Meadow Lakes Elementary


Principal, Carl Chamblee February 7, 2013

COME ONE, COME ALL TO TONIGHT’S 3rd/4th Grade Concert, “We Americans.” The performance starts at 6:30 pm, but please make sure students are here by 6:15 if they are performing. They will be singing to the Gettysburg Address, learning parts of the Declaration of Independence and much, much more. This should be a fabulous concert and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone here tonight.

Congratulations to our 2013 Spelling Bee Champion, Alyse Schultz, and runner’s up Naomi Essex; 2nd place, and Kaelin Dosch; 3rd place finisher. Both Alyse and Naomi are 4th grade students in Mrs. LaPalm’s class and Kaelin Dosch is a 3rd grade student from Mrs. Reger’s class.

This year we had a total of 14 studentscompete, and following are their grades and names: 3rd Grade: Kaelin Dosch, Lyanna Garver, Shyann Houghtaling, Brennan Lackey, Grace Compton & Madalynn LaFay. 4th Gr: Alyse Schultz, Naomi Essex, Abigail Burke & Alina Zagorodniy. 5th Gr: Toby Ham, Nathan O-Quinn, Elijah Bradley & Mackenzie Kelly.

It takes a tremendous amount of practice and courage to get up in front of an audience of their peers, parents and community members and compete – WE ARE PROUD OF EACH AND EVERONE OF THEM, & APPLAUD THEM ALL!

If for some reason Alyse is unable to participate in the State Bee on March 1st, 2nd place finisher, Naomi Essex, will compete in her place.

Junior Native Youth Olympics, JNYO, State Meet for 5th/6th, 3rd/4th and 1st/2nd grade students: MLE JNYO students are practicing hard for the upcoming state meet at Clark Middle School, in Anchorage, Feb 15, 16 & 17. 5th and 6th Gr students will compete on Friday, 2/15. For Friday’s competition only, a bus will pick them up at MLE at 11:00 am and drive them to Anchorage in time to get to the event by 1:00. A bus will also be available to bring them back to MLE Friday evening. Saturday’s meet is for 3rd/4th gr. students and Sunday’s meet is for 1st/2nd gr. students. Both Saturday and Sunday’s events start at 9 am and will go until approximately 2:00. Students need to have their own transportation, as bussing is not available for Saturday or Sunday’s competitions.

FY 2014 Budget Survey

It’s that time of year again and we are seeking input on the FY 2014 budget. The budget survey is now up and running and can be accessed either from the main page of the District website or by typing in the URL The survey will be up through the end of February. There are 4 Budget Open Houses which are scheduled for February 11th - 14th, from 6:30-8:30 pm. The meetings will be held as follows: 2/11 at the MSBSD Administration building in Palmer, 2/12 at Su Valley Jr./Sr., 2/13 at Birchtree Charter School, and on 2/14 at Knik Elementary. There will be a presentation at each one, and District employees will be on hand to answer any questions that people may have. All parents, staff, and community members are encouraged to participate at one of the open houses and by taking the online survey;your input is greatly appreciated during this process.

Parent/Teacher Conferences & KG Bake Sale, Monday & Tuesday, 2/18 & 1/19 – No School for Students. As a fund raiser for our kindergarten classes, there will be goodies on sale during conferences.

Dr. Seuss Family Night for Mrs. Mickelson’s Preschool Class, Thursday, 2/28, 6 – 7:30 PM.

Did you know….. you can find help and referrals for child care, food, clothing, shelter, domestic violence, legal assistance, job services, substance abuse and much, much more through the United Way? By Calling 211 or 1-800-478-2221 you’ll be connected to trained specialists who’ll be able to connect you with community services that best fit your needs. You can also find help online 24/7 at It’s free and confidential. Alaska United Way, Get Connected.

MLE 3rd – 5th Gr Students Compete at the District Battle of the Books – here are the results: In 3rd/4th Grade we placed 19th and in the 5th/6th Grade group we placed 6th. Congratulations Meadow Lakes Battle of the Books Competitors; 3rd/4th:Justine Debuse, Makenzie Estrada, Brennan Lackey, Jacob Mahoney & Landon Steiner. 4th 5th Gr: Rachel Hartman, Alissa Lingle & Mary Warhus. You all practiced long and hard, persevered and now you shine like SUPER STARS – WE ARE VERY PROUD OF YOU!!!

Dates to Remember:

2/14: Happy Valentine’s Day!!

2/15: 5th/6th Gr JNYO Meet, Anchorage

2/16: 3rd/4th Gr JNYO Meet, Anchorage

2/17: 1st/2nd Gr JNYO Meet, Anchorage

2/18 & 2/19: Parent/Teacher Conferences – No School For Students

2/21: 4th Gr Students NAEP Test, 1:30 – 3:30

3/8: Prof. Dev. Day, No School for Students


3/18 – 3/22: MLE Spring Book Fair