Our Ref: CG/DMB 22 March 2018



Dear Parent/Carer

On the 26th of March the annual Design and Technology Showcase takes place in the hall at Oaklands between 5-7pm. This event has been arranged as a celebration of the work of students studying GCSE and A Level Design and Technology. It will also provide students with an opportunity to receive impartial feedback on the products they have designed and made and so improve the quality of the Evaluation section of their design folders.

Each student will be allocated a space in the hall to display their work.They will be expected to be in the hall at 4.45 on the day of the event with their practical work to answer questions and talk about their work with the judges and other members of the Oaklands’ community, including you, the parents. It is not intended that this is a one way process, students should use the opportunity to ask questions so that they can gather useful feedback and suggested improvements/developments from the judges and invited guests.

All Design and Technology students are in the final stages of production of their products and there are many opportunities for students to attend lunchtime and after school workshops between now and the 26th of April. Students who are concerned about completing practical work on time should discuss this with myself or their class teacher and attend the workshops on offer.

I would be grateful if you could complete and return the reply slip below to indicate that you have received this letter, that you give permission for your child to participate and whether you would like to attend as a guest or a judge. If you would like to be a judge you will be given more information, it is not a very onerous job and we would be grateful for the help. You can e-mail your responses to .

Yours sincerely

Mrs Gemmell

Head of Design


D&T Showcase :Thursday 26th APRIL 2018

I confirm that I have parental responsibility for

Student Name:……………………………………………………….… Form………………

I acknowledge receipt of letter about the D&T Showcase and give/do not give permission for my child to participate.

I would like to be a judge

I will attend as a guest

Parental Signature: ……………………………………………………..Date………………

Email address: ………………………………………………………………………………..