Pratice 5

Question 1 (15)

Describe the meaning for each regular expression below. For each

expression, give 3 different examples that match the pattern.


ANSWER: A single uppercase letter at the beginning of a line followed

by two of any kind of character and the end of the line.




b) /^[A-Z][a-z]*3[0-5]/

ANSWER: At the beginning of a line, an uppercase letter, followed by

zero or more lowercase letters, and followed by the digit 3, then a singledigit between 0 and 5.




c) /^[A-Za-z]*[^,][A-Za-z]*$/

ANSWER: At the beginning of a line, zero or more letters followed by a

character other than a comma, followed by zero or more letters and the

end of the line.




Question 2: (20) (Grep/egrep exercise)

Given the file 'databook' (you can download it from website

containing thelines of the following format:

Type first-name last-name email-address

Do the following queries:

a. Print all lines containing the string CS4520.

ANSWER: grep CS4520 databook

-orgrep'CS4520' databook

-orgrep-w 'CS4520' databook

Note: Try CS4250

b. Print all lines where the person's first name starts with J.

ANSWER: grep'^[^ ]* J' databook

-oregrep "^[a-zA-Z0-9]* J" databook

c. Print all lines that contain .com

ANSWER: grep .com databook

-orgrep‘.com’ databook

-oregrep\.com databook

d. Print all lines containing an upper-case letter, followed by four

lower-case letters, a space and one uppercase letter.

ANSWER: egrep "[A-Z][a-z]{4} [A-Z]" databook

Question 3: (20) (sed exercise)

Use the file 'databook', do the following queries:

a. Change Dumitru's name to Dima.

ANSWER: sed 's/Dumitru/Dima/' databook > db1.txt

b. Delete the first 3 line.

ANSWER: sed '1,3 d' databook> db2.txt

-orsed1,3d databook > db2.txt

c. Print all lines where the email address contains

ANSWER: sed -n 's/' databook

d. Replace the line containing "CS2010" with "NULL NULL NULL NULL".

ANSWER: sed 's/^.*CS2010.*$/NULL NULL NULL NULL/' databook > db3.txt

-orsed'/CS2010/c\NULL NULL NULL NULL' databook

Question 4: (15) (awk exercise)

Use the file 'databook1' as database

( The filecontains the lines of the following format:

Type first-name last-name email-address

Do the following queries:

a. Print all email address.

ANSWER: awk '{print $4}' databook1

b. Print Dumitru's name and email address.

ANSWER: awk '/Dumitru/ {print $2,$3,$4}' databook1

c. Change the type with the following rule:

If line number modulo 3 is 1, the type field should be changed to

CS4520. If line number modulo 3 is 2, the type field should be changed to

CS2210. Otherwise keep the original type field.

ANSWER: $ cat q4c

NR%3==1 {print "CS4520 " $2 " " $3 " " $4}

NR%3==2 {print "CS2210 " $2 " " $3 " " $4}

NR%3==0 {print $1 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4}


$ awk -f q4c databook1

-orawk'NR%3 == 1 {$1 = "CS4520"} NR%3 == 2 {$1 = "CS2210"} {print $0}' datebook1


$ cat q4c.2


if (NR%3==1) {print "CS4520 " $2 " " $3 " " $4;}

else if (NR%3==2) {print "CS2210 " $2 " " $3 " " $4;}

else if (NR%3==0) {print $1 " " $2 " " $3 " " $4;}



$ awk -f q4c.2 databook1

Question 5: (10) (Exercise for transforming files)

Write a command that archives and compresses the contents of afile, and writes the result to a new file. What is the correspondingcommand to extract it to produce the original file?

Answer: tar -zcvf file.tar filename;

tar -zxvf file.tar

Question 6: (10) (Exercise for searching files)

Write a command to find files in a directory hierarchy (e.g.

your home directory) that have the name pattern '*.txt" and compress


find ~ -name '*.txt' -ls -exec tar -zcvf txt.tar {} \;

Question 7: (10) (Exercise for sorting files)

Write a command pipeline to list files in a directory hierarchy (e.g.

your home directory) that have the name pattern '*.txt" and sort them by

file size.

ANSWER: ls -al *.txt | sort +4 -5 -n