Des Moines Public Schools Foundation

K-8 Teacher* Grant Application for 2013-2014 School Year

Deadline for applications: Wednesday March 27, 2013.

Applicant’s Name Date

Position Building

School Phone: Home Phone or Cell Phone:


Project Title Total Request

This project is related to the science curriculum

visual arts curriculum

performing arts curriculum

music curriculum

Brief Summary Description and Research Data (attach documentation)

Building Principal’s Signature

(or Supervisor)

*Teacher Grants are available to any professional staff person working directly with students including teachers, social workers, librarians, counselors, etc.

Applicant’s signature Date

1. When do you anticipate implementing and completing the project? (Provide dates.)

2. Number of students in this project:

Grade level of students:

3. What are the specific educational objectives of the project as they relate to the Des Moines Public Schools’ science, art, and/or music curriculum?

4.  Why is your project needed?

5.  How will your project enrich/enhance learning in a new way?

6. Your written summary will be due the last day of the semester in which the grant funds are used. Please include specific measurable data.

By signing the first page of the application, you are indicating that you have read and understand assessment expectations.

Applicant’s Name: ______

7. Detail your budget request. Include specific information, such as kinds of material and equipment needed, sources of supplies, and cost. Categories include materials, equipment, transportation, honoraria, refreshment, rentals, etc.

Category / Description / Supplier / Amount
Examples: Material / Six (6) Palette Boards / ABC Supply / $96.00
Consultant from
XYZ Company / 6 hours of working with students / XYZ company
Transportation & meals / 200.00


8. List any other sources of funds for this project with the dollar amounts.

Submit applications on or before Wednesday, March 27, 2013, to:

Deb Pendleton or e-mail to .

Des Moines Public Schools

901 Walnut Street

Des Moines, IA 50309

Applicant’s Name: