Liv Nilsson Stutz C U R R I C U L U M V I T A E
Dr. Liv Nilsson Stutz
Dept. of Archaeology & Ancient History
Sandgatan 1
223 50 Lund Sweden
513 West Huron, apt # 3
Ann ArborMI48103
tel. 734-761-8892
2004 Ph. D in Archaeology, Lund University, Sweden.
Title of dissertation: Embodied Rituals and Ritualized Bodies. Tracing ritual practices in late Mesolithic burials.
Published 2003 in Acta Archaeologica Lundensia, No 46, Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell Intl.
- 1997 Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies, mention anthropologie (Post Masters degree in Anthropology), Université Bordeaux I, France.
Title of D E A Thesis: Les Sépultures Mésolitiques à Skateholm. Étude taphonomique et discussion sur les comportements funéraires. Directed by Dr. H. Duday.
- 1997 Bachelors degree in Archaeology, Lund University, Sweden.
- 1996. Maîtrise ès Sciences, Ethnologie Option Anthropologie et Préhistoire, (Masters degree in Anthropology and Prehistory) Université Bordeaux I, France.
Title of Maîtrise Thesis: Les pendeloques de la Marche. Directed by Dr. F. d’Errico.
- 1995 Licenced’Histoire de l’Art mention archéologie, (Bachelors degree in Archaeology) Université de Toulouse, Le Mirail, France.
Current employment:
- Currently holding a 3-year research position at LundUniversity, funded by the Swedish Research Council.
- October 2005 – June 2006: As part of this research project Visiting Research Scholar at the European Union Center, University of Michigan, USA
Previous employments:
- August 1st 2004– January 31st 2005: Lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, LundUniversity.
- July 1st 2003 – July 30th 2005:International coordinator at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, LundUniversity.
- June 1999 – February 2002: Doctoral Researcher (fulltime paid position) at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, LundUniversity.
- December 2000 – August 2001: As part of this project Visiting Research Scholar at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan, USA.
- October 1999 – December 1999: As part of this research project Visiting Research Scholar at Le Laboratoire d’Anthropologie, Université Bordeaux I, France.
- October 1998 – April 1999: As part of this research projectVisiting Research Scholar at Le Laboratoire d’Anthropologie, Université Bordeaux I, France.
Burials, Looting and Politics. The place of Archaeology in the debate on legitimacy and identity in repatriation and excavation of burials.
Post-doctoral project funded by the Swedish Research Council. The total sum obtained, 1 743 000 SEK, includes the costs for social benefits and overhead to the employer, LundUniversity.
- Participant of the Zvejnieki Research Group
- Participant in the Zeeland Mesolithic Burials Research Group
2003: Nilsson Stutz, L. Embodied Rituals and Ritualized Bodies. Tracing ritual practices in late Mesolithic burials. Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series in 8°, No 46. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell Intl.
N.D. Ekengren, F. & Nilsson Stutz, L. (eds.) I tillvarons gränsland. Mångvetenskapliga perspektiv på kroppen mellan liv och död. Publication resulting from a session at the Nordic TAG conference 2005. IN PREP.
N. D.Berggren, Å. & Nilsson Stutz, L. Ett utmanat koncept? Ritualbegreppets möte med arkeologin. Submitted and accepted for publication in:Den rituella människan. Tvärvetenskapliga perspektiv på ritual, edited by Anne-Christine Hornborg. (Translation: A Challenged Concept. Ritual in Archaeology). IN PRESS.
N. D.Nilsson Stutz, L. Coping with Cadavers. Ritual Practices in Mesolithic Cemeteries. Article in press for publication in the conference proceedings for the Seventh International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belfast 2005, to be published by Oxbow Books.IN PRESS.
N. D. Nilsson Stutz, L. Legislating Multivocality. Lessons to be drawn from the NAGPRA experience. Article in press for the conference proceedings for the Third NordArk Workshop: Archaeology of Indigenous Peoples in the North.IN PRESS.
N. D.Nilsson Stutz, L. Capturing Ritual Practice: An attempt to harmonize archaeological method and theory in the study of mortuary rituals. In: L. Fogelin (ed.) Religion in the Material World.Carbondale: Center for Archaelogical Investigations, Southern IllinoisUniversity. IN PREP.
2007. Nilsson Stutz, L. Setting it Straight. A re-analysis of the Mesolithic Barum burial according to the principles of Anthropologie ‘de terrain.’ To be published in Lund Archaeological Review 2006.IN PREP.
2006.Nilsson Stutz, L. Escaping the Allure of Meaning. Toward new paradigms in the study of ritual in prehistory. In: Old Norse religion in long term perspectives. Vägar till Midgård 8. Lund: Nordic Academic Press. 89-92. IN PRESS.
2006. Nilsson Stutz, L. Unwrapping the Dead. Searching for evidence of wrappingsin the mortuary practices at Zvejnieki. In: Lars Larsson & Ilga Zagorska (eds.). Back to the Origin. New research in the Mesolithic-Neolithic Zvejnieki cemetery and environment, northern Latvia.217-233.
2004: Nilsson Stutz, L. Uppför Hawkes stege. Hur kan vi studera ritual i det förflutna? Arkaeologisk Forum nr 11, 15-18. (Translation: Climbing Hawke’s Ladder of Inference. How can we study ritual in the past?)
2004: Nilsson Stutz, L. Minnet och glömskan av de döda i Skateholm. I: Arvidsson, S. & Berggren, Å. & Hållands, A.-S. (eds.) Minne och Myt. Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 81-98. (Translation: Remembering and Forgetting the Dead in Skateholm)
2003: Nilsson Stutz, L. A Taphonomy of Ritual Practice. A field-anthropological study of Late Mesolithic Burials. In (L. Larsson, H. Kindgren, K. Knutsson, D. Loeffler & A. Åkerlund, (eds.) Mesolithic on the Move. Papers Presented at the Sixth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Stockholm 2000.Oxford: Oxbow Books, 527-535.
2000: Nilsson, L. Av jord är du kommen. En arkeolog ser på döden. Vetenskapssocietetens årsbok, 2000, 115-126. (Translation: Dust to Dust. An archaeologist’s view of death)
1998: Nilsson, L. Dynamic Cadavers. A field-anthropological analysis of the Skateholm II burials, Lund Archaeological Review, 1998, 5-17.
2005:Nilsson Stutz, L. Äntligen!! Bredd och djup om arkeologi och etik från en svensk horisont.
Review of H. Karlsson (ed.) Swedish Archaeologists on Ethics. Bricoleur Press, 2004. META 4/2005, 52-54. (Translation: Finally!! Width and Depth on Archaeology and Ethics form a Swedish Horizon).
2001: Nilsson, L. Review of J. Downes & T. Pollard (eds) The Loved Body’s Corruption, Cruithne Press. Published online at the Scottish Archaeological Forum.
2005:Nilsson Stutz, L. Strid om rätten till döda. Axess 2005, nr 2, 8. (Translation: Fighting for the Right to the Dead)
2004: Nilsson Stutz, L. Body and Ritual. InF. Salomone (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Religious Rites, Rituals and Festivals,New YorkLondon: Routledge.
- May 2006: GotarkAnnual Archaeology Seminar, the Department of Archaeology, GotlandUniversity, Visby, Sweden.* Lecturer and discussant in a transdisciplinary seminar on the treatment of the body at death, today and in the past. Presented the paper: Between Life and Death. Between Subject and Object. Archaeological Perspectives on the Treatment of the Body After Death. By invitation.
- April 2006: SAA Annual Meetings, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Organized and co-chaired the Forum «Does Archaeological Theory Exist?» in cooperation with Prof. Michael Dietler, University of Chicago. An Archaeological Dialogues Forum, Sponsored by CambridgeUniversity Press.
- March / April 2006 Religion in the Material World: A Conference on the Archaeology of Religion. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Southern IllinoisUniversityCarbondale, Illinois. Presented the paper:Capturing Ritual Practice: An attempt to harmonize archaeological method and theory in the study of mortuary rituals.
- December 2005 TAG, Sheffield, UK. Presented the paper Bridging That Gap. The Individualized Body in Archaeology: Seductive, Dangerous and Political in the session Exhumation/Excavation: materializing corpses. By invitation.
- December 2005: AAA Annual Meetings, WashingtonDC. Participated in the roundtable: The Ethics of Property and Biological Anthropology. By invitation.
- December 2005: Third NordArk Workshop: Archaeology of Indigenous Peoples in the North. Voullerim, Sweden. Presented the paper: Legislating Multivocality - Problems and Possibilities. By invitation.
- September 2005: Mesolithic in Europe, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Presented the paper Coping with Cadavers. Contextualizing the ritual treatment of the Mesolithic body in death in the session Ritual in Context.
- April 2005: Nordic TAG, Lund, Sweden*.
- Organized the session Domesticated Deathin cooperation with Fredrik Ekengren.
- Presented the paper Pride and Prejudice. Experiences of cross-disciplinary research in Swedish Archaeology inthe session The Cross-Disciplinary Archaeologist.
- March 2005: Seminar on cross-disciplinary studies of rituals, LundUniversity*. Presented the paper: How can archaeologists study rituals in the past? By invitation.
- February 2005:The Burial in Focus, Stockholm, Sweden*. Presented the paper:”Anthropologie de terrain”– Human Osteology in the Field: Methodological and Theoretical possibilities. By invitation.
- September 2004: EAA Annual Meetings, Lyon, France.
- Organized the session The Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains in cooperation with L. Bonnabel, R. Gowland, A. Malevez, & C. Knüsel.
- Presented the paper: Dynamic Cadavers and Body Theory. An attempt to harmonize archaeological method and theory, in the session The Social Archaeology of Funerary Remains.
- June 2004: Old Norse Religion, Lund, Sweden. Presented the paper The missing link? How do we connect methods and theory in our search for ritual in archaeological assemblages?
- February 2004: Riga, Latvia, Conference for the Zvejnieki Research Group. Presented the results of the analysis of the mortuary practices. By invitation.
- May 2003: Mythand Memory, Lund, Sweden*. Presented the paper Memento Mori: The Memory of the Dead in Skateholm.By invitation.
- May 2003: Nordic TAG, Uppsala, Sweden*. Presented the paper: Embodied Rituals and Ritualized Bodies, in the session Archaeology and Practice Theory.
- March 2002: SAA Annual Meetings, Denver, CO, USA. Presented the paper: Embodied Ritual and Ritualized Bodies, in the session Ritual and Religion in Archaeology.
- September 2000: EAA Annual Meetings, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Organized the session Dealing with Death in cooperation with M. Vander Linden.
- Presented the paper Acts as Artifacts in the sessionDealing with Death.
- September 2000: MESO2000, Stockholm, Sweden. Presented the paper: A Taphonomy of Ritual Practice, a field anthropological study of Late Mesolithic burials, in the session Ritual and Symbolic Behaviour.
- June 2000: Relations to the grave, Gothenburg, Sweden*. Presented the paper To study practice: The theoretical and methodological potentials of ’field anthropolpogy’
- April 2000: SAA Annual Meetings, Philadelphia, PA, USA. Presented the paper Anthropologie de terrain. The Taphonomy of Ritual Practice - a fusion of perspectives, in the session: From Ireland to Albania. European Archaeology.
- September 1999: EAA Annual Meetings, Bournemouth, UK. Presented the paper: Anthropologie de terrain. The Taphonomy of Ritual Behavior in the session: Forensic Archaeology. A European Perspective.
- September 1998: INTERMESO, Uddevalla, Sweden*. Presented the paper: The Dynamic Cadaver.
- October 2006: Uniting Sea Workshop II – Stone Age Societies in the Baltic Sea. Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, StockholmUniversity. Stockholm, Sweden. Presenting the paper: A Baltic Way of Death? Exploring Mesolithic cemetery practice.
- Upcoming – February 2007: invited as a guest for two weeks to the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University, Sweden.
- Upcoming – November 2006: Guest lecture at the Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago.
- May 2006: Guest lecture at the Department of Archaeology, GotlandUniversity, Visby, Sweden*: Anthropologie ’de terrain’– Human osteology in the field. Methodological and theoretical dimensions.
- January 2006: Brown Bag lecture at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan: For Indigenous Eyes Only? Finding a place for Archaeology in the debate on the excavation and repatriation of human remains.
- February 2005: Guest lecture at the Microarchaeological Seminar at the Department of Archaeology, Gothenburg University, Sweden*: Dynamic Cadavers and Archaeological Theory. Experiences of theory and practice of a case study of Mesolithic burials.
- May 2004 Guest lecture at the Department of Archaeology, Cambridge University, UK: Embodied Rituals and Ritualized Bodies. Tracing Ritual practices in Late Mesolithic Burials
- May 2004 Guest lecture at the Department of Archaeology, University of Wales at Lampeter, UK: Embodied Rituals and Ritualized Bodies. Tracing Ritual practices in Late Mesolithic Burials.
- November 2003 Guest lecture at the Department of Archaeology, Copenhagen University, Denmark. By invitation.
- February 2001: Brown Bag lecture at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan: Burial Taphonomy.
- April 2000: Brown Bag lecture at the Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan: The Late Mesolithic burials in Skateholm. Old questions, new perspectives.
- August 2005:Organized the symposium “What do we do with old human bones? An Archaeological Debate on Collections, Scientific Research and Reburial at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University, Sweden*. The symposium consisted of a series of public lectures followed by a public debate on repatriation.
- This symposium was followed up by an interview on National Swedish Radio: Vetandets Värld, and in several local newspapers.
- April 2004: Humanities Days at LundUniversity*. Public lecture:Pride and Prejudice. An Archaeologist’s voyage between the Humanities and the Natural Sciences.
- This lecture was followed up by an interview on National Swedish Radio: Vetenskapsradion Forum.
- February 2003: Förslöv Parish, Sweden*. Lecture: Why Do We Bury Our Dead? An archaeologist’s perspective on death and mortuary rituals.
* The language used at the conferences, seminars and lectures marked with * was Swedish, and I have translated the title of my presentation, and when relevant, the title of the session into English.
- Autumn 2006 advisor for a Bachelor’s thesis in human osteology, Gotland University, Sweden.
- Spring 2005 Taught within the courses Ethics for ArchaelogistsandOsteology (Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, LundUniversity) and The Legal History of Minorities (Faculty of Law, LundUniversity).
- August 1st 2004 – January 31st 2005 employed as Lecturer at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, LundUniversity. The teaching includedOld World Archaeology, Osteology and Introduction to Archaeology. The responsibilities covered planning of the course, teaching and examination.
- Spring 2004 Taught classes on anthropologie ‘de terrain’ for students in Archaeology, Medieval Archaeology and Osteology.
- Spring 1999 Taught the Paleolithic and the Mesolithic within the courses Old World Archaeology and Introduction to Archaeology.
- Autumn 1998Taught Palaeolithic within the course Introduction to Archaeology
- Spring 2004: Communication and Teaching (three weeks, full time)
- Autumn 2004: Continuation course in University and College Teaching (three weeks, full time)
- Autumn 2003: Introduction to college and University Teaching (two weeks, full time)
February 2005 Assigned External Faculty Opponent at the defence of B. Strömberg’s Ph D thesis Gravplats- Gravfält. Platser att minnas vid, plaster att skapa minnen vid, presented at the Department of Archaeology, University of Gothenburg. The Faculty Opponent leads the public defence of a doctoral thesis at Swedish universities by presenting and criticizing the work, by asking questions to the doctoral candidate and by initiating and leading the discussion.
Associate Editor, Archaeological Dialogues:
Since February 2005 I am an associate editor on the board of the journal Archaeological Dialogues, published by Cambridge University Press.
International coordinator, the Department of Archaeology & Ancient History, LundUniversity:
July 2003 – June 2005: Employed as the International Coordinator at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund UniversitySweden. The responsibilities of the international coordinator in the department consisted of organizing and facilitating student- and staff exchanges with other universities and institutes, assisting visiting exchange students, and informing and counselling students about possibilities and funding for studies abroad.
Projects and initiatives within the Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, LundUniversity:
- Spring 2005: initiated and organized Brown Bag lectures at the Department.
- Spring 2005: part of the group that organized the Nordic TAG conference.
- October 2000: Organized a 10 days archaeological field trip for the Department of Archaeology, Lund University, (faculty and PhD-students), to Dordogne and Languedoc, France.
Zvejnieki, Latvia (Mesolithic and Neolithic cemetery and occupation complex).
Responsible for the excavation, documentation and reporting of the burials.
Directed by Lars Larsson, LundUniversity and Ilga Zagorska, Institute of the History of Latvia.
August 2006.
Rosenmeer, Rosheim,France(Neolithic cemetery).
Directed by E. Boës, C E P A, Colmar, France.
Participated in the 2000 season.
L’Aven de la Boucle, Corconne, France (Neolithic collective burial cave).
Directed by Dr. H. Duday, C N R S, Université Bordeaux I.
Participated in the 1997, 1998 and 1999 seasons.
Le Dolmen de las Pièrieras, Villedubert, France (Neolithic collective burial, dolmen).
Directed by Dr. H. Duday, C N R S, Université Bordeaux I.
Participated in the 1999 season.
Le Charnier, Ribemont-sur-Ancre, France (Gallo-Roman structure with human sacrifice).
Directed by Dr. H. Duday, C N R S, Université Bordeaux I.
Participated in the 1999 season.
Le Houlot, France (Mesolithic collective burial).
Directed by P. Courtaud, C N R S, Université Bordeaux I.
Excavated in 1997.
Hayonim Cave, Israel (Middle Palaeolithic settlement site).
Directed by Prof. O. Bar-Yosef,HarvardUniversity, Dr. L. Meignen C N R S, Sophia Antipolis
and Prof.B. Vandermeersch, Université Bordeaux I,
Participated in the 1995, 1996 and 1997 seasons.
Qafzeh Cave, Israel (Middle Palaeolithic burial and settlement site).
Directed by Prof. B. Vandermeersch, Université Bordeaux I.
Participated in the 1997 season.
Ceramic studies atthe FrenchSchool of Athens, Delphi.
Project directed by Dr. J.- M. Luce, Université de Toulouse, Le Mirail.
The study took place in 1995.
Bökeberg III, Sweden (Mesolithic settlement site).
Directed by P. Karsten and M. Regnell, LundUniversity.
Participated in the 1993 and 1994 seasons.
Zvejnieki, Latvia (Mesolithic and Neolithic cemetery and occupation complex).
Responsible for the excavation, documentation and reporting of the burials.
Directed by Lars Larsson, LundUniversity and Ilga Zagorska, Institute of the History of Latvia.
Planned for August 2007.
SAA –The Society for American Archaeology
AAA –The American Anthropological Association
EAA –The European Association for Archaeology
Svenska Arkeologiska Samfundet
The Palaeoanthropological Society
Post doc project funded by the Swedish Research Council(Vetenskapsrådet)
- Burials, Looting and Politics. The place of Archaeology in the debate on legitimacy and identity in repatriation and excavation of burials: for details of the sum, please see above.
International Research Fellowshipsduring graduate studies:
- Vetenskapssocieteten in Lund: 100000 SEK for research visits during 9 months at Le laboratoire d’Anthropologie, Université Bordeaux I, France.
- STINT: 100000 SEK for a visit during 9 months at the Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, USA.
Scholarships for research travel expenses :
- The SwedishRoyalAcademy of Sciences: Travel grant covering expenses for a research visit at the Institute of the History of Latvia, Riga, Lettland.
- Fil. Dr Uno Otterstedts fond för främjande av vetenskaplig forskning och undervisning: 25 000 SEK for travel within the United States and Israel for research related to the project ”Graves, Looting and Politics. Who owns the past?”
Scholarships received for conference participations (various smaller sums over the last 8 years):
- Fil. Dr Uno Otterstedts fond för främjande av vetenskaplig forskning och undervisning
- Wallenbergsstiftelsens fond för yngre forskares resor (Kungliga Vitterhets och Antikvitets Akademien)
- Knut & Alice Wallenbergs stiftelse
- Stiftelsen Bokelunds hist. geografiska stipendiefond
- Ebbe Kocks stiftelse
Grants recieved for the publication of Ph D thesis:
- Ebbe Kocks stiftelse (76000 SEK)
- Lennart J Hägglunds stiftelse (25500 SEK)
- Westergårds stipendium (10000 SEK
Grants recieved for other publications:
- Crafoords stiftelse (25 000 SEK) for the publication of the book: I tillvarons gränsland. Mångvetenskapliga perspektiv på kroppen mellan liv och död