The Symposium on ‘Small-scale Aquaculture for Increasing Resilience of Rural Livelihoods in Nepal’

5- 6 February 2009

Kathmandu, Nepal


Manuscript format:

  • The manuscripts should be written in English.
  • The manuscript should be prepared with wide margins and double spacing throughout, i.e. also for abstracts, footnotes and references.
  • The first (title) page should contain only the title of the paper, author(s) name(s) and address (es), andtelephone, fax and e-mail of the correspondingauthor
  • The manuscript should be arranged in the following sequence:

Title of the paper, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion (Results and Discussion), Conclusion, Acknowledgements, References cited, Tables, Figures, and Figure captions. Number each page in the right hand corner starting second page.

  • The length of the article should be limited to 20 pages (double spaced), including tables, graphs and references.

The electronic copy of the manuscriptshould be submitted to:

Dr. Madhav K. Shrestha


Anyone of the Symposium organizing committee

Manuscripts, in general, should be organized in the following order:

Title: The title should be short, specific, and informative. It should be phrased to identify the content of the article and include the nature of the study and the technical approach, which will be essential for key words indexing and information records.

Abstract: It should start on a new page. The abstract should be a concise (usually not exceeding 250 words) and contain a brief account of the objectives, materials and methods, results, and main conclusions. The name of any plant or animal appearing for the first time in the abstract should be given its scientific name in the parentheses.

Key words: A list of 4 to 6 words for additional index words, not used in the title, follows the abstract. Include species (common and scientific name), chemicals and physiological and pathological terms.

Introduction: It should start on a new page. In this section, background information, relevant review of literature (if any) and the objective of the research should be given. Statements must be supported by citations whenever possible and often general statements are discouraged.

Materials and Methods: Detail information on relevant materials and methods used including sampling methods, research design, treatments, and any other techniques used in research as well as the year and place of conducting the research should be provided. Where methods used are already well known and the references are available within the country, the citation of a reference or the name of the method is sufficient. The statistical methods used should be clearly mentioned.

Results and Discussion: The results and discussion may be presented separately or combined. The results should be supported by a brief but adequate data in the form of either tables, or graphic or pictorial materials. However, the same data should not be presented in more than one form. All weights and measures should be in metric system. The discussion should be related to the author(s)' findings supported by similar work.

Conclusion and Recommendation: although no separate heading of 'conclusion and recommendation' need be given, the subject should form a separate paragraph at the end the end of discussion.

Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements, if any, be given to institutions, funding agencies, and the key person(s).

Reference citation: Citations of references should be listed alphabetically by family names of author. Use of anonymous should be avoided. Citations in the text should be referred by author's family name and year. The issue number of the journal (in parenthesis, immediately following the volume) should be provided only if pagination is not continuous within a given volume. The following examples should be adopted:

Multiple Authors:

Shrestha, M.K., D.K. Jha and S.Rai. 2002. Fisheries research in Nepal, Kathmandu, TU. Press, 210p.

Work in an edited collection:

Pande, G.K. 2002. Factors affecting chemical constituents of apple, In: D.D. Dhakal and D.M. Gautam (Eds.), Fundamental of Horticulture, pp. 120-140, Kathmandu, TU Press.

Magazine Article:

Devkota, D. 2001, July. Women and their role in development. Business women, 12,30-45.


Sharma, M.D. and B.B. Webster. 2002. Seed and pod set of red kidney beans. J.Amer.Soc.Hort.Sci. 11:87-89.


Sharma, R.C. 2001. Agriculture without farmers? A challenge for the next century. pp, 1-36. In: N.R. Devkota, S.B.Karmacharya, P.P. Regmi and M.S. Shrestha (eds.). Environment and Agriculture, Ecological society (Ecos), Nepal.


Ghimire, A.J., F.S. Howlett, and E.H. Emment. 2001. Factors affecting apple hardness and methods of measuring resistance of tissue to low temperature injury. Ohio Agric.Expt. Sta. Res. Bull. 901.


Timsina, K. 2002. Effects of shade to the understory forages. M.Sc. thesis (unpublished), Tribhuvan University, Nepal, P.170

Electronic Source:

Society for Technical Communication. 2003. Retrieved April 21, 2002, from

Document on web site with an author:

Locker, K.O. 2001. The history of the association of business. Retrieved April 21, 2002, from the Association for Business Communication, web site:

Publication on CD-ROM:

Money 99, 2002. CD-ROM. Redmond, WA. Microsoft

Tables: Keep the number of table to a minimum. Type each table, double-spaced, on a separate page. Number each table with Arabic numbers (e.g. Table 1,2,3). The title, column and row headings, and footnotes of each table should be self-explanatory. Use a single asterisk (*) for 5% level, and a double asterisk (**) for 1% level of significance.

Figures and Photographs: Figures, photographs and artworks should be clear and relevant to the subject referred. The legends to the figures and photographs should be supplied on separate page after the referred citation. Identify all graphs and photographs with Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 1,2,3).


Headings and sub-headings: Centre and capitalize the main heading of the paper. Sub-heads should be on a separate line and capitalize the first letter of the first word.

Scientific names: The scientific name must be italic and given with authority. The first letter of the word(s) of the cultivar or breed must be capitalized.

Units and abbreviations: Always use abbreviations for standard units such as gram (g), kilogram (kg), metric ton (t), milliliter (ml), liter (L), centimeter (cm), meter (m), and kilometer (km).

Periods: Do not put periods after the title and key words. Periods are necessary at the end of table and figure headings.