This is a really strong plan and very near approval already. The areas that could use expanding are engineering and social studies – the technology piece is really strong and the history component is good, but I put in suggestions on how to make some expansions to make it stronger and engage the students to know why they are learning about these cultures and the past and how it effects them now and then what they can use of that information to be inventors. Please review my comments, but overall I am impressed by the coordination and well-thought out integrative plan the brought a lot of things together quite well.
My comments in orange need to be amended or accepted, my comments in green are suggestions. I look forward to your revisions!
Show Me the Mummy
STEAM Lesson Brief
Educators on the team:Jennifer Davis, Lisa Meyer, Aaron Ringen, Kelly Tyler, Mary Walters
Trained: August 11 & 12 Town/State: Knob Noster, MO
Students use knowledge from across the disciplines to strengthen their understanding of each subject’s content and its related careers through topic or theme oriented realistic problem-based activity-rich lessons.
Theme: Ancient Cultures
Specific Topic Concept: Ancient Egyptian Cultures
PROJECT IDEA + brief notes & supplies / BASIC CONCEPTSEssential Concepts: Ancient Egyptian Cultures(SS)
One to two sentence synopsis of lesson plan including over-arching verbs that tie to each subject. – Try to write one first, then fill out each section to the right – when those are finalized, make sure that each is condensed and represented in the basic plan and the basic plan is compressed to a short concept statement with key verbs that will draw in EACH subject. (What you would tell a parent succinctly, clearly and simply, that would also attract an educator of any type conducting a google search.
Basic Plan:
What is the engagement piece?
In science, students will replicate the mummification processhow?.on a potato using simplified salt-based techniques… In engineering and math students will create blocks to build replica square pyramids - ?square pyramids??.scale In language arts, students will compose an informative writing using text evidence – about what? . In social studies students will use primary sources to gain knowledge of Egyptian burial practices. How does this relate to current and future, as is, this is only history, not SS In art, students will create anthropoid caskets and demonstrate Egyptian hieroglyphic writing. In PE, students will learn about the movement and proper form for lifting heavy objects. In music, students will listen to a variety of Egyptian themed music. (In technology…. In Engineering...)what? This can be related to the mummy, the pyramid building or creating their own hieroglyphic language or investigating the discoveries of ancient Egypt and how they changed that society and influenced the wider world.
Skill level (Grade Range): 6th grade
Timing of Lesson: 1 month
Each class session is approximately 52 minutes. Are they using this 52 minutes in all the subjects for the month – is there enough work planned in each subject to fill a month?
Basic Supplies:
All Subjects:Trade books on Mummies or Egypt, videos, textbooks – be specific
Individual Subjects:
Science: Mummification process prediction and observation page, plastic cups, potatoes, baking soda, salt, spoons, dark space for processing time.
Technology and Engineering: Marshmallows, Rice Krispies, butter, aluminum pans, toothpicks, wax paper, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, cooking spray, butter knife, cooking pot, spatulas and spoons
Math: Marshmallows, Rice Krispies, butter, aluminum pans, toothpicks, wax paper, aluminum foil, plastic wrap, cooking spray, butter knife, cooking pot, spatulas and spoons
Language Arts: Student copies or electronic copy for display Strategic Education Research Partnership article titled Mummies: Who Owns the Dead? Individual student copies of writing prompt from Strategic Education Research Partnership that correlates with the aforementioned article. Scoring guide is included on the writing prompt paper.
Social Studies:Laminated copies of Egyptian tomb art, notes packet, video from youtube, Walk Like An Egyptian, ancient egypt walk, powerpoint presentation.
Art:Sarcophagus mold, tempera paint, sharpie markers, matting board.
Music: Egyptian music from internet, scientific method parodies
IT Resources:
Smartboard, student computers
Other Resources:
Misc: Parents helped by providing supplies needed to build the pyramids. Students wrote thank you cards to the parents for providing the supplies.
Need references and these should be of things you expect the students to produce or show them to give them idea – so please add to these
/ Science –cool!
· Concepts: Use the scientific method of identifying chemicals changes·
Goal / Objectives -The students will review and use the scientific method and practice writing observations.
· Standards - 07 ME- Identify chemical changes ( i.e. rusting, oxidation, burning, decomposition by acids, decaying, and
baking) in common objects (i.e. rocks such as
limestone, minerals, wood, steel wool, and plants)
as a result of interaction with a source of energy
or other matter.
35 SI - Design and conduct a valid experiment that includes a testable hypothesis, identification of variables, use of multiple trials, and evaluation of experiment to improve or extend
the experiment.
· Careers – Mortician, Chemist, homicide detectives, criminal scientists,
· Project – The students will review and use the scientific process, review chemical reactions, and observations skills while mummifying potatoes with a substance resembling “Natron” a mixture Egyptians used. Please elaborate more on what you expect their mummification process to entail and how the students will be doing this.
· Assessment – Fill out prediction and observation paper and writing if their potato would have successful afterlife or not. Review scientific method process. Students will be assessed on use of the scientific method and the of chemical changes that occur.
· Extension - View this short video that takes students through the actual steps of mummification and gives visuals.
The students will discuss what part of the process they will utilize in their own mummification process. They also can predict and observe for a longer amount of time results for the potato.
Technology & Engineering –
· Concepts – Design and Construct a Pyramid
· Goal / Objectives – Students will be able to measure 2”x2” blocks to build a square pyramid using all the the rice krispie treats.
· Standards - NTLS 9, Engineering and Design
· Careers – architect, construction worker, baker
· Project - Take the recipe from the math section, make the rice krispies by melting the butter, marshmallow and then mixing in the rice krispies. Then they are spread out in a pan and cooled overnight. The next day, the students measure the rice krispies and cut them into blocks. They take the blocks and design their square pyramid. Then, they use any of the extras for added features that they learned about in their social studies class. Students are required to clean up after themselves.
this is heavy on technology and not much on engineering new - adding in an element of that, like replicating and investigating the discoveries of ancient Egypt and how they changed that society and influenced the wider world, orcreating their own hieroglyphic language or using the pyramid concept to build something new.
· Assessment – Students are assessed on their ability to design and create a pyramid which looks the most accurate according to what they learned in social studies about pyramids and includes all the different parts.
· Extension - Students would describe what they would add to make their afterlife better.
Math –
· Concepts – Measure Accurately and Convert Fractions
· Goal / Objectives – The student will be able to find equivalent fractions and measure out specific amounts ingredients to create desired results.
· Standards - 6.NS.1 - Apply and extend previous understandings of multiplication and division to divide fractions by fractions, 6.RP.1 - Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
· Careers – Baker, Chef
· Project – The students are given a rice krispie treats recipe that feeds only 6 people. Then, they have to take the recipe and convert it so that it feeds 48 people. Students will measure out the correct amount of butter and follow the correct process in the recipe. Then they add marshmallows, wait for them to melt, and then mix in the rice krispies. Then they are spread out in a pan and cooled overnight.
Should include the math of building the pyramids – figuring out the scale – measuring and cutting blocks,
· Assessment – Students will be assessed on the correct conversion of the fractions, before they can start cooking their recipe. Students will also be assessed on the measurement of recipe ingredients to create the correct rice krispie mixture.
· Extension - Students will self-evaluate their progress to ensure accuracy in the rice krispie product.
LA –
· Concepts – Informative writing; Students will write an informational piece
· Goal / Objectives - Complete an informative writing piece using text based evidence.
· Standards - 6-8 2.B Develop the topic with relevant well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations or other information and examples
· Careers - Museum Curator, Archeologist, Historian
· Project - Following the closed reading of Mummies Who Owns the Dead?students will compose an informative writing with the prompt “What should be done with mummies when they are found? Why?” Students will use text based evidence to support their ideas.
· Assessment – Students will use their text based evidence in their writing to support their ideas and will be assessed using the scoring guide at the top right of the prompt page to produce a quality piece of informative writing using text based evidence. The scoring guide states that students should include a clearly stated position, 1-2 arguments, 1 counterargument and 2-5 focus words. Students will also be assessed on their use of the text based information and focus words presented in their writing.
· Extension - Students will read a variety of Egyptian/Mummy themed trade books. Students will use a computer to type and/or publish the above mentioned informative writing. Students will also add add correlating illustrations.
Giving them an outcome would make this very good idea stronger
For instance
A debate – or preparing for multiple views on the issue
Having students act in the class as different roles
A scientist
A native
A nearby landowner
A museum curator
An archeologist, etc.
Remediation - Completion of the informative writing piece can be completed with a peer or in a small group.
SS –
· Concepts –Using primary sources to interpret the past.
· Goal / Objectives-Students will analyze Egyptian tomb paintings as a means to understanding Ancient Egyptian culture.
· Standards -SS 1.9, MO PS 6 D & F, MO PS 7 ArtPlease list out the standards.
· Careers -Artist, Art Historian, Cultural Archaeologist or Anthropologist, Museum Curator
- · Project -Introduction with view of Walk Like an Egyptian video with class discussion about pop art, iconic symbols and realism. Tie in to lack of knowledge about Egyptian culture until the discovery of the Rosetta Stone. Students will first observe a tomb painting picture in small groups making a list of the details they see, i.e. colors, movement, positioning, size, etc. Each student will receive a notes packet that they will complete as we examine pictures in a powerpoint presentation beginning with common poses. Descriptors will be read with students using the clues to identify the common poses and label them. Entire class will share correct answers as they are labeled on board. Groups will then examine their pictures identifying the poses and recording them on group sheet. This process will be repeated with rules for painting, use of colors, and special details.
- Also – letting the students investigate the internet for sources to create a class book about the culture – this ‘opens up’ the notes part and you can use the notes as a base and ask them to find references and examples for various points.
- It is very important that the SS Component be reflective on history, understanding of the topics relevance to current times and the student and to also include an element of the student being asked how this project or concept could be relevant to or used in the future,
· Assessment – At the conclusion of the lesson, each group will write an expository paragraph detailing the information they have learned about the picture with proper descriptors of the processes and symbolism of the work and hypothesizing on the purpose of their particular painting and its importance in learning about the culture. Students will be assessed on their ability to use primary sources to detail in writing the knowledge they have learned. Creating a collective book/web page/ppt with each student’s picture and paragraph with hyperlinked highlighted points would be an engaging way to create a common goal for the class. –
· Extension Additional group work with new pictures, not necessarily tomb paintings, could reinforce the concept of a highly structured society using art to record its history.
Creating a book/website/ppt for kids their age about ‘what we learned from the ancient Egyptians – what we built on, what we didn’t, what is still in use…
Comparison study of modern pop art.
Translating the text of the rosetta stone into another language or one they make up.
Art –good!
· Concepts – Students will create an artistic representation of a cultural artifact..
· Goal / Objectives -To integrate the use of art as a religious expression and a means of communication.
· Standards -FArt 3 2Art, FArt 4 2Art, FArt 5 1ArtPlease list out standards
· Careers -Artist, Linguist, Art Historian, Cultural Anthropologist, Teacher
· Project -Classes will create an anthropoid casket and decorate it using the symbolic colors discussed in the social studies lesson. They will examine the basics of Egyptian Hieroglyphic writing both as a written language and an extension of the familiar objects and symbols of their culture.(This will have been introduced in the social studies classes and reinforced in the art class.)
· Assessment –Students will be assessed on their ability to create an artistic representation of the anthropoid casket. Students will also create a mounting for the anthropoid casket that will include at least three sentences, written in hieroglyphics that describe the statue and the use of specific colors..
· Extension -Further study of anthropoid caskets as another primary source artifact to analyze the changing styles in ancient cultures and/or more intensive study of the complexities of Egyptian hieroglyphic writing which included ideas and over 600 symbols.Students will describe orally or in writing how they would imagine how anthropoid caskets from today might be symbolically colored.
PE –great
· Concepts – Students will use proper techniques and posture games for carrying heavy objects
· Goal / Objectives - Students will play a game similar to those played in ancient Egypt and will demonstrate proper techniques.
· Standards -HPE4; Apply mechanical principles of force, stability, motion, and direction (e.g., lower center of gravity)
· Careers - Bodybuilders, wrestlers, lifeguards, firefighters
· Project - Students will learn about different games children used to play in ancient times. The game chosen was used to show dexterity, strength, and balance of children at a young age. Students will learn how to correctly lift and carry a student “piggyback” just like children did in ancient times.
· Assessment – Students will divide into teams and will race carrying a student on their backs. Each student will demonstrate proper lifting, carrying, and center of gait from one side of the gym to the other side of the gym. The first team to complete all laps safely will be the winner.
· Extension- This website provides insight to how games played a role in Egyptian children’s lives and how it translated into use when they were older. -
Music –
· Concepts – The importance of music in culture
· Goal / Objectives -Describe the function of music in various
settings and cultural events.
· Standards -MU 9 FA 5 Develop and apply the knowledge and skills to understand works of art in time and place
· Careers - event planner, music librarian, college professor of history of music, K-12 music teacher, sound recording engineer for movies
· Project - Students will play appropriate Egyptian music while performing mummifications or reading about mummies to set mood. Students can also create a song to help them remember the mummification process and can perform for the class.
· Assessment – Students will be able to identify Egyptian music and instruments ancient and current . – to better tie to goals and standards.
Extension - Students can sing parodies of the scientific method.