Ankit Mishra

Endless desire to learn and ability to work incessantly helps me in staying confident of achieving my goals. Also, strong inter-personal skills and ability to adapt to different situations make me a very good team player.

Combine with this my life aspiration helps me to set high standards for my self and my repertoire.

Degree / Institution / Year of completion
B.Tech (CSE) / IIIT, Hyderabad / 2004
Senior Secondary / Scholars Home Dehradun / 1999
Secondary / TranslamAcademyMeerut / 1997

Internship and Experience:

Developed WAP applications for
Various projects under faculty members at IIIT.


  • Programming Languages: C, VC++, java, Lisp, Prolog ,Scheme ,VHDL , C#
  • Operating Systems: Windows 9x/ME/2K/XP, GNU/Linux.
  • DBMS: mySQL.,Oracle 8i
  • Internet: HTML, CGI, Perl, jsp,JavaScript, HTML, XML, Flash 5, Java-applets.
  • Libraries: Qt, TK,Java-Swing
  • Others: GIMP, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Java-servlets.
Developing programming tools for wireless hardware(Final Year Project)
Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
July 2003 – April 2004 / 2 / Improvement on present existing tools / Using PDA tools
It’s a Research oriented (Microsoft funded project) which requires improvement and development on Smart Phone and other hand-held devices.
PDMS- A pharmaceutical database management system
Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
Jan 2002 – March 2002. / 2 / Planning and design of the Database including building of ER-models and Normalization. / JAVA, JAVA-Swing, JDBC, Oracle-8i.
A database management system was designed and built a Pharmaceutical store or a company.
Clairvoyant - In Networks and Security
Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
April 2003 – June 2003. / 2 / Research based on current loop holes and security breaches in Linux and protocols. / C,Perl,Perl-TK, Linux, Networks and emailing protocols
Tool for running commands and file transfer on remote server guarded by highly secure firewall.
Intelligent Mail Grabber
Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
July 2001 – Dec. 2001 / 1 / Development of complete web-based interactive solution for emails. / Perl,Flash, Networks,CGI,Jva-script
SMTP, IMAP, POP3 and ssl mail client on the web, currently deployed on various sites across the internet.

Cryptography toolkit

Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
Jan 2003 – April 2003 / 2 / Cryptography Algorithms and their implementation. / VC++
This project was undertaken to address the issues of network intrusions and cryptanalysis of information exchanged over the web. It will help us to encrypt our documents and emails using the best cryptographic algorithms available nowadays. It enables sniffing of network packets as well.
Currently under test-use at DRDO.

Website on Universe

Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
July 2001 – Dec 2001 / 2 / Web-Site for age group 12-18. / Flash 5,html.javascript

3, 7) redundancy check cyclic encoder-decoder

Duration / Team Size / Role / Technical Environment
July 2002 – Dec 2001 / 2 / VHDL Application / VHDL
Redundancy check cyclic encoder-decoder using VHDL.


  • Financial module for Library management system at IIIT, Part of software engineering.
  • Printer driver for Linux platform
  • Took mock-oracle software corp. to ISO-9000 certification part of Software quality in practice course with guidance from Industry people.
  • Network monitoring tool, developed using Winpcap libraries and JAVA.
  • Toolkit to draw single line diagram of a Substation in a power plant (Under guidance from GE).
  • FYP (Final Year Project) - To learn about merits and demerits of wireless LAN, Establish Wireless LAN (IEEE 802b compliant) in our campus and develop various applications to go with it including a Database Access library for a PDA.
Personal Details

Date of birth: 29-01-1982.

Languages Known: English and Hindi.

Campus Placement: Currently having job offer from Infosys technologies.

Miscellaneous Interests

I have a keen interest in Art and painting, winning all-India camel contest and several other prizes at different levels. Also won some awards in Quizzes at various levels. Active participation in English and literature competitions. Participated in BQC and ET Business quiz. Apart from being a die-hard follower of Formula - 1 car racing and European Football, I have actively participated in various sporting events. I have represented in volleyball at different levels.

Being an extensive user of net, my hobbies include surfing, computer games, Reading all kinds of books and magazines, Meeting new people, working on my General Knowledge and learning attributes of economy & stock markets.


  • Dr. M.B.Srinivas - Associate Professor, I.I.I.T – 23001967 –
  • Dr G Ramamurthy – Professor ,I.I.I.T Hyderabad -

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