DIAMOND SPONSORSHIP - $10,000 (Value $14,990)
- 1 Affiliate Membership
- 4 Dedicated E-Blast Advertisements to membership (1 per quarter)
- Logo and hyperlink in footer of all electronic member communications (E-Blasts)
- Logo and hyperlink on NJMGMA website home page
- Exhibit Booth/Table at all NJMGMA Educational Events (Quarterly Seminars, 2 locations each, including 2 booth personnel)
- Signage at Registration Desk of all NJMGMA Quarterly Educational Events
- Premier Exhibit Booth at the Annual Practice Management Conference
- Additional sponsorship at PMC up to $2000
- Full Page Ad in PMC Program Book
- Signage at PMC
- Consideration for Speaking Engagement at PMC
- Affiliate Golf Outing Hole Sponsorship and 2 Golfers
- Member Webinar
- E-Blast to membership announcing sponsorship
- Newsletter article announcing sponsorship and ad
- Industry exclusivity at Diamond Level
PLATINUM SPONSORSHIP - $7,500 (Value $9,490)
- 1 Affiliate Membership
- 2 Dedicated E-Blast Advertisements to membership (1 per half year)
- Logo and hyperlink on NJMGMA website sponsor page
- Exhibit Booth/Table at all NJMGMA Educational Events (Quarterly Seminars, 2 locations each, including 2 booth personnel)
- Signage at Registration Desk of all NJMGMA Quarterly Educational Events
- Exhibit Booth at the Annual Practice Management Conference
- Full Page Ad in PMC Program Book
- Signage at PMC
- E-Blast to membership announcing sponsorship
- Newsletter article announcing sponsorship and ad
- Industry exclusivity at Platinum Level
GOLD SPONSORSHIP - $5,000 (Value $6,295)
- 1 Affiliate Membership
- 2Dedicated E-Blast Advertisements to membership (1 per half year)
- Logo and hyperlink on NJMGMA website sponsor page
- Exhibit Booth/Table at two NJMGMA Quarterly Educational Events (2 locations each, including 2 booth personnel)
- Exhibit Booth at the Annual Practice Management Conference
- E-Blast to membership announcing sponsorship
- Newsletter article announcing sponsorship and ad
SILVER SPONSORSHIP - $2,000 (Value $2,950)
- 1 Affiliate Membership
- 2 Dedicated E-Blast Advertisements to membership (1 per half year)
- Logo and hyperlink on NJMGMA website sponsor page
- Exhibit Booth/Table at one NJMGMA Quarterly Educational Event (2 locations, including 2 booth personnel)
- E-Blast to membership announcing sponsorship
- Newsletter article announcing sponsorship
REGISTRATION INFORMATION: Choose your contact person carefully. This person will receive ALL communications and is listed as your organization’s representative in our Vendor Directory.
Contact Name TitleOrganization Business Type/Product
Mailing Address City State
Zip Code Phone Fax
E-Mail Address* Website
Select Sponsorship:
Diamond ______Platinum______Gold______Silver______
Enclosed is Check# ______in the amount of $ ______payable to NJMGMA.
Charge $ ______to the following credit card: □ MasterCard □ Visa □ AMEX
Card Number Expiration Date Security CodeBilling Address
Cardholder’s Name (Please Print Cardholder’s Signature