Characteristics and Abilities That Enhance Team Building and Lead to High Quality Group Projects

1. A happy and friendly attitude

2. Spirit of cooperation

3. System of accountability

4. Good active listening skills

5. Set aside differences for the good of the group

6. Be considerate of others

7. Have Patience

8. Set clear goals

9. Be adaptable and flexible

10. Know how to keep people focused

11. Speak up when appropriate

12. Truly believe that everyone is valuable to the project

13. Think of the group as a whole

14. Be cooperative, yet decisive

15. Stay focused and on task

16. Involve everyone

17. Keep channels of communication open

18. Recognize the leadership structure of the group

19. Know members strengths and weaknesses

20. Avoid procrastination

21. Be willing to compromise

22. Meet your individual responsibilities

23. Be responsive and willing to share

24. Take the initiative

25. Manage time well

26. Keep the end goal in mind

27. Have a volunteer spirit