Design Report Assessment

Student Name:______Course: ______

Assignment Name: ______Instructor: ______

Date: ______

Metrics and Core Outcomes / Level of achievement
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Technical (70%) / Approach to solving the problem is clearly explained
IT 1.3 (Core)
Develop and use metacognitive or alternative strategies in order to comprehend text and other resource content. / The decision process is logical and easy to follow, based on sound technical reasoning / The approach is explained logically, but one element weak or poorly explained. / The approach is explained and demonstrates some logic, but more then one element is weak or poorly presented / The approach is explained in some way, but difficult for readers to follow or comprehend. / There is evidence of some attempt to describe the problem solving approach, although weak.
IT 1.9 (Core)
Describe and apply basic empirical research methods, including research design, analysis of data and of causal relationships, and interpretation of results. Recognize the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence-based research methods in a specific field of study. / Technical analysis, equations with units are derived and applied correctly. Interpretation of the result is clear and limitations are explained. / Technical analysis is derived and applied, but somewhat questionable. Interpretation of the result is generally clear. / Technical analysis is derived and applied, but questionable. Interpretation of the result is attempted, but somewhat unlclear or confusing. / Technical analysis is derived and applied, but several questins are unadressed. Interpretation of the result is confusing. / Technical analysis is attempted.
Interpretation is attempted.
IT 1.5 (Core)
Employ appropriate research strategies with a variety of resources. Evaluate the resources used and the information selected from them. / Design criteria are clear and relevant to the chosen design. Applicable technical standards are addressed. / Design criteria are mostly clear and relevant, but a few are questionable. Technical standards are stated. / Some design criteria are clearand relevant, but others are not. Technical standards are implied but not explicit. / Design criteria are included but several cannot be defended. Technical standards omitted or misinterpreted / An attempt was made to include design criteria
Assumptions are clearly indicated and explained
IT 1.4 (Core)
Demonstrate the ability to summarize the main ideas and key details of a resource. / Assumptions are clearly indicated and explained / Assumptions list is adequate but some explanations are marginal / List of assumptions is incomplete or some explanations are missing / Assumptions list is marginal, explanations are lacking or missing. / An attempt was made to state assumptions
Communication (30%) / Report contains required sections in proper order
IT 1.9 (Core)
Describe and apply basic empirical research methods, including research design, analysis of data and of causal relationships, and interpretation of results. Recognize the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence-based research methods in a specific field of study. / All required sections are included in the proper order to convey the interpretation of results and the evidence for supporting conclusions. / All required sections are included, but the order could be improved to better convey interpretation of results and the evidence for supporting conclusions. / Most required sections are included, one is omitted or in thewrong order to best convey the interpretation of results and the evidence for supporting conclusions. / Most required sections are included, but more than one is omitted or in thewrong order to best convey the interpretation of results and the evidence for supporting conclusions. / Some attempt at format was made.
Descriptive/explanatory material is presented logically
IT 1.7 (Core)
Determine target audiences and develop rhetorical strategies appropriate to those audiences. / Text is easy to follow by the target audience(s). All claims are supported by evidence. / Text is mostlyeasy for the target audience(s) to understand. Most claims are supported, but a few are deficient. / Text is generally easy for the target audience(s) to understand. Most important claims are supported, but some are deficient. / Text is not easy for the target audience(s) to understand. Claims arepoorly supported. / Text poorly considers the target audience(s). Important claims aremissing or unsupported.
Material is presented thoroughly and concisely
IT 1.7 (Core)
Determine target audiences and develop rhetorical strategies appropriate to those audiences. / Presentation is thorough without extraneous text. The target audience(s) are addressed / Presentation is thorough but with some extraneous text. The target audience(s) varies somewhat. / Presentation is lacking some minor content or the flow wanders. The target audience(s) varies. / Presentation is lacking some major content or is scrambled. The target audience(s) varies often. / Presentation is minimal. Little attention is paid to target audience considerations.
IT 1.8 (Core)
Develop and refine proficiency in punctuation, spelling, grammatical usage, parallel structure, varied and mature sentence structure, and other elements of Standard Written English. / All punctuation, spelling, grammatical usage is correct.
Appropriate use of parallel structure, varied and mature sentence structure. / Two or less minor errors deviating from level 5. / Three or less minor errors deviating from level 5,
or sentence structure interrupts the flow of the report / More than three minor errors deviating from level 5,
or sentence structure interrupts the reader’s comprehension of the report / Errors render the report unreadable
Refer to the fatal error list in the footnotes below.
Plots/Graphs are:
1) scaled correctly,
2) properly labeled,
3) appropriately titled,
4) providing useful information
IT 1.4 (Core)
Demonstrate the ability to summarize the main ideas and key details of a resource. / All four requirements are met and convey the main idea in a professional manner. / All four requirements are technically met, but lack attention to details that would better convey the main idea. / Three of four requirements are met but the fourth is missing, or poorly executed detracting from the main idea. / Two of four requirements are met but two are missing, or poorly executed detracting from the main idea. / One of four requirements are met but the others are missing or poorly executed detracting from the main idea.
IT 1.2 (Core)
Comprehend and practice ethical methods to avoid plagiarism and infringements of copyright regulations.
IT 1.6 (Core)
Document resource citations according to standard writing styles, such as MLA. Cite resources and findings in a method that effectively communicates the results of an experiment. / References are clearly indicated in text and sources listed properly
All copyrights are properly acknowledged using standard writing practices. / References are indicated in text but sources are poorly or improperly listed
All copyrights are properly acknowledged but did not use standard writing practices. / Most references are indicated in text but some are missing or improperly cited
Most copyrights are properly acknowledged but some were missing. / Some references are indicated in text but most are missing or improperly cited
Some copyrights are properly acknowledged but most were missing. / Few necessary references are made or few sources are cited

Fatal error policy: Papers that include three or more fatal errors on any one page, or more than six fatal errors in the entire document, will be returned to the student un-graded and the assignment will be considered incomplete. The instructor will stop reading at the point of the fatal limit.

Each instanceis considered one fatal error: 1) Each word misspelled; 2) a sentence fragment; 3) a run-on sentence or comma splice; 4) each mistake in capitalization; 5) poor punctuation that obscures meaning; 6) verb tense or subject/verb agreement; 7) non-conformance to the assignment format; and 8) improper or missing citation.

Design Report Assessment

Student Name:______Course: ______

Assignment Name: ______Instructor: ______

Date: ______

Metric / Level of achievement
5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Technical (70%) / Approach to solving the problem is clearly explained
IT 1.3 (Core)Develop and use metacognitive or alternative strategies in order to comprehend text and other resource content.
IT 1.9 (Core)Describe and apply basic empirical research methods, including research design, analysis of data and of causal relationships, and interpretation of results. Recognize the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence-based research methods in a specific field of study.
IT 1.5 (Core)Employ appropriate research strategies with a variety of resources. Evaluate the resources used and the information selected from them.
Assumptions are clearly indicated and explained
IT 1.4 (Core)Demonstrate the ability to summarize the main ideas and key details of a resource.
Communication (30%) / Report contains required sections in proper order
IT 1.9 (Core)Describe and apply basic empirical research methods, including research design, analysis of data and of causal relationships, and interpretation of results. Recognize the strengths and limitations of empirical evidence-based research methods in a specific field of study.
Descriptive/explanatory material is presented logically
IT 1.7 (Core)Determine target audiences and develop rhetorical strategies appropriate to those audiences.
Material is presented thoroughly and concisely
IT 1.7 (Core)Determine target audiences and develop rhetorical strategies appropriate to those audiences.
IT 1.8 (Core)Develop and refine proficiency in punctuation, spelling, grammatical usage, parallel structure, varied and mature sentence structure, and other elements of Standard Written English.
Plots/Graphs are:1) scaled correctly, 2) properly labeled, 3) appropriatelytitled, 4) providing useful information
IT 1.4 (Core)Demonstrate the ability to summarize the main ideas and key details of a resource.
IT 1.2 (Core)Comprehend and practice ethical methods to avoid plagiarism and infringements of copyright regulations.
IT 1.6 (Core)Document resource citations according to standard writing styles, such as MLA. Cite resources and findings in a method that effectively communicates the results of an experiment.

Fatal error policy: Papers that include three or more fatal errors on any one page, or more than six fatal errors in the entire document, will be returned to the student un-graded and the assignment will be considered incomplete. The instructor will stop reading at the point the fatal limit.

Each instance is considered one fatal error: 1) Each word misspelled; 2) a sentence fragment; 3) a run-on sentence or comma splice; 4) each mistake in capitalization; 5) poor punctuation that obscures meaning; 6) verb tense or subject/verb agreement; 7) non-conformance to the assignment format; and 8) improper or missing citation.

Some students may find this handy guide useful if they ain’t so good at writin’ stuff.

How to Rite Rite

  1. Don't abbrev.
  2. Check to see if you any words out.
  3. Be carefully to use adjectives and adverbs correct.
  4. About sentence fragments. Like this.
  5. When dangling, don't use participles.
  6. Don't use no double negatives.
  7. Each pronoun agrees with their antecedent.
  8. Just between you and I, case is important.
  9. Join clauses good, like a conjunction should.
  10. Don't use commas, that aren't necessary.
  11. Its important to use apostrophe's right.
  12. It's better not to unnecessarily split an infinitive.
  13. Never leave a transitive verb just lay there without an object.
  14. Only Proper Nouns should be capitalized. also a sentence should begin with a capital and end with a period
  15. Use hyphens in compound-words, not just in any two-word phrase.
  16. In letters compositions reports and things like that we use commas to keep a string of items apart.
  17. Watch out for irregular verbs that have creeped into our language.
  18. Verbs has to agree with their subjects.
  19. Avoid unnecessary redundancy. It's highly superfluous.
  20. A writer mustn't shift your point of view.
  21. Don't write a run-on sentence where instead you've got to punctuate it to break it up when necessary because smaller sentences are often better at making the point.
  22. A preposition is not a good thing to end a sentence with.
  23. Avoid cliches like the plague. They're old hat.
  24. Avoid alliteration always.
  25. Be more or less specific.
  26. Exaggeration is a billion times worse than understatement.
  27. One-word sentences? Eliminate.
  28. The passive voice is to be mostly avoided.
  29. Go around the barn at high noon to avoid colloquialisms.
  30. Even if a mixed metaphor sings, it should be derailed.
  31. Who needs rhetorical questions?
  32. Profanity sucks.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, “How to Rite Rite,” February 16, 2011)