

SPANISH 7 Oral Exam Procedures


¿Dónde?la clase de español

¿Por qué?

The Oral Exam is intended to provide you with the opportunity to practice and perform skills necessary for understanding and communicating in spoken Spanish. It is designed to reinforce your abilities to ask and field questions in Spanish, convey meaning, and express your point of view. This is your chance to demonstrate how much you already know and to measure your personal level of success in Spanish. ¡Buena suerte!


Presentation will be LIVE (no memorization, no cards, papers…etc)

You can start practicing in class, at home by yourself or with a friend

Two random people will be drawn to perform a restaurant skit

Your answers should be in complete sentences, in Spanish, using as much of the vocabulary that has been learned as possible.Resources: textbook, client-waiter practice skit, MI VIDA LOCA episodes 2, 5, and 13

Grading of the exams will be done in accordance with the Oral ExamRubric. Each student receives an individual grade.

Your teacher will share with you what she expects of you and on what you will be graded beforehand, as well as point out any strong/weak points of your presentation.

In addition to your skit, teacher will ask you questions related to food using vocabulary and structures from chapter 4.


The dialogue must include:

Entering the restaurant, greetings

Asking about the special or about the menu in general

Ordering off the menu

Eating and paying for the meal

You also must include one problem minimum (more is always an option)

  • Problem with ordering of the food, paying the bill, with the order etc.


Excelente (Excellent)
4 pts / Muy bien hecho (Good)
3 pts / Adecuado (Fair)
2 pts / No bien (Poor)
1 pts
Uso de español / Excellent sentence structure, no errors
Adjectives in correct position & forms
Can “talk around” an exact word in order to sustain conversation
Gets idea across fully; minimal hesitation, false starts; goes beyond the minimum
Complexity of sentence structure (using pronouns, combining sentences, etc.) is at the level of the course.
Expression is as grammatically correct as can be expected for the level.
Knows and uses precise words for the situation and/or is able to paraphrase. / Good sentence structure, minor errors
Few errors with verbs/adjectives
Uses correct words and somewhat struggles to sustain conversation
Gets idea across
fully, but with substantial hesitation; needs to repeat, be prompted, etc
Student tends to repeat or use "detours" rather than more complex forms that have been studied.
Grammatical errors are more numerous but do not substantially impair communication.
Misuses words occasionally; has difficulty paraphrasing when "stuck"; needs prompting on common, high-frequency words. / Fair sentence structure, major errors
Some verb or adjective agreement or position errors
Frequent use of English words, word order, and pronunciation
Gets idea across, but very haltingly and/or needs much intervention from tester.
Student fairly consistently avoids complex forms in favor of the simplest, possible sentences.
Grammatical errors are numerous and serious enough to noticeably impair communication.
Very limited vocabulary for this level; needs frequent prompting or uses English. Unable to paraphrase when necessary. / Poor sentence structure, not understood
Many errors or used English
Heavy reliance on English words, word order, and pronunciation
Unable to get idea across.
Incomplete sentences
Grammar seriously impedes comprehensibility; basic errors are excessive for this level.
Vocabulary is clearly inadequate for this level.
Connenido / Follows the instructions and all topics are covered / Follows the instructions and most of the topics are covered / Uses model sentences and adds some new details / Uses only model sentences without original input
Presentación y la claridad / States opinion, gives reasons, and agrees or disagrees with partner
Responds naturally to what partner said
Pronunciation is very good for the level; does not impair communication. Rhythm and intonation are good for this level. / Both asks and
answers partner’s questions and can state an opinion
Limited conversation to what partner said
Pronunciation errors tend to be minor and interfere only minimally with comprehensibility, but accent is clearly more "foreign". / Asks some questions and doesn’t state en opinion
Very limited conversation to what partner said
Pronunciation is fairly weak and impedes comprehensibility. Major errors in pronunciation, some effort in articulation in target language / Only answers partner’s direct questions
No conversational reaction to what partner said
Little or no effort made to pronounce and articulate in target language. Major errors (e.g., poor vowel/consonant production) are excessive for this level.