Deputy III Commissioner of the Revenue

Job Description/Duties

  • Assist the Commissioner of the Revenue with his daily duties. Have full responsibility for the Commissioners duties and interpret procedures from the code of Virginia and EssexCounty ordinances in his absence.
  • Assist the Commissioner of the Revenue with the budget process and revenue projections and produce statistical reports for County officials.
  • Assist the Commissioner of the Revenue with human resource decisions and oversee employee performance. Maintain and update monthly and annual employee time records.
  • Advise the public in complex tax related issues using tact, courtesy, and good judgement. Examples would be; Income Tax filing requirements, which forms to file, assistance in completing forms, as well as state and local taxes.
  • Download Division of Motor Vehicles vehicle information to the AS400, create physical files for maintenance and processing of personal property.
  • Data processing technical support for our office. Analyze problems, implement software changes and receive technical training from outside software providers or other agencies. I am the liaison between these offices.
  • Train and inform employees on all computer related work
  • Document and maintain procedural manuals for our office. In a start up situation, these manuals are created.
  • Produce all permanent personal property, real estate, and public service records for the Commissioner of the Revenue, Clerk of the Court, and Treasurer. I am responsible for all the checks and balances before these assessments can be certified. Also I am responsible for retention and disposal of these documents which are located in theCommissioner’s office.
  • Generate supplements of personal property, real estate on demand.
  • Review building permits and work field appraisals of real estate between general reassessment of property. Fieldwork consists of visiting each property to measure, sketch and grade improvements and check for completeness.
  • Assist in reading deeds, wills, and affidavits to update and maintain real estate records, make all necessary updates into the computer as well as maintain a hard copy file.
  • Generate real estate assessment notices and assist the Commissioner with setting up and conducting the real estate hearings, make changes, if any, based on the hearings.
  • New subdivisions, new parcels, and acreage changes are sketched on the existing tax maps by hand.
  • Prepare abatements of real estate, personal property, public service or income tax when erroneously assessed

Deputy III Commissioner of the Revenue

Job Description/Duties (continued)

  • Prepare request of Refund of Taxes paid erroneously, on behalf of the taxpayer to the Board of Supervisors
  • Calculate the pro-ration of real estate taxes for Attorneys when the property is subdivided.
  • Assist the Commissioner in “discovery “of personal property for assessment purposes as described in the Code of Virginia.
  • Generate and maintain statistical information for state agencies such as the tax ratio and market sale analysis for the Department of Taxation, work load measures for the Commonwealth of Virginia Compensation Board or compilation of tax rates for the University of Virginia, WeldonCooperCenter for public service.
  • Provide assistance for applicants for Tax Relief for the Elderly, an EssexCounty ordinance, relating the provisions of theordinance, assistance in preparing the application and acquiring the information on behalf of the applicant.
  • Assist employees in assessing complex personal property calculations.
  • Administer & make final judgements on approval of ‘Personal Property Tax Relief of 1998’ (PPTRA) decisions.
  • Coordinate order and track forms used by our office.
  • Run and provide queries for assessors, local community agencies etc. on demand
  • During general reassessment years, assist the assessor with updates and changes to the software. Provide assistance as needed as specified in the county contract.
  • Assist the COR in administration of the Land Use program