Diana L. Di Stefano

Associate Professor

Department of History and Northern Studies Program

University of Alaska - Fairbanks



Ph.D., University of Colorado-Boulder, Summer 2007

Dissertation: “Avalanche Country: Nature, Community, and Culture in the Mountain West, 1834-1910.”

Adviser: Peter Boag

Master of Arts: University of Montana-Missoula, December 2000

Thesis: “There’s Going to Be Hell to Pay? An Evaluation of Tourism in Whitefish, Montana”

Adviser: Dan Flores

Bachelor of Arts: The Colorado College, May 1993, Major: History

Thesis: “Witch Trials of the Seventeenth Century: Man Against Woman and Nature”

Adviser: Anne Hyde


American West, Environment, Disasters

Academic Positions

Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, AK, Fall 2011-present

Assistant Professor of History and Environmental Studies, Bucknell University, Lewisburg, PA, Fall 2007-Spring 2011

Visiting Assistant Professor of History, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA, Fall 2006 -Spring 2007

Publications (Peer Reviewed)

Article: “In Search of the Sublime: Finding Transcendence in the Mountain West, 1880-1920,” Montana: The Magazine of Western History (Autumn 2014): 3-19

Book: Encounters in Avalanche Country, A History of Survival in the Mountain West, 1820-1920, University of Washington Press, the Emil and Kathleen Sick Series in Western History and Biography (Fall 2013)

Article: “Disasters, Railway Workers, and the Law in Avalanche Country, 1880-1910,” Environmental History (July 2009): 476-501

Article: “Alfred Packer’s World: Risk, Responsibility, and the Place of Experience in Mountain Culture, 1873-1907,” Journal of Social History 40 (Fall 2006): 181-204

Article: “Tourism, Industry, and Community Development: Whitefish, Montana, 1903-2003,” Environmental Practice 6 (March 2004): 63-70

Other Publications

Op-Ed: The Seattle Times, “Was the Oso Mudslide Simply an Act of God?” 28 March 2014

Book Review: Michael Childers, Colorado Powder Keg: Ski Resorts and the Environmental Movement (University of Kansas Press, 2012), for Montana: The Magazine of Western History, Summer 2013

Book Review: Devastation and Renewal: An Environmental History of Pittsburgh and Its Region, Joel A. Tarr, ed. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003), for Journal of Economic History 64 (September 2004): 913-914

Encyclopedia Entries: The Donner Party and the Wellington Slide, in Ballard Campbell, ed., Encyclopedia of Disasters, Accidents, and Crises in American History (Facts on File, 2007)

Publications in Progress

Book: Flesh-Eating Frontiers: Cannibalism, Race, and Empire In Nineteenth Century America

Courses Taught University of Alaska-Fairbanks

History of the American West, North American Disasters; Perspectives on History; American Environmental History; United States History, 1815-1877; United States History, 1877-1945; Modern World History; Environmental Thinkers; Sex in Western History

Additional Courses Taught

Frontiers and Borderlands; American Indian Writers; Environmental History; Colonial America; 19th Century America; 20th Century America; History of the Northwest; Foundation Seminar (for first year students); California Environmental History

Conference Presentations

Western History Association Conference, “Flesh-Eating Frontiers: Cannibalism in the Nineteenth Century American Imagination,” Tucson, AZ, October 2013

Thinking Mountains: Interdisciplinary Conference on Mountain Studies, “Encounters in Avalanche Country: Environment, Local Knowledge, and Disaster,” Edmonton, AB, December 2012

American Historical Association Conference, “Claiming Nature Through Risky Behavior: How the Leisure Class Appropriated Mountains and Found Transcendence in the Process,” Boston, MA, January 2011

American Society for Environmental History Conference, Teaching Environmental History Roundtable, Portland, OR, March 2010

Pacific Northwest History Conference, Chair and Comments, “Exploration, Discovery, Expansion, and World View: Myth and Reality,” Tacoma, WA, April 2007

Western History Association Conference, “Avalanches and Railroad Worker Identity: Natural Disasters and the Culture of Risk Taking in British Columbia,” St. Louis, MO, October 2006

Organization of American Historians’ Conference, “Who’s To Blame? Risk and Responsibility in Avalanche Country, 1859-1893,” Boston, MA, March 2004

American Society for Environmental History Conference, “When Play Becomes Big Business: the Impacts of Fifty Years of Skiing in Whitefish, Montana, 1946-1996,” Denver, CO, March 2002

Invited Presentations

Book Reading: Encounters in Avalanche Country, Third Place Books, Seattle, WA,

9 December 2013.

Book Reading for the Sick Series in Western History and Biography: Encounters in Avalanche Country,University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 29 October 2013.

Book Reading: Encounters in Avalanche Country, Tattered Cover Bookstore, Denver, CO, 16 October 2013.

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Seminar, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, “Encounters in Avalanche Country, 1880-1920,” April 2013

Radio Interview, on KFBX, on “Encounters in Avalanche Country, 1880-1920,” April 2013

Social Science Research Group, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, “Claiming Nature Through Risky Behavior: How the Leisure Class Appropriated Mountains and Found Transcendence in the Process,” April 2012

Anthropology Colloquium, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, “Flesh-Eating Frontiers: Cannibalism in the Mountain West, 1846-1874,” September 2011

Focus the Nation (environmental “teach-in”) at Bucknell University, “The Human-Nature Relationship and the Future of Sustainability,” January 2009

ITEC Seminar, “Using Film in the Classroom,” at Bucknell University, January 2008 and 2009

Focus the Nation (environmental “teach-in”) at Bucknell University, “Historical Response to Environmental Crisis and a Historian’s Response to the question of “Can we afford NOT to stop global climate change?” January 2008

31st Annual Montana History Conference, “Debunking the Devil’s Bargain in Whitefish, Montana,” Whitefish, MT, October 2004

27th Annual Montana History Conference, “There’s Going to Be Hell to Pay? An Evaluation of Tourism in Whitefish, Montana,” West Yellowstone, MT, November 2000

Grants and Awards

Summer Sessions Travel Grant – University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2013

Travel Grant, Dean’s Office – University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Spring 2013

Travel Grant, Provost’s Office – Faculty Development, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2012

Arthur T. Fathauer Chair, Endowed Chair (revolving chair, one year position), University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2011-Spring 2012

Participant in National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Institute: Nature and History at the Nation’s Edge: A Field Institute in Environmental and Borderlands History, Summer 2009

John Topham and Susan Redd Butler Faculty Research Award, Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, 2009

Dean’s Travel Grant, Bucknell University, to attend the Western History Association Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, Fall 2008

Dean’s Travel Grant, Bucknell University, to attend the Association of Environmental Historians’ Conference, Boise, ID, Spring 2007

Research Grant, Bean Fellowship, Department of History, University of Colorado, Boulder, 2004-2005

Research Grant, Charles Redd Summer Grants for Graduate Students, Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, 2004

Washington Foundation Award for Historical Excellence, Montana Historical Society, October 2000

Examples of Service

Elected to Faculty Senate, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2014-Spring 2017

Appointed to Faculty Development, Assessment, and Improvement Committee, Fall 2014

Facilitator, Faculty Learning Community: Strategies for Early Career Faculty Success (through the Office of Faculty Development and the Provost’s Office), University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2014-Spring 2015

Facilitator, Faculty Learning Community: Teaching Strategies for Early Career Faculty (through the Office of Faculty Development and the Provost’s Office), University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2013-Spring 2014

Curriculum Council, College of Liberal Arts, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2012-Spring 2015

Committee on the Status of Women, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, Fall 2012-Spring 2015

Co-Chair, Department of History, University of Alaska-Fairbanks, ad-hoc committee on Curricular Development – Spring 2013- present

Composition Council, Bucknell University, 2010-2011 (writing curriculum review)

Faculty Advisory Committee for the McKenna Summer Environmental Awards (grant

awarding committee for faculty and student research), Bucknell University, 2007-2011

Environmental Studies Steering Committee, Bucknell University, 2007- 2011

Campus Greening Council, Bucknell University, appointed to 3 year term in spring 2008

Environmental Studies Committee, Pacific Lutheran University, 2006-2007