North East HLTA Partnership

North West HLTA

HLTA assessment

Guidance about funding of the assessment process

April 2011

Yorkshire and Humber HLTA Consortium

HLTA status

Higher Level Teaching Assistant status is a national award involving an agreed assessment process carried out by a Regional Provider of Assessment. Anyone who is interested in achieving this status has to undertake a set assessment process to determine that they are able to meet all of the HLTA standards in their normal everyday practice. This process is designed to ensure consistent and high standards across the whole country. Once successful HLTA candidates are registered on a national database and receive a certificate from the Secretary of State for Education.

HLTA assessment cannot be carried out in any other way than as stated above.

The HLTA assessment process

All those engaged in working towards HLTA status are expected to undertake a needs analysis against the HLTA standards and on the basis of the outcomes either undertake training and gain experience to meet their development needs or move straight to assessment against the standards.

The needs analysis may be arranged by the LA but if not candidates need to complete the attached application and needs analysis documentation before being considered for HLTA assessment

If you are considering HLTA assessment it is important that you note the following information:

  Candidates must be employed by a school

  Candidates must have the support of the Headteacher and teacher colleagues

  Candidates must already have Level 2 qualifications in Literacy and Numeracy (copies of certificates to be attached to application)

  Candidates must engage in the equivalent of three full days of preparation before being assessed

Funding of HLTA Assessment

At the current time the Training and Development Agency is only agreeing to fund assessments for a period of two months in advance and it is likely that in the future no central funding will be available for HLTA assessments. It is therefore important that contingency plans are in place for the RPA to recover the cost of assessments for all HLTA candidates.

HLTA assessment can be arranged directly with ourselves as the Regional Provider of Assessment (RPA) either by an individual or by a school. In addition LAs may broker this process on behalf of schools and individuals. If you are from a maintained school then it is worth contacting your LA in the first instance. In all cases it is necessary to agree the method of payment before assessments are arranged.

Cost of the process

HLTA assessment currently costs £540 + an administration fee of £50 if we are involved in the needs analysis process

The cost of the three days preparation is separate to the above (approximate cost £300). This has to be carried out by a registered Provider of Preparation (PoP). Please see Annex 4 (Page 12) for information about PoPs in your locality. Candidates need to complete all three preparation days.

Confirmation of funding is required as follows:

Applications made to the Carnegie Partnership directly (using Self Fund document)

Annex 1 To be completed by candidate from an Independent School etc. (Page 9)


Annex 1 To be completed by candidate working in an LA maintained school where the LA is no longer processing applications/arranging groups. (Page 9)

Applications made to an LA/PoP

Annex 2 To be completed by the LA to confirm they will pay the RPA the assessment fee (assuming the LA have already invoiced candidates for this). (Page 10)


Annex 3 LA to make arrangements for this form to be handed to candidates at Day One of Preparation. Candidate must complete and return their form at Day Two.

Preparer to attach Form to F17 (along with certificates) and send to RPA. (Page 11)

Invoicing Process

Candidates will be invoiced after Preparation Day Two.

If candidates withdraw between Day Two and Day Three they will be charged £50.

If candidates withdraw after Day Three they will be charged £180.

Making an application

If you wish to make an application for HLTA assessment either contact your LA representative or complete the attached application and needs analysis and submit to:

Dr Gillian Tricoglus

Project Manager, Regional Provider of Assessment

Carnegie Leaders in Learning Partnership


Headingley Campus



Further information about HLTA can be obtained from the TDA website:

Application for HLTA Assessment

Part 1

Title (tick one) / Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other
First name(s) / Family name
Residence name/number:
County: / Postcode:
Contact telephone number: / Contact e-mail address:
Do you have a literacy or English qualification at Level 2 or higher e.g. GCSE English at grade A-C or you have passed the National Adult Literacy test? / Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know [ ]
Do you have a numeracy or mathematics qualification at Level 2 or higher e.g. GCSE at grade A-C or you have passed the National Adult numeracy test? / Yes [ ] No [ ] Don’t know [ ]

Please list your academic and/or vocational qualifications

e.g. 4 GCSEs at grade A-C, 2 A levels at grade A-E, Diploma in Childcare and Education

Qualification/Award / Grade / Year
What is your current job title?
When did you start your current role? / (MM/YYYY) __/____
What is the average number of hours you work in your current role per week? / ____ hours
Name of school/organisation:
County: / Postcode:
Telephone number: / e-mail address:

Please tick the boxes that best describe your employer: (Tick all that apply)

£ / Primary school / £ / Secondary school / £ / Nursery School
£ / Special school / £ / Middle School / £ / Other educational institution

Part 1 continued

In your current post, how much time, if any, have you spent working in the classroom with the following? (Please tick one box per row) / None / Less than 6 months / Between 6 months and 2 years / Two years or more
Early years pupils (foundation stage) / ¨  / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Primary school pupils (key stages 1 and/or 2) / ¨  / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Secondary school students (key stages 3 and/or 4) / ¨  / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Post 16 students / ¨  / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
a) Have you worked with school pupils in any of the following areas? (Please tick all that apply)
b) Which areas are you most interested in working in? (Please tick a maximum of three)
a) Have worked / b) Would like to work / a) Have worked / b) Would like to work
Art / ¨  / ¨  / Media Studies / ¨  / ¨ 
Business Studies or Economics / ¨  / ¨  / Modern Foreign Languages / ¨  / ¨ 
Citizenship / ¨  / ¨  / Personal, Social & Health Education / ¨  / ¨ 
Design and technology (including Food Technology and Textiles) / ¨  / ¨  / Physical Education / ¨  / ¨ 
Drama (including dance) / ¨  / ¨  / Psychology / ¨  / ¨ 
Early Years / ¨  / ¨  / Religious Education / ¨  / ¨ 
English / ¨  / ¨  / Science / ¨  / ¨ 
English as an additional language / ¨  / ¨  / Social Science/Studies
Special Educational Needs / ¨  / ¨ 
Geography / ¨  / ¨  / Music / ¨  / ¨ 
History / ¨  / ¨  / Other / ¨  / ¨ 
Information and Communications Technology / ¨  / ¨  / Please specify other:
Mathematics / ¨  / ¨ 
In the past six months have you worked with: / Yes, when a teacher is present / Yes, when a teacher is not present / No
Individual pupils? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Small groups of pupils? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Whole classes? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Have you had experience of: (Please select one option per row) / Yes, usually on a weekly basis / Yes, occasionally / No
Helping teachers to plan and prepare lessons? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Providing feedback to pupils about their learning? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Providing feedback to pupils about their behaviour? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Monitoring pupils’ progress? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Helping teachers to evaluate pupils’ progress? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Keeping records of pupils’ progress? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Guiding the work of other adults supporting teaching in the classroom? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 
Working with pupils using ICT? / ¨  / ¨  / ¨ 

Part 2

Candidate’s statement
Please write a brief statement (no more than 200 words) explaining why you think that you are suitably qualified and experienced for HLTA assessment

Invoice details

Please give details of the individual or organisation to be invoiced for the cost of assessment

Town or city / Postcode
Candidate’s declaration
The information I have given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.
Name: Date __ / __/____

Part 3 Head teacher’s section

Please note

Candidates for assessment are anticipated to be competent in demonstrating all of the HLTA standards at time of application. The assessment does not provide, or include, developmental training in any of the standard areas and therefore candidates unable to meet any of the specified standards would not be suitable for assessment at this time.

HLTA standard 11 GCSE Maths and English

Certificates seen Yes ( ) No ( ) Photocopy of certificates attached Confirmed ( )

Acceptable qualifications- ONLY the following (or above) are acceptable for Maths/ English (or Numeracy/ Communication):

GCSE grade ‘C’, Key Skills level 2, Adult Literacy Level 2, Adult Numeracy Level 2, GCE ‘O’ level Grade ‘C’, CSE Grade 1

Fitness and Suitability to Teach

Candidate meets the requirements of Circular 4/99 Physical and Mental Fitness to Teach Yes ( ) No ( )

Candidate has a current Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check Yes ( ) No ( )

Needs Analysis

Candidate has completed the needs analysis against the standards for HLTA status Yes ( ) No ( )

Copy attached Confirmed ( )

HLTA standard 31 - whole class teaching Provide examples of candidates experience of whole class teaching.
State which class(es) the candidate has experience of whole class teaching, when the candidate undertook or undertakes whole class teaching, duration of the session of whole class teaching and how often (frequency) this has happened during the previous 4 school terms,

Do you consider the candidate to be suitable for Higher Level Teaching Assistant status? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Are you willing to support the candidate during the HLTA programme?

A) Three days of preparation ( )

B) Assessment Visit ( )

Have you agreed to provide funding for the candidate’s assessment? Yes [ ] No [ ]

Head teacher’s declaration and signature

I have read the completed application form and confirm to the best of my knowledge the information provided is accurate.

Signed: Date / /

Title Initial(s): Family name:

Equal opportunities monitoring form

We are committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all applicants. We will monitor the profile of those undertaking training and the outcomes of the training by using the information provided below. Information from this form will not be used for recruitment or selection purposes.

1 04 11

1) Ethnicity

How would you best describe your ethnicity? (Please choose ONE section from A to E, and then tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background)

A White
 British
 Irish
 Any other White background,
please write in ……………………
B Mixed
 White and Asian
 White and Black African
 White and Black Caribbean
 Any other Mixed background,
please write in ……………………
C Asian or Asian British
 Bangladeshi
 Indian
 Pakistani
 Any other Asian background,
please write in………………………………...
D Black or Black British
 African
 Caribbean
 Any other Black background,
please write in ……………………………
E Other ethnic group
 Chinese
 Any other background,
please write in ………………………………
2) Gender / Male / Female
3) Age
4) Do you consider you have a disability? / Yes* / No

*If yes, how would you describe your disability?


The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) defines a disability as a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial (i.e. more than just trivial or minor) and long term (i.e. which has lasted or is likely to last 12 months or more) adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities.


Annex 1 Applications made to Carnegie Partnership directly

Purchase Order

To be completed by individual/organisation responsible for the cost of HLTA assessment.

HLTA Candidate Name
HLTA Candidate School Name
Invoice Name
Invoice Address

An invoice will be raised in full after Day 2 of Preparation.

Payment can be made either by Cheque or Credit Transfer. (unfortunately we cannot take payment by credit/debit card).

Declaration and Signature

I confirm that I will pay the total of £590 (£540 HLTA Assessment and £50 Self Funding Fee).

Signed: ______

Print Name: ______

Date: ______

Annex 2 Applications made to an LA/PoP

Purchase Order

To be completed by Local Authority contact

Invoice Name
Invoice Address
Candidate Name / Candidate School / Assessment Fee

An invoice will be raised in full after Day 2 of Preparation.

Payment can be made either by Cheque or Credit Transfer. (unfortunately we cannot take payments by credit/debit card).

Declaration and Signature

I confirm that I will pay the total of £540 HLTA Assessment Fee for each candidate

Signed: ______