Welcome 1

Our Philosophy 2

Our Program 2

Developmentally Appropriate Programming3

Our Facility6

Our Staff6

Enrollment 7


Method of Payment8

Drop in Care for Enrolled Children8

Drop in Care for Non-enrolled Children 8

Late Payments9

Returned Checks9

Absence 9

Special Tuition Rates9


Tuition Costs on Days When Your Child Does Not Attend10


Parent Communication11

Behavior Guidance12


Accepting Diversity13

Meals and Snacks

Infants and Toddlers 14

2 years and older 14

Children with Special Dietary Needs 15

Birthdays/Special Occasions 15

Health Information

Nap and Rest - Infants 16

Nap and Rest - Toddlers 16

Nap and Rest - Preschoolers 16

Physical Examination 16


Illness of Children 17

Communicable Diseases 17

Medication 18

Medical Log18

Diapering/Toilet Training 18

First Aid18


Children's Arrival and Departure 19

Person Authorized to Pick Up Child 19

Visitors 19

Abuse and Neglect 19

SIDS Training19

Clean Air 20

Insurance Coverage 20

Emergency Procedures





Other Information

Hours of Operation/Revised 22

Telephone Messages 22


Outdoor Play 22

Field Trips 23

Children's Belongings 23

Confidentiality 24

Feedback Suggestions/Grievances 24

Policy for Staff and Child Pick Up and Drop Off24

Center’s Responsibilities24

Parent's Responsibilities24

Who To Go To With Questions25

Area for Notes25

Parent Acknowledgment of and Receipt of Handbook

Parent Copy 26

Center Copy27

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Thank you for choosing Coulee Children's Center as your child care provider. We look forward to getting to know you and your child and providing your child with positive learning experiences and a caring environment.

You are welcome to visit your child's classroom at any time and join us at lunch time if you have the opportunity. Please kindly give us a 24 hour notice if you would like to join your child for lunch so we can accommodate the menu.

You will receive a parent note daily (for children age four weeks to four years) to keep you informed of your child's daily activities. You will also receive an evaluation of your child's development twice a year during a parent/teacher conference.

We are available to meet with you to discuss any question, concern or suggestion you may have that will help us better meet your needs.

Once again, welcome to the Coulee Children's Center. We are glad you have joined us.

Angie Wells

Program Director

Kessea Lucey

Assistant Program Director

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Coulee Children’s Center, Inc., a provider of child care and early intervention services, proudly empowers and strengthens families by focusing on healthy development and school readiness.

Our vision is to have a community where each child has the best start in life.

Our philosophy for child care and our first priority is to help children build self-esteem through the use of praise and encouragement. Our second priority is to provide a happy, safe and comfortable environment in which children can increase their skills in various areas. In each classroom, we adopt a primary caregiver approach, where there is one or two primary teachers in each classroom providing care for your child. This way each child can create a secure attachment with their teacher.

Coulee Children's Center is designed to provide quality child care for children of all abilities. Our philosophy is based on the concept of "full inclusion" in order for children to have the opportunity to learn and accept differences among individuals.


Coulee Children’s Center is a licensed, group child care facility that is regulated by the Department of Health and Social Services. We are licensed to provide care for up to 125 children ranging in age from four weeks to twelve years of age. The center is open from 6:00 AM to 5:45 PM, Monday through Friday, year round. The center is closed, however, on the following major holidays:

-New Year’s Day

-Memorial Day

-Fourth of July

-Labor Day


-Christmas Eve Day

-Christmas Day

In the event that a holiday falls on a Saturday, the center will be closed on Friday. If the holiday falls on a Sunday, we will be closed on Monday.

Should the center need to close due to a situation or emergency during regular business hours when children are in attendance, parents/guardians will be notified by the center staff to come and pick up their children immediately.

In order to respect all families in our program, there will be no religious practices in our daily activities.

Coulee Children’s Center has live fish in certain rooms. Should an additional pet be added, all parents will be notified in writing prior to the addition to the center.


At Coulee Children's Center we recognize your child as a unique individual with a special set of interests, needs and abilities. Our self-paced individualized program is designed to promote your child's emotional, social, intellectual and physical development. Our center tries to accommodate all children regardless of challenges presented due to a developmental disability. We make every attempt to adapt our program to fit theneeds of the child rather than expect all children to fit into an already established program.

Each classroom teacherprepares weekly thematic lesson plans developmentally appropriate for their class utilizing Creative Curriculum™. Your child will have the opportunity to choose among activities, giving him or hera chance to make decisions. This ability to choose helps enhance your child's self-esteem and positive self-image. Staff will have a programmed activity planned for the children that allows them to make choices and interact with children during the first two hours and the last two hours of the day.

We encourage all children to be active learners - to explore and move about freely. Coulee Children's Center's child-friendly environment encourages your child to participate in the following activities:

* active play* science and nature* reading and

* creative movement* pre-reading and pre-math listening

* music and art* quiet play


Infant Rooms:

The most important need of a young infant is to form a secure and nurturing relationship with their caregiver. At Coulee Children’s Center we make sure that our infant rooms are designed to help build upon this need for security. A crying infant is attended to as immediately as possible. The teachers also make sure to spend one on one time with each child each day.

Non-mobile infants are moved about throughout the room to provide them with a variety of different developmentally appropriate activities. “Tummy time” is also made available each day.

Feeding and sleeping times are based upon each child’s individual need and home routine. Parents of infants are asked to communicate frequently with their child’s teachers to be sure that everyone is on the same schedule.


Typical Daily Schedule -Infants

6:00-8:00 / Play Time (Free Play)
8:00-8:30 / Breakfast
8:30-9:00 / Diaper Changes
9:00-10:00 / Outside/Go for a Walk
10:00-10:30 / Circle Time
10:30-11:00 / Play Time/Art
11:00-11:30 / Lunch
11:30-12:00 / Diaper Changes
12:00-2:30 / Nap Time
2:30-3:00 / Snack
3:00-3:30 / Diaper Changes
3:30-4:30 / Outside (on playground)
4:30-5:45 / Play Time (books, songs, games)

Toddler Rooms:

In our toddler rooms a lot of focus is put on promoting cooperation through play. The teachers also help to increase the toddler’s language and social skills by guiding them to “use their words” and properly express their feelings.

Self-help skills are encouraged, mainly in the areas of eating, dressing, and toileting.

A wide array of materials and equipment provide a balance of dramatic play, sensory, large and small motor activities, and active and quiet times.

Typical Daily Schedule – Toddler Rooms

Arrival-8:30 / Free Choice
8:30-8:50 / Breakfast
8:50-9:00 / Diapers
8:50-9:30 / Structured Play Time
9:30-9:45 / Circle Time
9:45-10:00 / Art
10:00-10:30 / Directed Play
10:30-11:15 / Outside Time
11:30-12:00 / Lunch
12:00-12:20 / Diapers/Quiet Time on cots
12:20-3:00 / Nap
3:00-3:15 / Snack
3:15-3:30 / Diapers
3:30-4:15 / Outside Time
4:15-Pick Up / Free Choice (indoor play)

Preschool Children:

At this age, there is a lot of focus put on establishing positive, cooperative relationships with peers and adults through a variety of small and large group activities.

Self-esteem is promoted by planning and implementing activities that the children can complete successfully. Self-sufficiency is also fostered by allowing the children to have more input as to day to day activities. Language and listening skills continue to develop through books, songs, conversations, and daily meetings. Daily schedules are posted in each classroom, however find below a sample of one our room’s schedule.

Typical Daily Schedule – Preschool-Aged Rooms

8:30-9:00 / Breakfast
9:00-9:45 / Outside
9:45-11:30 / Circle Time / Stations
11:30-12:00 / Lunch
12:00-12:15 / Story Time
12:15-3:00 / Nap Time
3:00-3:50 / Snack/Free Time
3:50-4:30 / Outside Time


School-Aged Children:

School-aged children are encouraged to help in the planning and working together with the teachers to create a positive learning environment. Time is allowed for children to learn through active involvement in various learning experiences with one another. They are allowed to work individually or in small informal groups for much of their time. They are allowed more freedom to work independently and in groups under the supervision of adults. Tasks are assigned to teach the children responsibility for themselves and others. Team activities with cooperation, not competition, are encouraged.


Our facility has both carpeted and wood areas to provide for soft quiet places and areas that allow for easy clean up. Children nap, eat and play in their classroom areas. Each room has ample space and resources to foster a positive learning environment for all children.

We have three separate playground areas at our site that serve both infants and preschoolers; one for children under age 2 and two for children age 2 and older. This provides a safer outdoor play area for the little ones.


Our staff consists of early childhood professionals committed to a philosophy of a positive early childhood experience.

Each teacher is fully qualified, according to the Department of Health and Social Services (DHSS) Rules for child care centers. Many have Associate or Bachelor degrees. Coulee Children's Center provides additional staff training to teach our philosophy and the unique characteristics of our program. All full time staff are required to participate in a minimum of 25 hours of early-childhood related continuing education each year. Part time staff are required to participate in 15 hours per year.

All teachers are also currently certified in CPR and AED training, Child Abuse and Neglect, Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention, and SIDS training.

Teachers are selected based on good references, resourcefulness, positive attitude and a commitment to providing care for children of all abilities.

The Early Intervention Program staff can be available to work with child care staff as needed on education, speech, language, occupational and physical therapy concerns of children with exceptional needs.



Parents and children are encouraged to visit our center before enrollment. During this visit, parents may tour the center with the Program Director, observe our staff, and learn about our program. Visiting the center gives parents and their children an opportunity to become acquainted with the center and gives center staff the opportunity to get to know them better, also.

Coulee Children’s Center provides care for children four weeks of age to twelve years. No child will be refused enrollment on the basis of race, religion, or disability.

The following items must be completed and returned to the center by the first day of attendance:

-Emergency Card

- Form DCF-0062, “Child Care Enrollment”

-Form DCF-2345, “Health History and Emergency Care Plan”

-Form DCF-61, “Intake for Child Under 2-Years-Child Care Centers” (if applicable) to be updated 4x/year

-Coulee Children’s Center Child Care Contract

-Infant Meal Notification (for children under one year of age)

-Household Size and Income

-Signed acknowledgement of receipt of this handbook

-Photo Release

-Form DCF-60, “Child Health Report” (must be returned signed and completed by a medical professional within 3 months of the child’s first day of attendance)

-“Day Care Immunization Record” (must be returned signed and completed within 30 school days of the child’s first day of attendance”

Parents will need to furnish:

For infants (approximately four weeks to one year of age)

diapers, wipes, bottles (labeled with child's name - 1 clean bottle per feeding is required),blanket, pacifier (if desired) and an extra change of clothing

For toddlers (one to two years old)

diapers, wipes, blanket, cot sheet (crib sheets work best), sippy cup labeled, pacifier (if desired) and an extra change of clothing

For Pre-Schoolers/School-Agers (age two to twelve)

cot sheet (crib sheets work best) or sleeping bag, blanket and anextra change of clothing



Coulee Children’s Center is a nonprofit organization which operates primarily from the tuition fees received from each family. Fees must be paid for the days and hours your child is scheduled to attend unless holding days have been requested and approved at least one week prior to anticipated absence. There is a supply of forms on the parent information bulletin board located in the reception area. Full-time only is provided for children under the age of 2. Full and part time schedules are available to children ages 2 and over. Please inquire with the Program Director for availability and current pricing.

A registration fee of $25.00 is due in advance annually on January 1st. It is not refundable. The first year, however, will be prorated.

Method of Payment

Each family requesting ongoing care is required to sign a tuition contract which states thehours and times the child is registered for care, the rate for that care and the paymentschedule. In order to ensure proper credit to the account, the check or money ordershould be made payable to Coulee Children’s Center with the child’s and parents fullnames in the memo portion of the check. Tuition checks should be put in the payment slot in the reception area. Please be sure to review any invoice you receive asthere may be additional information noted such as drop in charges, holding credits, registration fees orcontract changes due. You will not receive an invoice unless your amount due is differentthan your contract rate. In addition to traditional methods of payment, you can now payby electronic funds transfer (EFT), VISA or Mastercard. If you decide to enroll in our EFT option with a checking account, there is an additional 2% discount off of your childcare costs.

Drop In Care for Enrolled Children

Care can be provided on an “as needed” basis depending on staff and space availability for children (and/or their siblings) enrolled in child care. This care may be available in addition to care already contracted for. Parents need to complete a “Drop-In” request form which is located near the payment slot area. TheProgram Director will contact the parents to inform them if there is space available.

Please leave the completed form for the Program Director’s approval with the receptionist. If approved, your child care costs will be billed to you. Siblingdiscounts if applicable and partial day rates are available for families of enrolled children.

Drop In Care for Non-Enrolled Children

Drop in care will be provided for non-enrolled children depending on staff and space availability. Payment is due when the child is dropped off. There are no partial day rates or sibling discounts for families of non-enrolled children for the first day of drop in care. This is due to the administrative time it takes to set up the account.


Late Payments

For accounts that have a balance in excess of $20 on Mondays at 5:45 (Tuesday if the center is closed for a holiday on Monday), there will be a $10.00 late charge incurred. Any account that carries a balance greater than two weeks of weekly tuition will jeopardize your child’s placement. It is your responsibility to pay your contracted tuition amount each week. The only time you will receive a statement is if the amount owed differs from your contracted amount (i.e. drop-in, holding, field trip, etc.).

For county funded families, we will do our best to keep you informed of your balance via updated statements. You will need to pay your subsidy amount utilizing your “My WI Child Care” via telephone or internet. At no time, should you give your card or pin number to a CCC staff.

For families that are currently set up with a bi-weekly schedule, you may continue this schedule without penalty. However, if payment is missed or late, your late fee will be doubled ($20) to cover two late payments. We will not allow any payment schedule to exceed a two week time period (i.e.: monthly payments are not allowed unless they pay two weeks in advance, making the amount due at any time not to exceed two week’s tuition).