26th April 2017

CAT group

Developing the CAT group across the county:

Where are we now? We are predominantly a female group, hitting our upper age limit of 25, lots of older members. Supposedly Ipswich centric but need to branch out into the West.

Strengths: listening to each other, being open minded, we are proactive, stuff gets done.

Moving forward: increasing numbers, getting other young people and professionals around the table. Keeping in touch and having regular contact between meetings. Ways to contact: WhatsApp group, text messages, emails, dropbox for files. Branching out into the West, and making a group/ recruiting in the West and replicating in the North. Identify contacts for each area. Leaflets with 6 months of dates on. Promote network in schools either by doing assemblies or by going into a PSHE lesson.

How would we like to extend The Source live chat?

Face to face or online are the best options are for support. Wouldn’t want telephone. Texting service works well.

Question 1: registering should be an option. Registering is a good option as then people know who they are talking to and what your triggers are etc. Possibly have it where you’ve used it 3 times and then you can register.

Question 2: open from 9pm when household quietens down, continues until 3/4am. Open at weekends, and possibly public holidays such as Christmas as these are difficult times.

Question 3: preferably text- but staff may not know how to respond to certain texts, as words may get lost in translation or wrong interpretations. Adults are going to ‘have to get clever’, check out ChildLine Chat. Needs a read/ typing feature. Worker’s initial reaction needs to be positive without being patronising such as ‘I understand how you are feeling’.

Question 4: mystery shopping. After a certain amount of sessions, have a ‘rate your feelings’ as a marker along your time with the service.

Action plan:

  • Information sharing: WhatsApp; Maddie to explore (04/05/2017), email; Maddie to look at dedicated email, text.
  • Schools work to promote the CAT Network: Newmarket; Susie and Vikki will attend weekly groups(Esme to come with Susie and Vikki to Newmarket sessions), Farlingaye; Alana to email Vikki with contact details and Vikki to make contact (31/05/2017),schools in the North; Susie to contact Rose, posters, and leaflets; Susie to email Maddie about promotional materials.
  • Vikki is visiting Coville House in Lowestoft with Rose and Julia; Vikki to promote the CAT network at this group.
  • Ambassadors for the CAT Network: Esme and Alana!