Head Office
Ilot n°01 parcelle n°04 Zone d’Affaires BabEzzouar Alger
F Id Numb: 000216002104442
Open National and International Call for Tenderwith minimum capacity requirements
Numb 29/DGAP/ DDCC/2017
The Public Company of Industrial and Commercial nature, AlgériePoste, launches an Open International and National Call for Tender with minimum capacity requirements for “the acquisition of two)02) check book making machines”
This call to tender is intended for:
• Manufacturers, representatives or distributors, involved inthe marketing of check books making machines with a warranty engagement for their equipments for at least 18 months.
• Bidders with professional references, supported by certificates of performance of contracts or orders for similar equipment.
The representatives of the interested companies are invited to withdraw the instructions tender bookat the following address E.P.I.C AlgériePoste.Quartier des Affaires BabEzzouar, Alger. Direction des Affaires Juridiques et des Relations Internationales. Sous-direction des Relations Contractuelles. 10 étages bureau 29.Ilot n°01 parcelle n°04 Zone d’AffairesBabEzzouar Alger.Against the presentation of the document in proof of payment of ten thousandAlgerian Dinars (10.000.00 DA for tenderers under Algerian law), not refundable, which have to be transferred on the Postal Current Account N° 380576 clé 80 opened near AlgériePoste.Andone hundred (100) Euros for the foreign tenderers, not refundable, which have to be transferred to the Bank account N° 621300300018 88 opened near the National Bank of Algeria (BNA) in the name of AlgériePoste
The offers must be joined with the documents required by the general procedure for the award of contract, conventions and purchase order of AlgériePoste.
The bids must be depositedintriplicate (separated, closed and signed) under a sealed cover. AtAlgériePoste,Quartier des Affaires Bab Ezzouar, Alger. Direction des Affaires Juridiques et des Relations Internationales. Sous-direction des Relations Contractuelles. 10 étage bureau 29.Ilot n°01 parcelle n°04 Zone d’Affaires BabEzzouar Alger.
The outer jacket should to be anonymous and should comprise only the following mentions:
Appel d’Offres National et International Ouvertavec exigence de capacités minimales
N°29/DGAP/DDCC/ 2017
«Acquisition de deux(02) machines confectionneuses»
«A n’ouvrir que par la commission d’ouverture des plis et d’évaluation des offres»
The period of bids preparation is fixedtothirty (30) days from the first day of the publication of this tender in the AlgériePoste web site and two (02) daily newspapers.
The bids sent after the fixed delay, are rejected and will not be taken into consideration.
The Tenderers will remain committed by their offers during a delay ofNinety (90) calendar days added to the period of bids preparation, which starts from the date of opening bids