
Curatorial Studio developed through a partnership between SCAN (Scottish Contemporary Art Network), the MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) programme; a partnership betweenThe Glasgow School of Art and the University of Glasgow, the curator-led Framework programme and CCA Glasgow.
Initially responding to the needs of the first alumni of GSA’s MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art) programme we discussed what kind of new network might develop to support graduates to develop the next stages of their practice. We have considered a number of questions around this idea such as:

  • How might the conventions of a peer-crit model work for curators?
  • How can a network of peers support the development of rigour in each others’ individual practices?
  • What points of access to knowledge, professional networks and opportunities can be shared?
  • How might collaborative work be explored during the project and beyond?
  • What are the key influences and attitudes that contribute to the formation of a curator’s identity and practice?
  • How is curatorial practice embedded and sustained within the context of working in Scotland, and what can be gleaned from looking elsewhere?

The project that is open to graduates, but also to any peers across Scotland who are keen to develop their curatorial practice whether working independently, in institutions or in collective and self-organized contexts.

The aim is to create a supportive peer-learning environment for curators in the early stages of their practice. Participants will contribute to the programming, evaluation and ultimately, publication, of a structured investigation of curating and curatorial work.

Based in Glasgow, but peripatetic, the programme structure encourages momentum within the group in order to build confidence, trust and communication between participants. As an evolving research model the focus is as much on the group dynamics as the content and structure of the programme. Ultimately, the aim is to support the group’s evolution as an autonomous entity;to become an active, expanding network that can develop in the future to include new members.

The initial programmeof events isorganised by KirsteenMacdonald (curator of Framework, PhD candidate and Visiting Lecturer at GSA)consisting ofseminars, workshops, reading groups and presentations thatfocus on specific areas of practice. Once established the group will facilitate and direct more of the programme content and decide on the appropriate length of sessions. As an outline we intend to organize 4 x 2 day events held at 2 monthly intervals, with other informal networking opportunities and online communication inbetween. Participants must be willing to attend all of these sessions.

There is no fee to participate, however, a limited budget is available to support travel costs. Our priority for these funds is to support the travel costs of those participants travelling from further afield or from out with the programme event location. Consideration will also be made to costs that would otherwise prohibit participation. Please note any extra support needs in your application. The process for reclaiming costs will be discussed with you if your application is successful.

Expected outcomes

  • Collaborations and further activities developed by and between the participants
  • Increased visibility of individual curatorial practices emphasised through peer support, deep discussion and a proposed publication
  • The creation of a feedback loop to inform future research and to advocate for policy development with agencies supporting curators in Scotland, especially SCAN
  • CPD that impacts on a new generation of confident, articulate curators working with artists and audiences across the cultural sector
  • Infrastructure development informed by an active peer-led initiative of curators linking with professional opportunities and encouraging the development of their early careers

Timescale: December 2015-September 2016 (dates tbc)

Deadline for applications: Midnight, Monday, 9th November 2015

The project is organised by Framework and overseen by an advisory group comprised of representatives of SCAN, GSA and CCA.


How to Apply


  • The programme is open to anyone based in Scotland in the early phase of their curatorial practice
  • You don’t have to have an affiliation to The Glasgow School of Art, or SCAN, or to have studied curating, or have an established CV
  • The programme will suit anyone who is actively developing a curatorial practice and is interested in being part of a group discussion around this
  • You must be committed to attending all the seminar and workshop events (approx. 8-10 days over 10 months)

Application Process

  • Please use the onlineform at make your application.
  • We are keen to hear about your ideas and interests. Therefore the criteria for selection is based on your statement which should also articulate how you think this particular opportunity can or will support you to develop your curatorial practice.
  • Participants will be selected from this open call. The project is administrated by Framework and overseen by an advisory group comprised of representatives of SCAN, GSA and CCA. The advisory group is responsible for selecting participants. We regret that we won’t be able to provide detailed feedback on applications.
  • Deadline for applications: Midnight, Monday, 9th November 2015
  • Please direct any specific questions to