June 2004doc.: IEEE802.11-04/0670-00

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Conference Call Minutes Task Group K June 16, 2004


June16, 2004


Paul Gray
AirWave Wireless, Inc.
1700 El Camino Real Suite 500

San Mateo, CA94025
Phone: 650-286-6107
Fax: 650-286-6101


Teleconference Minutes for Task Group K.

Detailed minutes follow:

Wednesday, June 16, 2004 – 8:30 AM Pacific

  1. Chair calls the conference call to order at8:30AM
  2. AttendancePaine, Gray, Kwak, McGovern, Black, Qi
  3. Trouble with Webex, so we are going to work without Web conferencing software.
  4. We are working off of Revision 12 of comment resolution.
  5. Editorial Comment Resolution

Comment #169 – Clause Johnson

Problem - Missing description of Element ID

Remedy –Mirror after definition from Site Report Element

Comment – P28, L10

Comment – The element ID text has not been incorporated from 11h. The suggestion is not to include element ID text.

Comment – It is included on PG28, L10.

New Remedy – modify PG28, L10 as appropriate

Resolution – accept – instruct editor make change as described above in New Remedy

Comment #170 – Clause – Black

Problem - P28, L6 broken reference

Remedy - Fix reference.

Question – wasn’t Simon Black cleaning up Site Report including changing the Site Report? Is Simon intending on bringing forth a presentation at the next meeting.

Comment – Tim Olson volunteered to rework this section.

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above.

Comment #171 – Clause7.3.2.26 - Black

Problem - P28, L8 Figure 0-2- there are five fields in the quadruplet

Remedy - Make a quintuplet, of define a site report entry and have zero or more of those in the site report element.

New Remedy - Make a quintuplet, or define a site report entry and have zero of more of those in the site report element

Resolution –accept – instruct editor to make change as described

Comment #174 – Clause - Black

Problem - P29, L10 Reference to channel band table.

Remedy - Correct the reference

Resolution –decline – Already fixed in D 0.16

Comment #175 – Clause – Black

Problem P29, L13 BSSID rather than BSSgID and 'The PHY type is encoded' rather than 'will be encoded'

Remedy - Fix editorials

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above.

Comment #177 – Clause – Johnson

Problem - Better Wording on p28, l5-6

Remedy - Replace "canidates to which STAs can roam to." with "roaming canidates for a STA." or "BSS transistion canidates for a STA."

New Remedy – Replace "candidates to which STAs can roam to." with "roaming candidates for a STA." or "BSS transition candidates for a STA."

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above

Comment #178 – Clause - Johnson

Problem - Replace all "quadruplets" with "quituples" - 3 occurences on p28, l 11-12

Remedy - Replace all "quadruplets" with "quintuplet"

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above

Comment #179 – Clause - Johnson

Problem - Correct Figure Reference

Remedy - Correct Figure Reference

Resolution – decline – already fixed in D 0.16.

Comment #180 – Clause – Johnson

Problem - Add Channel Band to the list

Remedy - Add Channel Band after Current Channel on p28, l10 and p28, l13

New Remedy – Replace current channel and PHY type with current channel, channel band, and PHY type on P28 L13 and P28 L16

Resolution –accept – instruct editor to make change as described in New Remedy.

Comment #181 – Clause – Johnson

Problem - p28, l15 - replace “;”with“:”

Remedy - replace semicolonwithcolon

Comment – 802.11 Editor will have a mandated style

Resolution –accept – instruct editor to make change as described above

Comment #183 – Clause

Problem - p 29, l8 - delete line

Remedy – delete blank line

Resolution – accept –instruct editor to make change describe above.

Comment #184 – Clause – Johnson

Problem - p 29, l10 - Define editor TBD

Remedy – Should be Figure 0-2

Resolution – accept – same as Comment #174

Comment #185 – Clause - Johnson

Problem - p 29, l13 - Fix BSSID

Remedy - Replace BSSIgD with BSSID

Resolution – accept – addressed with Comment #175

Comment #187 – Clause - Olson

Problem –Table and length description says quadriplets when there are five fields.

Remedy - Update to be quintuplets.

Resolution – accept – no action needed because addressed with Comment #171

Comment #188–Clause - Olson

Problem - Some APs support multiple SSIDs so the ESS match bit should be true if the AP supports the SSID and not just advertised it.

Remedy - Change the word "advertises" to "supports"

Comment – there are 2 paragraphs with advertises in it

Comment – P28 L20 and is only taking about the ESS.

New Remedy – Replace the word “advertise” to “supports” on P28 L20.

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described in New Remedy

Comment #189 – Clause – Olson

Problem - The BSSID match status field table does not specify bits 2, 5 and 6.

Remedy - Indicate that bits 2, 5 and 6 are reserved.

Comment – should be 0,1,2

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above

Comment #190 – Clause - Kracz

Problem –page 29, line 13 "BSSIgD" typo

Remedy – edit

Resolution – accept – no action needed same as Comment #175

Comment #195 – Clause 7.4.2 - Johnson

Problem – Change Five to Several p30, l11 and remove five p30, l12

Remedy - Change Five to Several p30, l11 and remove five p30, l12

Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above

Comment #196 – Clause 7.4.2 – Olson

Problem - Eliminate Disassociation Imminent from Table 20f since no longer part of specification

Remedy - Eliminate Disassociation Imminent from Table 20f

Resolution – accept – already changed in D 0.16

Comment #197 – Clause 7.4.2 – Olson

Problem - Eliminate Disassociation Imminent from Table 20f since no longer part of specification

Remedy - Eliminate Disassociation Imminent from Table 20f

Resolution – accept – already changed in D 0.16

Comment #199 – Clause – Black

Problem - Various editorials: P31, L9 Table 1 should be Table 19a P31, L11 Table 5 in 7.4.1 should be Table 20f in 7.4.2 P31, L9, L11, L13 remove 'equal'

Remedy - Fix editorials
Resolution – accept – instruct editor to make change as described above.

Comment #200 – Clause – Black

Problem – P31 L7 Figure 0-4 SSID IE should be SSID P31, L15 first sentence of the final paragraph of is badly written.

Remedy - Correct figure and replace indicated sentence with: The SSID element may be included to request a site report for a specific ESS.

Resolution – accept – already fixed in the D 0.16

Chair officially ends the meeting at 9:30 AM.

Minutes TGk page 1Paul Gray, AirWave Wireless, Inc.