint project between Charleroi Area Elementary
Consulting Activities
Volunteer Facilitator, National Board Certification application, Mrs. Linda
Sallee, BowerHillElementary School, McMurray, Pennsylvania (2003 - 2004)
Additional Information: Professional Award
2002, March. CaliforniaUniversity of Pennsylvania Faculty Professional Development
Teaching and Learning Merit Award.