Design & Technology Department
The Design and Technology Department is committed to providing excellent teaching and learning to ensure that all students achieve their potential at all levels. We offer a broad range of subject specialisms which include Hospitality & Catering, Textiles Technology, Resistant Materials,Graphic Products and Product Design. Alongside the main focus areas students are taught to appreciate moral, cultural, economical and environmental issues.
The department comprises of six full time and two part time subject specialist teachers and is supported by two technicians and an administrative assistant. This ensures that students get a variety of teaching styles and approaches as well as subject specialists. All staff teach KS3, with KS4 & 5 being taught by experienced, subject specific staff for the full 2 years of the courses. Students are also well supported in the department by many Teaching Assistants. The group sizes across all 3 Key Stages are manageable and classrooms & workshops are well equipped and spacious to accommodate them.
The Design and Technology Department comprises four multi-media workshops, two food teaching rooms and a textiles room. There is also a computer suite which is exclusively for use within the department. All of the rooms are well resourced and equipped to teach Design & Technology in the 21st century, including 3 equipped with interactive white boards and all with projectors. We have a CNC lathe, a CNC milling machine, a laser cutter, computerised sewing machines and overlockers.
Design & Technology is taught to every student at Key Stage 3. They experience a range of projects which are taught through a variety of both short and extended tasks, involving problem solving and focused practical tasks. They are exposed to a wide range of materials and processes from which they can then develop their skills and knowledge into becoming accomplished designers. By the end of KS3 students will have developed skills in all focus areas and will be able to select an appropriate GCSE course for KS4.
At Key Stage 4 we offer WJEC Hospitality & Catering, Textiles Technology, Graphic Products, Resistant Materials and Product Design. The students undertake a series of projects which extend their knowledge and understanding whilst at the same time develop their practical skills further. The GCSE courses involve a substantial amount of coursework and students complete this during the second year of study with the exception of food where they take Task 1 in year 10.At KS4 the take up of the subject is good with large numbers opting for both Hospitality & Catering and Resistant Materials.
Students who wish to extend their interest in design or even seek a career related to design can study A Level Product Design at KS5. This is a broad based subject which extends students skills further from KS4 and can lead them into a variety of different careers including architecture, design & engineering. As part of the course a residential trip is organised to London which furthers students’ awareness and understanding of the subject by attending lectures at the University College of London. We have had students go on to study design-based courses at University including Product Design, as well as following careers in Catering, pursuing apprenticeships & training at DML and Princess Yachts.
The department is a thriving, creative and ambitious environment where students are supported and encouraged to achieve their full potential. We believe in a hands-on approach and that students should learn through doing. Students will learn an important array of life skills as well as having fun in the classroom.