Section: Administrative

/ Policy Number: 2.19
Title: Patient Bill of Rights / Page: 1 of 3
Approval Date: 10/07


The day-to-day interactions of our providers and staff reflect the fundamental concern and respect for your rights as a patient of Detroit Community Health Connection.

Your rights provide that you....

•Have the right to considerate and respectful care.

  • Have the right to receive information on Advance Directives.

•Have the right to obtain from your provider complete current information concerning your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms you can reasonably be expected to understand.

•Have the right to receive from your provider information necessary to give informed consent prior to the start of any procedure and/or treatment.

•Have the right to refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law and to be informed of the medical consequences of your action.

•Have the right to every consideration of privacy regarding your own medical care program and plan.

•Have the right to expect that all communications and records pertaining to your care should be treated as confidential.

•Have the right to expect that within its capacity a health center must make reasonable response to the request of a patient for services.

•Have the right to obtain information as to any relationship of this health center to other health care and educational institutions insofar as your care is concerned.

•Have the right to be advised if the health center proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation affecting your care or treatment.


Section: Administrative

/ Policy Number: 2.19
Title: Patient Bill of Rights / Page: 2 of 3
Review Date: 01/07

•Have the right to expect reasonable continuity of care.

•Have the right to examine and receive an explanation of your bill regardless of source of payment.

  • Have the right to receive pain management when appropriate.
  • Have the right to contact the Center Director, Supervisor or designee if you have any questions or complaints about your services.
  • Have the right to contact the Joint Commission if concerns cannot be resolved through DCHC.

•Have the right to know what health center rules and regulations apply to your conduct as a patient.


You are responsible for...

•Following the health center rules and regulations affecting your care.

•Providing a complete and accurate medical history including symptoms of pain.

•Asking questions when information provided to you is unclear about what you are expected to do or what care will be rendered.

•Following the recommendations and advice prescribed in a course of treatment by the provider.

•Expressing concern about your ability to follow recommended course of treatment, if any.

•Being considerate of the rights of other patients, health center staff and property.

•Providing the health center with accurate and timely information concerning sources of payment and ability to meet financial obligations.

•Timely payment of your portion of the health center bill.


Section: Administrative

/ Policy Number: 2.19
Title: Patient Bill of Rights / Page: 3 of 3
Review Date: 01/07

Making your own choices:

•A Guide to Help You Understand Advance directives

•You have the right to make choices about your health care.

There is a law called the Patient Self-Determination Act. This law in Michigan states that health care organizations have to ask you about something called “Advance Directives.”

What are Advance Directives?

If you are ever unable to make your own health care choices or to communicate what you want to do, other people will have to make choices for you. Advance Directives are a way to let your family; friends and health care providers know your wishes to receive — or not to receive- medical care and treatment. An Advance Directive is a legal document, which protects your right to make your own choices. It gives you the power to control your own care. More information can be provided to you if requested. Please ask for the Case Manager or the Health Center Director for more information.

It is important to give a copy of your Advance Directive to your provider so it can be included in your medical record and your wishes followed accordingly. However, as an ambulatory clinic, DCHC does not directly adhere to Advance Directives but assists you in ensuring that your wishes are made clear in the instance you are unable to verbalize your wishes. This step ensures that if ever hospitalized, your wishes are clearly written and therefore understood and followed.