Developing Quality RelationshipsBooking Form
Developing Quality Relationships (DQR) is a 2¼ hour workshop usually with a 15 minute break midway and can be delivered in an evening or a half day. It can be combined with other training on that day and a full day rate be charged.
Name of Church or Organisation: / ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Contact details: / Name: ......
Address: ......
E-mail Address:......
Tel Number: ………......
Name of PCUK Trainer:
Is your Church or Organisation a member of
or affiliated to, Pastoral Care UK?
Are you an individual member of Pastoral Care UK? / YES / NO / Membership No
Date & times requested / ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Training venue address: / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Approximate number of
Will participants be from a single or multiple church(es)/organisation(s)?
Training facilities & materials : Are the following pieces of equipment available at the training venue (please tick) / YES / NO
Flipchart (stand and paper)
A screen for projecting presentations
A projector for connecting to a laptop to make presentations
A laptop
Small tables for groups
Estimated Trainers Expenses (see Schedule of Fees p3) / Travel expenses (vehicle) / Estimated miles:
Estimated cost:
Travel expenses (public transport) / Estimated cost:
Overnight accommodation (where appropriate) / Estimated cost:
Total estimated expenses:
DQR booklets
Each participant will require a DQR booklet @ £1-00 per booklet. Your trainer will be in touch near the date to see how many participants are likely and the number of booklets to provide which will be added to your invoice following delivery of the workshop.
For office purposes only: / Number of DQR booklets provided / Total cost:
Arrangements for multiple deliveries of DQR(where appropriate) / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
A deposit is required at the time of bookingfor each workshop or multipledeliveries of workshops, as per schedule of feesp3. Please ensure that you have enclosed a cheque for the appropriate amount, made payable to ACC. The deposit isnon-refundable if the workshop or training event is cancelled less than 14 days before it is due to be delivered. An invoice for the balance will be immediately issued after delivery.
Invoice billing contact and address if different from that shown above: / …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: / ......
This booking form and deposit should be sent to Pastoral Care UK, Association of Christian Counsellors, 29 Momus Boulevard, Coventry CV2 5NA Contact email address:
Schedule of Fees for the delivery of PCUK’s Developing Quality Relationships Workshop
Trainers Fee / £175
See notes 1 and 2 below / £200 / £250
Trainers Travel Expensesby car / 45p per mile
Trainers Travel Expenses by public transport / Public transport costs to be reimbursed at cost
Trainers Accommodation
Expenses / Where the location of the course, venue or the delivery option, make it necessary for the trainer to stay in overnight accommodation, the church or organisation will be expected to either provide the accommodation or reimburse costs, which will be set at a maximum of £75 per night.
DQR booklet / The DQR booklet will be provided through the PCUK trainer for each participant at a cost of £1 per booklet.
Deposit / £30 / £40 / £80 for overnight
- Please discuss with us if you feel that your church or organisation cannot afford this. If you are able to afford the amount and are able to give a little more to help otherswho cannot that would be greatly appreciated.
- 10% Discount for ACC Affiliate members.