Developing a Care, Learning and Play Procedure

Practitioners must consider the individual needs, interests and stage of development of each child in their care and must use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for each child in all of the areas of learning and development – Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage – 2017:9

The procedure should include:

Ø  The documentation followed when planning for children’s education from 0-5 years, i.e. Early Years Foundation Stage.

Ø  The individual responsibilities of all staff associated with children’s learning, and how staff are aware of children’s individual needs, i.e. key person system.

Ø  How parents are made aware of the key person system and how information about individual children is shared with the child’s parent/carer.

Ø  The prime and specific areas of learning and how these interlink with each other.

Ø  How staff plan and provide activities to ensure all children’s learning is identified and children are able to build on their own experiences whilst progressing them towards the next steps.

Ø  How the children’s educational programme is monitored by staff to ensure all children’s needs are being catered for and met and all children are moving forward, i.e. observation and assessment. How often these are completed, where they are stored and who holds this responsibility and how these are shared when a child moves on.

Ø  How staff ensure children’s independence is being promoted, i.e. Independent snack, free flow play, accessible resources, personal hygiene.

Ø  How staff observe and identify the characteristics of effective learning and use this information to support children’s next steps in learning and development

Ø  Resources and equipment that are available to all children and are accessible to all to ensure that children’s individual learning is met and promoted.

Ø  The procedure to ensure that the outdoor area is used to its full potential and is specified on the settings planning as an active part of the children’s day.

Ø  The promotion for equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice ensuring that every child is included.

Ø  How children with Special Educational Needs and children with additional needs are fully included in the planning for care and education.

Ø  The types of support the setting receive from outside agencies in regards to all children’s care and education, i.e.

  Early Years Consultant Teacher

  Quality Officer

  Pre-School Inclusion

  Health Visitors

  Speech and Language Therapists etc.


Ø  How the education and care of a child is a two way process between staff and parents and how the setting ensure that parents/carers are involved in their child’s care and education and how the views of the parents inform the planning.

Ø  The procedure to follow to ensure children who require rest/quiet time are able to do this, how this is organised and how this area is monitored.

Ø  How the setting ensures that children’s learning is based on play opportunities, with an equal emphasis on child initiated and adult led activities.

Ø  The procedure the setting follow for carrying out two year old progress checks and how the setting work in partnership with parents and health professionals

Ø  The process for carrying out peer observations and who holds the responsibility for ensuring thee are carried out

The procedure should be reviewed:

Ø  At least annually.

Ø  The procedure needs to be signed by the registered person, include reviewed dates and the next review due date.

Ø  If any changes are made to the procedure when reviewed the staff and/or parents need to be informed.

Links to other policies & procedures


Visits and Outings

Parents as Partners

Safeguarding Children



Recording of \information

Staff Training and Development

This information is provided for guidance only. It is your responsibility to ensure that all statutory legal guidance is adhered to. Consideration needs to be given to any changes in legislation subsequent to the production of this information.

S:/Childcare/Debbie C/ Policies & Procedures – 18/04/17