DFW Young at Heart Skiers

Annual Meeting Scheduled at 3:00 p.m.

Meeting Minutes – May 3, 2015

The Annual Meeting of the DFW Young at Heart Skiers convened at the home of Pam and Allen. President Mike Crupi called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. with a quorum of members present.

Mike thanked Pam and Allen for hosting the meeting.

Kathy read the Annual Meeting Minutes from 2014 which were approved unanimously.

Beach passed out Year End Treasurers report and 2015/2016 budget which were approved unanimously. It was explained that club is in good financial shape and that limited funding for travel to TSC bid-fest meetings would be made available for the coming fiscal year.

Pam thanked Mike for being president.

Mike announced the slate of nominees for elected Board positions and appointed positions for the coming fiscal year May 1, 2015 through April 30, 2016.

Mike called for a vote on new officers and appointees. It was unanimously accepted by the membership as follows:

Board of Directors 2015-2016

President Mike Crupi

VP Pam Terrell

Treasurer Beach Aten

Secretary Kathy Aten

Appointed Positions 2015-2016

Webmaster Beach Aten

Newsletter Kathy Aten

Membership Beach Aten

TSC Delegate Pam Terrell

Event Coordinator Paula Thomson/Glenna Day

New Business:

Mike announced the upcoming TSC trips for 2015-2016.

Traditional Jan 9-16, 2016 Snowmass

Winter Shootout Feb 13-20, 2016 Snow Peaks

Final Showdown Mar 5-12, 2016 Lake Louise

Winter Expedition Jan 31- Feb 7, 2016 Quebec

Summer Expedition Sept 24-Oct1, 2016 (10 days) Danube Barge/Bike

He called for a show of hands on which trips the membership is interested in supporting. The membership voted for Lake Louise and Maggie Phillips volunteered to be the trip leader.

Plans are in the works for the Dallas Symphony/Fireworks at Flag Pole Hill for Memorial Day.

Since the YAHS banner has been misplaced, it was decided to order a new one.

With no additional business to discuss the meeting was adjourned at 4:15 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted

Kathy Aten


DFW Young At Heart Skiers