Details on the European data requested:

  1. In the following questionnaire we would ask you to fill in your total consolidated logistics revenues as well as tonnage and shipment data for the respective years. Please exclude revenues of non-logistical businesses here (e.g. automobile trade, trade businesses, earnings of other corporate business units). In line 15 we ask for your “total corporate revenues” which also comprises non-logistical revenues. Cash flows from tax, customs clearance, cash on delivery, etc. should not be considered as revenues.
    Moreover, we ask you to supply your market segment revenues for Europe. Revenues of the 14 market segments (lines 1-14) should sum up to your European logistics revenue in 2016in line 0(sum of lines 1-14 for Europe = logistics revenue Europe in line 0).If the revenue figures for the market segments specified in lines 1 to 14 are not available, estimations are appreciated. Revenues of small segments (approx. < € 5m) may be disregarded and added to larger segments.
  2. We would be very grateful if you could also tell us the allocation of your European logistics revenues to different industrial branches (Automotive, Chemical, FMCG, Machinery, Electronics, Construction, Metals, Others). Please fill in the cells on the right hand side of the table with the percentage share of each industry for the respective market segment (the nine values should sum up to 100 percent for each market segment).
  3. From line 16 to 17 we would like you to fill in broad figures about your logistics resources. Therefore rounded estimates are sufficient. Please fill in only those resources that your company uses itself (no subcontractors!).
  4. As last time, we would like to ask you for your expectations regarding the development of your own company and the whole European logistics market within the next two years. Therefore, please complete lines 18.1 and 18.2 (annual development in percent).
  5. Furthermore, we would like to consider the logistics revenues on a country-based level. Therefore, please fill in the table on the second page of the questionnaire (lines 19.1 to 19.44). If certain countries, in which your company generates logistics revenues, are not in the list, please add the countries and the respective turnover.

Many thanks for your support.

References to the definition/differentiation of the market segments:

Line 1: Bulk logistics
Transportation of primary industries’ goods in quantities larger than a truckload or wagon load. Especially mineral oil based and chemical products, agricultural products, iron and steel and structural material transported via barges, pipelines, in part- or block trains or truck-fleets with e.g. tanker or silo.

Line 2: General Truckload (FTL)
Ramp-to-ramp transportation of dry-bulk and staple goods in a weight range up to approx. 25 tons, carried by normal trucks or trains, no special equipment needed.

Line 3: Specialized Truckload, Crane Services for heavy goods
Truckload transports of heavy goods which are carried out with special equipment. Furthermore, this class includes also crane services as well as related services, especially for the construction industry and the capital goods industry.

Line 4: Specialized Truckload for liquid and bulk goods
Truckload transports of liquid, powdery and bulky goods with special equipment, especially chemical goods, petroleum products, cement or grain.

Line 5: Truckload with other specific equipment
Truckload transports, national and cross-border, carried out with special equipment. In particular this market segment covers vehicle transports, transportation of flat glass, transport of animals, refrigerated transports, and volume transports with jumbo trucks / vehicles.

Line 6: Less-than-Truckload (LTL)
Transportation of individually labelled dry-bulk and staple goods in a weight range between 30 kg (smaller deliveries are CEP-market, see below) and approx. 2,500 kg., bundled in unit load depots and transported with non-specialized trucks and trailers (unlabelled, article-referredtransports of consumer goods / branded articles refer to line 8).

Line 7: LTL-Network Transports and Value-Added-Services for special goods
Specialized transport and logistcs services for specific general cargo / groupage goods (e.g. High-Tech, high value products, exhibition goods, furniture and removal transports as well as hanging garments). Moreover, this class also includes transportation of household appliances (white goods) which require specific handling / treatment and the provision of hub-networks with specialized equipment, personnel and loading units.

Line 8: Consumer Goods Distribution
Logistics services, performed in specialized systems for consumer goods production or retail.

Line 9: Industrial Contract Logistics
Logistics services, performed in specialized systems for industrial goods production and retail, including complete systems for spare parts for e.g. automobile or electrical equipment industries.

Line 10: Warehousing and Terminal Operations
Inventory services and „value-added“ logistical services, as long as they are not part of a contract logistic alliance (lines 8 & 9), harbour’s handling and storing services, packaging services, etc.

Line 11: CEP - Package courier, normal and specialized express delivery services
Transportations in the weight range below approx. 30 kg, unless they cannot be assigned to line 6 „Less-than-Truckload“.

Line 12: Ocean Cargo
Carriage by ocean.

Line 13: Air Freight
Carriage by air.

Line 14: Mail
Transportation and complementary services (collection, sorting, distribution, etc.) of letters and other printed materials with a total weight of less than 1 kg. Mail services , in particular those of governmental postal organisations, as well as mass mailings and express mail are assigned to this market segment (as far as these are not part of the CEP market).

Line 15: World revenues/ consolidated revenues/ sum of cooperation partner revenues
Broad specification of overall consolidated revenues (including non-logistics businesses) alternatively, in case of cooperation-networks, the overall revenues of all partners summed up.

Line 16: Fleet / vehicles
Please only consider vehicles that your company uses itself (no subcontractors).

Line 17: Employees - FTE (Full Time Equivalent)

Logistics revenues(in million €) / Home Country
2016 / Europe
(incl. Home Country) / World
(incl. Europe) / Home Country
2015 / Europe
(incl. Home Country) / World
(incl. Europe) / Home Country
2014 / Europe
(incl. Home Country) / World
(incl. Europe)
0 / Logistics revenues
(invoiced in above-named region)
Allocation of logistics revenues to market segments and distri-bution by industries(in million €) / Turnover per market segment
2016 / Industry focus Europe 2016 in percent / Industry focus Europe
in % / 0% / 25% / 25%
50% / 51%
75% / > 75% / Please indicate your orientation for the industry sectors:
1 / Bulk Logistics / B2B / B2C
2 / General Truckload (FTL) / Automotive
3 / Specialized Truckload, Crane Services for heavy goods / Chemical Industry
4 / Specialized Truckload for liquid and bulk goods / Electronics
5 / Truckload with other specific equipment / FMCG
6 / Less-than-Truckload (LTL) / Machinery
7 / LTL-Network Transports and
Value-Added-Services for special goods / Metal Industry
8 / Consumer Goods Distribution / Pharmaceutical Industry
9 / Industrial Contract Logistics / Textiles & Clothing
10 / Warehousing and Terminal Operations / Others
11 / Courier, Express, Parcels (CEP)
12 / Ocean Cargo
13 / Air Freight
14 / Mail
15 / Total corporate revenues incl. non-log. sales
Tonnage and number of shipments / Tonnage
(in thousand tons) / Tonnage
(in thousand tons) / Shipments
(in thousand) / Shipments
(in thousand) / Containers (TEU)
(in thousand) / Containers (TEU)
(in thousand) / Pallets
(in thousand) / Pallets
(in thousand)
Assets / resources directly employed / 2016
(in corresp. units) / Description / Annotations / Development
logistics market / Your expectations for… (in percent)
2017 / 2018
16 / Fleet / vehicles (number), i.a.:
- trucks, tractors, trailers
- airplanes, ocean/ inland vessels, wagons / 18.1 / Your company
17 / Employees (full time equivalent), i.a.:
- employees company/ group/ holding
- employees office / warehouse / fleet / 18.2 / Total European market
Logistics revenues according to countries(in million €) / Revenues 2016 / Revenues 2016 / Revenues 2016
19.1 / Baltic states - Estonia / 19.16 / Croatia / 19.31 / USA
19.2 / Baltic states - Latvia / 19.17 / Malta / 19.32 / Canada
19.3 / Baltic states - Lithuania / 19.18 / Norway / 19.33 / Russia
19.4 / Benelux - Belgium / 19.19 / Austria / 19.34 / Japan
19.5 / Benelux - Luxembourg / 19.20 / Poland / 19.35 / India
19.6 / Benelux - Netherlands / 19.21 / Portugal / 19.36 / China
19.7 / Bulgaria / 19.22 / Romania / 19.37 / Argentina
19.8 / Denmark / 19.23 / Sweden / 19.38 / Mexico
19.9 / Germany / 19.24 / Switzerland / 19.39 / Brazil
19.10 / Finland / 19.25 / Slovakia / 19.40 / Australia
19.11 / France / 19.26 / Slovenia / Complement further countries if necessary
19.12 / Greece / 19.27 / Spain / 19.41 /
19.13 / United Kingdom / 19.28 / Czech Republic / 19.42 /
19.14 / Ireland / 19.29 / Hungary / 19.43 /
19.15 / Italy / 19.30 / Cyprus / 19.44 /

Final questions regarding the logistics trends:
"Digitalization" represents the transformation of processes, products and services using information and communication technologies. This and other buzzwords are discussed in the
media, also in conjunction with logistics. Please have a look at some final questions. We would be very obliged if you would reply to these questions:

Please mark the appropriate fields with a cross / fully agree / agree / neither / nor / disagree / completely disagree
Digitalization represents a major threat for logistics service providers
Digitalization represents a major chance for logistics service providers
Within the framework of digitalization major investments in logistics will be necessary in the next two years
We run strategic initiatives to manage the trend of digitalization
Please name the most important initiatives if possible:
Logistics startups are considered to be competition for our business
The growing number of market entries of logistics startups represent a major threat for our business
In 5 years the growing number of market entries of logistics startups will be a major threat for our business
Logistics startups are considered to be possible partners for our business to perform better
We run strategic initiatives to innovate our business (e.g. ownstartups, innovation exchange, cooperation, …)
Please name the most important initiatives if possible:
We consider the Brexit as a major threat to our business
fully agree / agree / neither / nor / disagree / completely disagree
Do you encounter problems restraining your company from conducting digitalization projects?
Please name the most important problems or obstacles if possible:
Please indicate the priority for digitalization in your company from 1 (top priority) to 5 (no priority at all): / # 1 to 5