EFA Community Room July 1, 2009
933 Hoffman Street 6:00 pm
Elmira, New York14905
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER / District Clerk, Janet Watson, called the Organization Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:14 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.ATTENDANCE / Present: Lynn Grottenthaler, Dan Hurley, Dianna Jackson, Sara Lattin, Ted Lax, Colleen McCall, Larry McGovern, Jr., Rodney Strange
Absent: AlternativeHigh School Student Representative, Fred Beard, Elmira Free Academy Student Representative, Abbey Proudfoot, David Gleason, Christine Mecke, Mary C. N. Tucker, Robert Van Keuren
Others: Joseph Hochreiter, Attorney Conrad Wolan
OATH OF OFFICE TO SUPERINTENDENT / The Oath of Office was administered to District Acting Superintendent,Joseph Hochreiter.
OATH OF OFFICE TO NEW BOARD MEMBERS / The Oath of Office was administered to Board member, Sara Lattin who was elected at the May 19, 2009, School Board Election.
APPOINTMENT OF SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERK / Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board appointed Janet M. Watson as District Clerk for the school year 2009-2010.
Resolved, that Janet Watson, presently employed on a permanent basis under the title of Secretary I at Elmira Free Academy be, in addition, designated and appointed the School District Clerk, as provided for in Section 2503 (15) of the Education Law, with powers and duties as provided in said law, the term of such appointment to this additional title to be for the school year 2009-10. An undertaking with acceptable sureties in the amount of $25,000 shall be provided, the cost to be paid by the Board of Education. The stipend for duties performed by the District Clerk will be $13,000.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
OATH OF OFFICE DISTRICT CLERK / The Oath of Office was administered to District Clerk, Janet M. Watson.
NOMINATION FOR PRESIDENT / Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that Dr. Lax be nominated for President.
Dr. Lax accepted the nomination.
Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Mr. McGovern that Ms. Grottenthaler be nominated for President.
Ms. Grottenthaler accepted the nomination.
There being no further nominations, nominations for President were closed.
Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley that the nomination for President be closed.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
A roll call was taken to determine if Dr. Lax will be elected President of the Board for the 2009-2010 school year, the vote resulted in a 4-4 tie as follows:
Yes: Lattin, Lax, McCall, Strange,
No: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, McGovern
Absent: Tucker
A roll call was taken to determine if Ms. Grottenthaler will be elected President of the Board for the 2009-2010 school year, the vote resulted in a 4-4 tie as follows:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, McGovern
No: Lattin, Lax, McCall, Strange
Absent: Tucker
The nomination for President of the 2009-2010 school year were reopened.
Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Ms. Grottenthaler that Mr. McGovern be nominated for President.
Mr. McGovern accepted the nomination.
A roll call was taken to determine if Mr. McGovern will be elected President of the Board of Education for the 2009-2010 school year.The results were 8-0 in favor of Mr. McGovern as President of the Board for the 2009-2010 school year.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, McCall, McGovern,
No: Jackson, Lax
Absent: Tucker
NOMINATION FOR VICE PRESIDENT / Mrs. Lattin moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that Dr. Lax be nominated as Vice President of the Board for the 2009-2010 school year.
Dr. Lax declined the nomination for Vice President.
Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Mr. McGovern that Ms. Grottenthaler be nominated as Vice President of the Board for the 2009-2010 school year.
Ms. Grottenthaler accepted the nomination.
Mrs. Jackson moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley that nominations be closed for Vice President.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
A roll call was taken to determine if Ms. Grottenthaler will be elected Vice President of the Board. The results were
8-0 and are as follows:
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
OATH OF OFFICE FOR PRESIDENT AND VICE PRESIDENT / The Oath of Office was administered to President McGovern.
The Oath of Office was administered to Vice President Grottenthaler.
Appoint School District Treasurer / Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the following resolutions:
Resolved, that Joette Traver, be appointed School District Treasurer, as provided in Section 2503 (15) of the Education Law, with powers and duties as provided in said law, the term of such appointment to this additional title to be for the school year 2008-09. An undertaking with acceptable sureties in the amount of $2,000,000 shall be provided, the cost to be paid by the Board of Education.
Appointment of DeputySchool District Treasurer / Resolved, that Rose Ann Wylie, be designated and appointed as the Deputy to the School District Treasurer, as provided in Section 2503 (15) of the Education Law, with power to act during the temporary absence from duty of the School District Treasurer, the term of such appointment to this additional title to be for the school year 2009-10. An undertaking with acceptable sureties in the amount of $2,000,000 shall be provided, the cost to be paid by the Board of Education.
Appointment of School District Tax Collector / Resolved, that Jacquelyn L. French, be designated and appointed School District Tax Collector, as provided in Section 2506 (1) of the Education Law, with powers and duties as provided in said law, the term of such appointment to this title to be for the school year 2009-10. An undertaking with acceptable sureties in the amount of $2,000,000 shall be provided, the cost to be paid by the Board of Education.
Appointment of Internal Auditors / Resolved, that Eldredge, Fox & Porretti, LLP, be designated and appointed as Internal Auditors, as provided in Section 2116-b of Education law with powers and duties as provided in such law, the term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Internal Claims Auditors / Resolved, that Martha Clark be designated and appointed as Internal Claims Auditor, and in addition, that Kim Dykes, be designated and appointed as Alternate Internal Claims Auditor, as provided in Section 2526 of the Education Law with powers and duties as provided in such law, the term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of School Attorney / Resolved, that Conrad Wolan, Esq., Sayles & Evans Law Firm, be appointed as School Attorney for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Broker of
Record / Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the following resolutions:
Mark J. Hagan of the firm, Perry & Carroll Inc., as Broker of Record for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Purchasing Manager / Resolved, that David Gleason, Assistant Superintendent for Management Services, be appointed Purchasing Manager for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Records Retention/Disposition Officer / Resolved, that Tricia Wise, Coordinator of Management Services, be designated and appointed Records Retention/Disposition Officer as provided in Sections 65a and 87b (iii) of the Public Officers Law with powers and duties as provided in such law, the term of such appointment to this title to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Records Management Advisory Board / Resolved, that David Gleason, the Assistant Superintendent for Management Services, Chris Mecke, the Director of Pupil Personnel Services, Tricia Wise, the Coordinator of Management Services, Jason Johnson, the Technology Administrative Assistant, and Sandy Freeman, Data Services Clerk, be appointed to the Records Management Advisory Board, the term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Public Records Access Officer / Resolved, that David Gleason, the Assistant Superintendent for Management Services, bedesignated and appointed Records Access Officer as provided in Sections 65a and 87b (iii) of the Public Officers Law with powers and duties as provided in such law, the term of such appointment to this title to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Title IX Compliance Officer / Resolved, that Robert Van Keuren, the Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations, be designated and appointed District Title IX Compliance Officer for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Section 504 Compliance Officer / Mrs. Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley that the Board approve the following resolutions:
Resolved, that Chris Mecke, the Director of Pupil
Personnel Services be designated and appointed District
Section 504 Compliance Officer for the school year
Appointment of Chief School Physician and Medical Inspector / Resolved, that Kenneth Sobel, M.D./Southern Tier Pediatrics, PC be designated and appointed as the Chief School Physician and Medical Inspector as provided in Section 902 of the Education Law with powers and duties as provided in said law, the term of such appointment to this title to be for the school year 2009-10 and, that the President of the Board of Education be authorized to execute a fee-based agreement with the appointee for the provision of appropriate services.
Appointment of District-Wide RESCUE Committee / Resolved, that Marty Dipetta, Mike Dunn, Patrick Gilboy, D. William Holleran, Antonio LaSorte, Dick Robertson, Russ Robinson, Jeff Manwarring, Doug Martin, Sara Lattin, and Susan Mason be appointed to the District Wide RESCUE Committee, the term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of District Health & Safety Committee / Resolved, that the RESCUE Committee Members, the School Resource Officers and Pam Davis-Webb, EFA Student Council President, SHS Student Council President and AHS Student Council President be appointed to the District-Wide Health & Safety Committee, the term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Appointment of Liaison for Homeless Children & Youth / Resolved, that Chris Mecke, the Director of Pupil Personnel Services be designated and appointed as the District Liaison for Homeless Children and Youth for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appoint Impartial Hearing Officers / Dr. Lax, moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley that the Board approve the following resolutions:
Resolved, that the Board of Education is responsible to approve the following list of Impartial Hearing Officers who have been certified by the Commissioner as Impartial Hearing Officers eligible to conduct hearings pursuant to Education Law, section 4404(I): Joan Alexander, John Arikian, Robert Briglio, Paul Bumbalo, Maryanne Dimeo, Rivona Ehrenreich, Craig Hill, Martin Kehoe, III, Michael Lazan, Nancy Lederman, Edward Luban, Kenneth S. Ritzenberg, Jerome Schad, Leonard Edward Sienko, Jr., Craig Tessler, Aaron Turetsky, James Walsh and Mindy Wolan for the 2009-10 school year, and it is further resolved that the President of the Board is authorized and directed to appoint from such list specific hearing officers to serve in accordance with Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education as such appointments are required from time to time.
Appoint the Membership to the Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE) and the Committee on Special Education (CSE) / Resolved, that the Board of Education appoint the following individuals as Chairpersons of the District CPSE and CSE Committee in accordance with the provisions of Education Law, Section 4402 and the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 200.3(a)(1) for the 2009-10 school year - Joyce Carr, Christine Mecke, Candace Kellogg, Eileen Paulin and Joy Stanton. The following parent members will be appointed to the CPSE and CSE Committees for the 2009-10 school year – Mrs. Eileen Remec, Mrs. Gail Hall, Mrs. Amy Cleary, Ms. Shannon Carrigan, Ms. Helene Ravert and Ms. Diana Perron, Ms. Jessica Roberts, Ms. Cynthia Manning and Ms. Wendy Davis. The Board of Education also appoints the following school psychologists to the CPSE and CSE Committee for the 2009-10 school year and assigns them to the respective buildings: Gretchen Gower-Robbins– EFA, Christina Howe-Sampson-EFA/SHS, Michelle Bristol-SHS, Amy Timofeef-Broadway Middle School, Heather Stanton-Ernie Davis Middle School, Theresa Walsh-Hendy/Coburn, Shari Simmons-Pine City/Broadway Elementary, Hollace Donner-Diven, Jill Fuchs-Fassett/Beecher, and Kevin Deery-Riverside.
Provision of Adult Medical Services / Resolved, that the President of the Board of Education be authorized to execute a fee-based agreement with St. Joseph’s Hospital Occupational Health Services to provide adult medical services for the Elmira City School District for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Audit Committee / Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Education hereby appoints Rodney Strange as Chairperson of the Audit Committee and Lynn Grottenthaler as Board member to the District’s Audit Committee. The term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Policy Committee / Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Education hereby appoints Dr. Ted Lax, Chairperson to the District’s Policy Committee. The term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Buildings and Grounds Committee / Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Education herby appoints, Dan Hurley, Chairperson to the Buildings and Grounds Committee. The term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Learning and Teaching Committee / Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Education hereby appoints, Lynn Grottenthaler, Chairperson to the Learning and Teaching Committee. The term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Advocacy and Community Relations / Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board approve the following resolution.
Resolved, that the Board of Education hereby appoints, Sara Lattin, Chairperson to the Advocacy and Community Relations Committee. The term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Equity Committee / Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the following resolution.
Resolved, that the Board of Education herby appoints, Dianna Jackson, Chairperson to the Equity Committee. The term of such appointment to be for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appointment of Two Board of Education Members to the ElmiraCitySchool District Self-Insured Health Plan Committee / Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board approve the following resolution.
Resolved, that the Board of Education appoint Rodney Strange and (the second board member will be voted on at the next meeting) as its member(s) on the Elmira City School District Self-Insured Health Plan Committee for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Resolution to Appoint a Board Member as Legislative Liaison for the New YorkStateSchool Boards Association / Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley that the Board approve the following resolution:
Resolved, that the Board of Education appoint Colleen McCall as its Legislative Liaison for the New York State School Boards Association for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Resolution to Appoint a Board Member as EOP Board Representative / Ms. Grottenthaler moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board postpones this resolution until the July 15th meeting.
Resolved, that the Board of Education appoint ______as its EOP Board Representative for the school year 2009-10.
Motion Carried:
Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall,
McGovern, Strange
No: None
Absent: Tucker
Appoint Payroll Certification Officer / Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the following resolutions:
Resolved, that the Assistant Superintendent for Management Services be designated and appointed Payroll Certification Officer as provided in Section 100 of the Civil Service Law with powers and duties as provided in said law, the term of such appointment to this additional title to be for the school year 2009-10.
Resolution to Appoint Asbestos Compliance Officer / Resolved, that Antonio LaSorte, the Health & Safety Hygienist, be designated and appointed as the District Asbestos Compliance Officer as provided by Notice 40cfr Park 763.84(g) (1) Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools regulations.
Resolution to Appoint Extracurricular Activity Treasurers / Resolved, that Nancy Beebe, Erica Doland, Mike Lepak, and Charlie Wilson and a person to be determined from AlternativeHigh School, be appointed as Extracurricular Activity Treasurers.
Resolution to Accept Letters of Disclosure of Interest / Resolved, that the Board of Education accept letters of disclosure of interest from Board Members. Section 803 of the General Municipal Law provides that municipal officers will publicly disclose the nature and extent of any interest he/she has in writing and that said statement will be set forth in the record of proceeding (minutes) of the municipality.