Draft for SCAST Ballot
Agenda 625-008
Section 8of Proposed New Standard API 625
Revision: 0
Date:August 21, 2008
Handled By:Doug Miller – RTTG Chair
ChicagoBridge and Iron Company
Plainfield, IL 60544-8984
Telephone: 815-439-6522
Section Drafted By:Rama Challa
Matrix Service
1109 W. Main Parkway
Catoosa, OK 74015-2333
Phone: 918-379-6406
SECTION 8 – Quality Assurance and Quality Control
Tank system construction in accordance with this standard consists of various sub activities such as design, procurement, fabrication, construction and testing for all subsystems such as the foundation, tanks, piping, insulation, electrical and instrumentation systems etc. A quality management system shall be utilized to ensure that the work performed meets quality requirements.
Quality management systems consist of Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) activities.
QC is a system of routine activities developed to measure and controls the quality of the work as it is being performed. The QC system is designed to provide routine and consistent checks to ensure correctness and completeness and identify corrective responses.
QA consists of a series of systematic planned activities implemented in a quality system so that quality requirements are met. QA includes review procedures for the implementation of QC.
ISO 9001 andAPI Specification Q1 provide guidance for establishing QA and QC plans.
8.2NDE, Testing and Tolerances
Nondestructive Examination (NDE) activities during tank system construction shall be performed to ensure that the quality requirements of the work are met. Testing such as hydrostatic and pneumatic tests, loop checks of the electrical work, foundation level measurements etc. are mandated by construction standards to ensure construction integrity. Tolerances are imposed by the construction codes such that design considerations are not violated.
The QA/ QC requirements for construction contained in applicable design and construction standards such as API-620, ACI 318, ACI 376 and ASME B31.3 shall be followed during construction. In addition to the standards, additional requirements may be imposed by regulatory codes such as NEC and NFPA 59A.
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