Development of Autonomous Organizational Based Messaging System


Hassan Aftaband Imran Shafi

Abasyn University, Pakistan


Fast and accurate information is of prime significance in the field of Communication. In this regard, diverse messaging techniques have been projected. In this paper, A Matlab based autonomous messaging system is proposed which will convey message to group of people’s such as all managers or employees regarding Official matters. In this proposed system a GSM based communication system is interfaced with PC using serial port or USB port cable. This system includes feedback to broadcasting authority such as will periodically send message to important recipients until they reply with code 1.When all codes are received final confirmation will be send to Broadcasting Authority. In addition this, at any instance broadcasting authority can disregard confirmation and move to next important message.This system is design keeping in view a cheap solution for augmenting communication within companies. In addition to this, this is novel implementation of sending and receiving SMS using MATLAB.

Development of Autonomous Organizational Based Messaging System


Communication is of vital prominence and information if passed on time with accuracy, will improve decision making process in a great way. Messaging System conjured from smoke warning to letter through herald and from Morse coding to cellular networks. Sole purpose of all these systems was to pass on information accurately and efficiently. Next step for all these systems is encryption techniques for secure communication which was discussed by A. Medani (2011).

Different applications of messaging systems were proposed in last decade. Cheung (2008) proposed that SMS as a retort medium in classroom trials while Richardson (2009)came up with an idea of using SMS as a way of interacting between students. They can share important notices, share results and also broadcast remainders. Further to same concept, Simon (2009) proposed SMS based learning environment.Sadeque(2011) proposed low cost home security system using GSM based messaging system. Logging is very important aspect of messaging system and Kreps (2011) came up with an idea of distributed messaging system for logging. Recent uses of messaging systems are alarming commonalities before disasters and Mahmud (2012) analyzed such system for developing countries.

In this paper a MATLAB based autonomous messaging system is proposed which will convey message to all managers or all employees with feedback. In remaining sections of this paper proposed algorithm will be discussed followed by experimental results. The paper will conclude with conclusion and references.

Proposed Algorithm

The proposed algorithm required many important parameters such as automated results, sending and receiving messages using MATLAB and interface of MATLAB with GSM based device. Putty software was used initially for checking serviceability of GSM device. The following paragraphs will cover all these important aspects.

Figure 1. Putty connected with GSM based board for serviceability check

After confirmation of connectivity GSM based board using putty software next step is to use MATLAB for establishing connection with GSM based board. In this regard, initially set important parameters for GSM using MATLAB commands are executed. First Important parameter is establishing serial link using Com port on which GSM based device is like for example com port 6 is used. Other important parameters for GSM connection may be set according to requirements:-:-

s = serial('COM6')………………………………………..(1)

set(s, 'BaudRate', 9600, 'StopBits', 1)…………………….(2)

set(s, 'Terminator', 'CR/LF', 'Parity', 'none')……………...(3)

set(s, 'FlowControl', 'none')………………………..……..(4)

set(s, 'ReadAsyncMode', 'continuous')…………………...(5)

After setting important parameters next step is to check if it is decorouslyconfigured. After confirmation, configure the GSM module for SMS Reception in Text Mode. For this purpose ‘AT’, ‘AT+CMGF=1’, ‘AT+CSCS’are initialized shown as follows:-

tx ='AT'………………………………………………(6)


tx2 ='AT+CMGF=1'…………………………………(8)

tx3 ='AT+CSCS="GSM"'……………………………(9)

In MATLABfprintfis used for sending commands via serial port to GSM device. There is a pause of one second between commands so that reply from GSM device can be substantiated. Char(13) is employed for executing each command in serial communication shown as follows:-










Up till now serial communication is covered using MATLAB which first time implemented for sending Messaging. Flow Chart below explains remaining portion for development of autonomous based messaging system:-

Figure 2. Flow Chart for development of autonomous messaging system in MATLAB

Experimental Results

The developed graphical user interface was tested on core i3 using MATLAB R2011a version. Each portion of this GUI was tested and results were optimized. Initially, Control Panel buttons were checked such as Connect GSM, Disconnect GSM, Close and Hide buttons. User can connect using the option provided ‘Connect’ and if user want to disconnect the connection with GSM device he can simply press ‘Disconnect’ button which will only be enabled when user is connected with GSM. Hide button is used for hiding all right hand side panels.Figure 3 shows control panel of GUI:-

Figure 3. Control panel in graphical user interface

Afterwards, Message Log window with log history and reset log buttons were also checked. Message log window will display all-important messages with feedback from all managers. Log history will show all message history using Diary command in a text file while reset log will reset Message log window. Figure 4 shows message log window with log history and reset log buttons. Telephone number of broadcasting authority and all managers can be entered in edit boxes and once they are entered, they will be stored as default numbers until next time changed. Figure 5 shows edit boxes for entering numbers. All users will reply with code 1 for confirmation. If confirmation is received from any manager edit box will turn green otherwise will be of red color.

Figure 4. Message log window with log history and reset log buttons

Figure 5. Edit box for entering telephone numbers.

Finally, each portions were merged and complete graphical user interface was tested shown in Figure 6:-

Figure 6. Main page of graphical user interface in MATLAB


The proposed software is an autonomous based messaging system which will keep sending messaging to important recipients until they reply with code 1. It isa cheap solution and will empower companies to communicate faster and reliable. In addition to this, this is first time implementation of sending and receiving SMS using MATLAB previously code is available in C or C++.


Cheung, S. L. (2008). Using mobile phone messaging as a response medium in classroom experiments. Journal of Economic Education, 39, 51-67.

Richardson (2009).The blended discourse of SMS communication in a mobile student administration system.Proceedings ascilite Auckland.

Simon(2009). The development of a SMS-based teaching and learning system.Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 2(1), 113-124

A. Medani (2011). Review of mobile short message service security issues and techniques towards the solution. Scientific Research and Essays Vol. 6(6), pp. 1147-1165.

Sadeque(2011).Design and implementation of low cost home security system using GSM network. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 3, Issue 3.

Kreps (2011).Kafka: a distributed messaging system for log processing. NetDB'11.

Mahmud (2012). SMSbased disaster alert system in developing countries: A usability analysis. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Management Studies, Vol.2 Issue 4.