DEPUTY DIRECTOR - Job Description


The Prison Reform Trust is a charity that aims to create a just, humane and effective penal system. We do this by inquiring into the workings of the system; informing prisoners, staff and the wider public; and by influencing parliament, government, and officials towards reform. The position of deputy director is pivotal to maintaining an independent, outcome-focussed charity and requires proven leadership and management skills.

The chair is the Rt. Hon. Lord Woolf who is supported by 12 other trustees. The Board of Trustees meet every two months. Juliet Lyon is the director. There is an experienced team of 18 staff together with volunteers and research associates.

To effect change in justice policy and practice, the Prison Reform Trust combines public education, and work through the media, with applied research, advice and information and parliamentary work. Its four major programmes of work are: reducing unnecessary imprisonment and promoting community solutions to crime; improving treatment and conditions for prisoners and their families; promoting equalities and human rights in the justice system; and providing advocacy and education.

Recently the Prison Reform Trusthas contributed substantively to a marked reduction in child and youth custody and, working inpartnership with the WI, has secured a government commitment to divert people with mental health needs, and those with learning disabilities, away from the justice system wherever possible into treatment and care. Current programmes include reducing women’s imprisonment, improving regimes and examining use and abuse of segregation. A new programme is being established to make strategic use of prison visits to improve resettlement and local connection.

The values that underpin the Prison Reform Trust’s work are:

  • Prison should be reserved for those whose offending is so serious that they cannot serve their sentence in the community
  • The only justification for the sentence of imprisonment is the measured punishment of an individual for an offence; it is not right to use prison as a gateway to services or treatment, or to attempt to use prison in place of effective crime prevention
  • Overcrowding in prisons undermines the effectiveness of education, rehabilitation and other programmes aimed at reducing reoffending
  • Prisoners and their families should be treated with humanity and respect and have access to clear information and the opportunity to represent themselves and have their views taken into account
  • The Prison Service should provide constructive regimes, accessible to all prisoners, in decent, safe conditions that ensure the well-being of prisoners and prepare them for resettlement in the community
  • Prison and probation staff need the support and resources necessary to reduce the risk of reoffending to the lowest possible level and to support ex-prisoners in resettling into employment, family and community life
  • The general public, parliament and those responsible for incarcerating offenders should be fully informed about the state and effectiveness of our criminal justice system
  • As the most severe punishment in this country, imprisonment should remain the ultimate responsibility of the state

Deputy director of the Prison Reform Trust

Reports to the director

Purpose of the job:

The deputy director will work with the director to:

  • Enable the Prison Reform Trust to work effectively to create a just, fair and effective penal system
  • Provide leadership to the staff team and ensure that services are planned, promoted and delivered to a high standard
  • Develop and shape the strategy and operating plan with the Board and support the Chair and Trustees in their governance role and ensure that the Prison Reform Trust is run effectively and able to sustain its work financially
  • Represent the Prison Reform Trust’s aims and values externally and to help to ensure that itmakes an impact across the UK on behalf of the people it serves

Principal tasks

Working with the Board of Trustees to:

  • Prepare policy and development proposals for Board discussion and decisions
  • Acting as company secretary, ensure appropriate presentation and reporting to the Board on the progress of the Prison Reform Trust and on all matters relevant to the discharge of its responsibilities including the constitutional and legal obligations

Managing the organisation:

  • Provide leadership, with the director, to the small, hard-working and high-achieving staff team
  • Establish and maintain an HR system which maximises the potential of staff in keeping with objectives, values and equalities policy of the organisation
  • Keep under review, and ensure proper supervision and appraisal of, the work of staff and volunteers
  • As company secretary, take responsibility for timely reporting to the Charity Commission and Companies House
  • Ensure that expenditure is controlled in line with budgets agreed with the director and finance manager
  • Support the engagement of former offenders in the work of the organisation
  • Assist the director in ensuring that a long term strategy is in place which can guide the Prison Reform Trust in achieving its objectives

Achieving change in policy and practice and promoting the aims of the charity:

  • Lead and manage a major programme of work to improve conditions, treatment and for people in prison and their families
  • Maintain effective networks and good relations with all principal supporters and stakeholders
  • Ensure the organisation is presented in an appropriate and professional manner whether in Parliament or in dealings with national and local government and allied organisations
  • Promote the aims of the charity effectively in the printed press and broadcast media
  • Seekopportunities to expand and develop the role of the organisation and its reform objectives

February 2015