Developing a Reasoned Judgment: Fact vs. Opinion

World History, Mrs. Bernard

NAME: ______

Directions: Archaeologists develop “reasoned judgments” based on the objects they find. However, what makes a fair judgment? Should judgments be based more on facts or opinion?

Fact: A statement that can be proven

Opinion: A statement of personal preference

PRACTICE EXAMPLES of FACT vs. OPINION: For each statement below, write if it represents a fact or an opinion.

1. The Twin Towers in New York City were destroyed on September 11, 2001.

Fact or Opinion? ______

2. New York is the most beautiful city in the world.

Fact or Opinion? ______

3. New Yorkers are cranky and impatient people.

Fact or Opinion? ______

4. There are multiple layers of subway tracks below the surface of New York City.

Fact or Opinion? ______

5. The Phantom of the Opera is the best Broadway show ever produced.

Fact or Opinion? ______

ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXAMPLES of FACT vs. OPINION: Below is a description and list of findings from a cave located in Murcia, Spain known as “Sima de las Palomas”. Use the evidence to determine if each statement is a FACT or OPINION.


In 1991, geologists and archaeologists found layers of sediment containing many different plants and animals, including humans.
In 1994, archaeologists began excavating the cave shaft beginning with the upper layers of the sediment fill (dated to 35,000 - 60,000 years ago) and working down. Since then, they have uncovered fossil remains of panthers or lions, wild horse, deer, ibex, hyaenas, hippopotamus, elephants, rhinoceros, aurochs, tortoise, and a variety of bird species. Analysis of pollen samples suggested mild, moist conditions.
They have also recovered evidence of humans in the caves. The found a range of stone tools, which archaeologists often believe were made by the human ancestor called Neanderthal. / stone tools: scrapers, flat triangular projectile points, awls, hammerstones and flakes
150 fossilized bones and teeth: skulls, jaw bones, hands, feet, rib cages, vertebrae, pelvic bones, etc.
9 different human remains found from infant to adult
Burnt bones of animals and stone tools found near to the human remains
The skeletons were covered in stones

REASONED JUDGMENTS: Are the following statements based more on fact or opinion? You will decide if each “reasoned judgment” is fair. A fair judgment is based on facts, not opinions.

1. The humans living in the cave were probably hunters because they had sharp, stone tools.

Fair Judgment? (Y or N) ______Why or why not? ______


2. The humans living in the cave were able to make fires to cook because there were burnt animal bones found alongside the humans.

Fair Judgment? (Y or N) ______Why or why not? ______


3. The humans had some beliefs about life and death (religious or spiritual) because there were stone rocks on top of the human skeletons.

Fair Judgment? (Y or N) ______Why or why not? ______


4. The humans living in the cave had an easy life because there were lots of animals around to kill for food.

Fair Judgment? (Y or N) ______Why or why not? ______


5. The humans living in the cave are likely between 35,000-60,000 years old because that is the age of the plants and animals found directly around the skeletons in the sediment.

Fair Judgment? (Y or N) ______Why or why not? ______
