Designing Winning KPI’s using Balanced Scorecard

Designing Winning KPI’s using Balanced Scorecard

Objective / : / A survey of over 200 companies in the Times 1000 revealed that while most companies had formulated their strategies, only 33% reported achieving ‘strategic success’. One major reason is due to poor quality of the ‘measurement metrics’ which makes managers fail to achieve the strategic goal.
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a management system which provides managers and project leaders with the instrumentation they need to navigate to future competitive success. It is widely adopted by business and industry, government and non-profit organization for aligning strategy to operational activities and goals.
This half-day training will help managers or project leaders to understand various aspects of the Balanced Scorecard and its linkage to Strategy which enhance them to execute the strategy properly.
Format / : / 50% lecture, 50% sharing and case discussion
Key Topics / : /
  • Why people fail to meet strategic goal?
  • Benefits of Balanced Scorecard
  • Conceptual Model of Balanced Scorecard
  • Strategy Map & Balanced Scorecard
  • The four perspectives of Balanced Scorecard
  • Design the winning KPIs
  • Leading versus lagging performance indicators
  • Sample Balanced Scorecard in non-profit organisation
  • Build your Balanced Scorecard & Strategy map

Instructor / : / Stephen Lam
Stephen has over 28 years working experience in Regional Business Management, Consulting, Program and Project Management.
As a company trainer, Stephen is being certified in the areas of strategic planning, personal effectiveness, quality improvement and problem solving. Over the years, he has delivered numerous workshops & change projects in Asia Pacific region for management development. For the past few years, he has delivered management training for big local corporations, HKU SPACE and HKIE. He is also a certified coach and master practitioner of NLP (ABNLP).
Stephen was the Region Business Director of a leading Corporate IT Company, where he was responsible for the P&L of over billion $ business. He has accumulated a wealth of practical experience from various key positions including Service Management, Operation,Business Planning and Regional Strategy Development.
Being aChartered Electronic Engineer (CEng, IET) and a Quality Champion, he has successfully transformed himself into a business leader. With his insight, he has coached and developed many potential staff into managers, and has led many organizations in developing a Quality culture.
Stephen is actively serving the communities in Hong Kong. He is currently serving some local Social Enterprises and NGOs as a volunteer to support juvenile delinquents. He is also serving as SEES (Social Enterprise) mentor to provide coaching to local SMEs.

Certified PMP can earn 4PDU towards their PMP credentials.


Designing Winning KPI's using Balanced Scorecard

Date: / 9:00am – 1:00pm, 5Oct 2013 (Sat) (4 PDU)
Venue: / SCOPE, 8/F, United Centre, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Speaker: / Mr. Stephen Lam
Fee: / HK$480 (Early bird rate HK$430 – Register before 21 Sep)

(All fields are mandatory)

Name: / (Name will be printed on the PDU Certificate)
Job Position:
Fee: / HK$480 (Early bird rate HK$430 – Register before 21Sep)

ContactMs.Peggy Ip at 22875190 or for inquiry or registration.


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