Body Parts Bingo Part 1 – Lesson Plan
Class level: Elementary – High school / Lesson Time: 55 minutes
English level: Beginner to Advanced / Expected number of students: 20 - 40
Context: The names of body parts.
Teaching aids: White/chalk board to draw a simple body diagram for labeling, body diagrams- one with English labels, one with English & Korean labels, and one with blank labels, and a soft foam ball or small soft object to be used as a hot-potato for calling on students.
Learner objectives:
For all students to be able to use English to state the names of body parts. Practice correct pronunciation. / Teacher aims:
Involve all students in an engaging lesson.
Teach a fun lesson with a game that adapts to the learner’s abilities.
Procedure / Phase / Timing
Before class starts, draw a simple diagram of a body on the board so that you can label it when the students say the body parts they know.
Ask the students what body parts they know. Point out on your own body the parts the students say and repeat loudly and clearly what they tell you so that all of the students can hear their answers. Also label the diagram with the body parts the students say.
Review the body parts flashcards. Distribute the body charts if the class needs them. (If you are teaching in South Korea you should learn to read Korean. It is a very easy language to learn and you can learn to read and write in Korean in less than three hours.) Read the body parts in English with the class.
(1) The class reads the flashcard.
(2) The teacher models the correct pronunciation by reading the body part.
(3) The students re-read the body part.
*Advanced and intermediate students will likely ask you to label additional common body parts such as calf, tongue, eye brow, etc.
** It is helpful to have the students write their names on the diagram charts and collect them at the end of the lesson so that the very useful diagram charts can be reused with the same class for another lesson.
Make student bingo boards.
1. Demonstrate to students how they need to each fold a piece of 8 inch by 11 inch bond paper four times to get their papers folded into nine squares of equal size for their Bingo game board. (See the diagram below this lesson plan).
2. Have students make their bingo game cards by randomly writing one body part from the diagram into each of the nine game spaces of their folded paper.
Play body parts bingo with the class.
Go around the classroom and allow each student to select the chosen body part for that turn. Play enough times so that each student has had a turn at being picked to choose at least one body part for the game.
***Students can mark their called squares by placing a small check in the corner of the called square. The teacher should demonstrate how to make a small mark in the called square so that the cards can be used for multiple games throughout the lesson.
Two types of bingo.
Start by playing one or two games that are won by the students having three called body parts in a row on their bingo card.
Continue the body parts bingo lesson by playing Blackout Bingo, where to win the game, all body parts on the card must have been called.
When a game is won, the student who called bingo needs to read the body parts they have on their card that won them the game.
At the end of the game erase the labels you have on your diagram drawn on the board. Toss the foam ball around the room to different students. A student who catches the ball has the choice of saying a body part and the teacher will write the label onto the drawn diagram (mostly for beginners) or the student can come to the board and write the label onto the diagram themselves (mostly for intermediate and advanced students). / Engage
Study / 5 minutes
15 minutes
5 minutes
10 min minutes

Diagram of how to fold paper into nine equal sized rectangles:

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