FORM 1 Evaluation of university study programmes of undergraduate, graduate and integrated undergraduate and graduate studies, and vocational studies
Table 2. Course description
*The table needs to be copied for each course
1. GENERAL INFORMATION1.1. Course teacher / Spomenka Bogdanić / 1.6.Year of study / 2
1.2.Name of the course / Writing in English / 1.7.Credit units (ECTS) / 4
1.3.Associate teachers / Vedrana Vojković Estatiev / 1.8.Course teaching delivery (number of hours of lectures+practice+seminars+e-learning) / 60 teaching hours, seminar
1.4.Study programme (undergraduate, graduate, integrated) / undergraduate / 1.9.Expected number of students on the course / 30 maximum
1.5.Status of the course / required/elective / 1.10.E-learning application level (1, 2, 3), percentage of online teaching (max. 20%) / -----
1.1.Course objectives / - To expose students to effective writing techniques in journalism, within the context (topics) covered in the required literature
- To enable students to differentiate between the main styles, registers and functions of written texts
- To enable students to master the rules of punctuation, sentence and paragraph structure
- To enable students to apply the acquired strategies in independent writing (headlines, paragraphs, reviews, reports, etc.)
1.2.Course enrolment requirements and entry competences required for the course / Students must be CEFRL (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) level B1 or above, and enrolled in the 2nd year of the undergraduate study programme in Communication Sciences.
1.3.Learning outcomes at the level of the programme to which the course contributes / Students will be able to:
- make effective use of their enhanced writing skills in the independent preparation of written texts in English, particularly in the field of journalism and public relations
- make use of authentic materials, dictionaries and other reference materials to further develop their communicative competence in English
- orally present their views and attitudes on various topics of interest to journalists and PR professionals, in English
1.4.Learning outcomes expected at the level of the course (4 to 10 learning outcomes) / Students will be able to:
- make effective use of their enhanced writing skills in the independent preparation of written texts
-demonstrate the integration of acquired grammatical and other knowledge and skills for the purpose of writing structured texts correctly
- differentiate between the main styles, registers and functions of written texts
- recognize and make correct use of a range of vocabularyfocusing on specific terminology in the following areas: work, unemployment and welfare; crime and punishment; diplomacy and war; entertainment and arts; sports
- make use of authentic materials and texts to further expand their vocabulary and enrich their spoken and written language
1.5.Course content broken down in detail by weekly class schedule (syllabus) / 1. Characteristics of formal and informal writing style – differences in vocabulary, sentence structure, choice of grammar, etc.
2. Differences in register – presenting the same information using various registers
3. Cohesion – the appropriate use of linking words (conjunctions and sentence adverbials)
4. Cohesion – using a range of reference devices in a text
5. Punctuation – joining sentences by means of participle and relative clauses
6. Punctuation – the effective and appropriate use of commas, parentheses, colons and other punctuation marks
7. Description – how to make a description interesting
8. Description – adjective and modifier order
9. Giving instructions and advice – avoidance of the imperative
10. Narrative – linking events in a narrative
11. Narrative – writing a short newspaper article
The units above take up 35-40 teaching hours. The rest is taken up by vocabulary work on the following topics: work, unemployment and welfare; crime and punishment; diplomacy and war; entertainment and arts; sports. The vocabulary is introduced through a range of authentic materials, student presentations and subsequent discussions.
1.6.Format of instruction: / predavanja
x seminari i radionice
on line u cijelosti
mješovito e-učenje
terenska nastava / x samostalni zadaci
multimedija i mreža
mentorski rad / 1.7.Komentari:
1.8.Studentresponsibilities / Regular attendance and active participation in classes. Building up a course portfolio with written assignments. Written final exam.
1.9.Screening student work(name the proportion of ECTS credits for eachactivity so that the total number of ECTS credits is equal to the ECTS value of the course ) / Regular attendance / 1 / Istraživanje / Praktični rad
Eksperimentalni rad / Referat / Samostalna obrada akademskoga teksta na engleskome jeziku
Esej / Seminarski rad / Obvezne pismene zadaće
Kolokviji / Usmeni ispit / Kratke pismene provjere znanja
Written exam / 2 / Projekt / Course portfolio(Ostalo upisati) / 1
2.10. Grading and evaluating student work in class and at the final exam / regular attendance and active participation in classes 30%
work on the course portfolio 30%
written exam 40% (students must achieve a score of at least 60%)
2.11. Required literature (available in the library and via other media) / Naslov / Broj primjeraka u knjižnici / Dostupnost putem ostalih medija
1. Cory, H. (1999), Advanced Writing with English in Use CAE, Oxford: Oxford University Press – selected chapters, approx. 100 pgs.
2. Mascull, B. (1995), Collins Cobuild Key Words in the Media, London: Harper Collins Publishers – selected chapters, approx. 70 pgs.
3. Reference grammar of choice / online
4. Monolingual dictionary of choice / online
5.Authentic materials from various sources, provided by the course instructor
1. Brooks, M. & Kennedy R. (1992), News Reporting and Writing, St. Martin's Press: New York – selected chapters
2. Hewings, M. (1999), Advanced Grammar in Use, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
3. Collocations dictionary of choice
4. Thesaurus of choice
2.12.Optional literature (at the time of submission of study programme proposal) / The students will take a placement test at the beginning of the semester. This will indicate their level of language competence and allow the instructor to point out possible problem areas which might impede successful participation in the course. Students will receive detailed written feedback on portfolio assignments, indicating not only errors in language use but also the level of task achievement, as well as recommendations and guidance for future writing tasks. All students will be encouraged to deliver a 15-minute presentation and those who do so will receive feedback on the efficiency of their presenting style. Finally, the students' internalization of the course content will be evaluated by means of the final written exam.
2.13.Quality assurance methods that ensure the acquisition of exit competences
2.14.Other (as the proposer wishes to add)