Children’s Leadership meeting
August 19, 2009
Meeting was called to order at 1:36 p.m. by Doug Dean,in the BradleyLectureCenter.
Doug Dean –
- PALS Meeting this morning had guest speaker, Beverly Sandson, who is an ambassador for M-Power which administers CHS’s Reading Improvement Program. The program is designed for those who are literacy challenged. Brochures will be circulated which contain information on the program. For employees who are interested they may call 595-5959
- Friday, September 25, 2009 there will be a Health and Wellness Event. Roger Shultz, of The Biggest Loser” fame will be the guest speaker. Healthy food samples will be offered. Information will be available for the Eat Right Program which we are partnering with UAB as part of our Healthy Rewards Program. More information on the program will be forthcoming.
Dana Blackman
- If you receive Medicare Recertification Form 855 for your doctors please forward to finance for completion.
- Please notify Pam Barlow if you have received or do receive any grant monies through the Federal Stimulus Program
- With regards to the purchasing cards – there will be no August statement emailed to card holders. On September 25th you will receive a combined August /September statement and you will have until October 10th to get your supporting information to accounting.
Beverly Barrett – United Way
- Campaign will run from September 18th till October 31st. Heather Baty is our campaign chair.
- September 18th there will be a big kickoff in the lobby of the hospital
- Beverly introduced Ben Wilson, from the United Way of Central Alabama, who spoke to the group about the agencies services. Caroline Bolug was also introduced.
Vickie Atkins – Performance Improvement/JCAHO
- The graphs which show where we are with regard to Performance Improvement and Patient ID are on the intranet and have been updated
- Patient Safety Culture Survey sent out. To date have received only 365 responses. Please encourage your people to complete the short survey located on the intranet site
- Each month we will focus on a different area for improvement. In September we will focus on Patient ID and Infection Control. In October we will focus on Unsafe Abbreviations and look alike/sound alike drugs. November we will focus on Life Safety and Unsafe Conditions. December the focus will be Hand Off and Critical Results. Tools kits to assist with the monthly focus will be available from your desktop under CHS Resources and then JCAHO information. You will receive a notification by email when they are available
- New Leadership page on intranet. From the intranet you can look in Resources and select Leadership Meeting. There you will find the minutes from the 2009 Leadership Meetings and any presentations made. Going forward you will find important dates and events posted there.
Michael Wiggins –
- Mandy Mahalak has been promoted to the position of Director for the HEAR Center.
- I-Connect Phase I Activation should happen by March 1, 2010. A piece of that has already begun. Chart Max activation has already begun
- Pam Atkins advised that Chart Max went live on August 1, 2009. Thanked Michael McCann for his hard work and his team’s hard work. Advised Phase II Chart Max roll out for Medical Records will begin in early October and IT is in the process of developing the CBT courses which should be available in CHEC on September 1. Pam introduced Mike Harfield, Project Manager in IT – July 1st we held a hardware fare and invited the physicians and nursing staff to preview the new equipment required for implementing I-Connect and requested feedback. After Leadership Meeting we have a couple of laptops set up outside for demonstration purposes
Stephen Berck – RainbowCallCenter Updates
- Telephone number for the RainbowCallCenter is 939-9241
- The RainbowCallCenter is the number to call for assistance from Environmental Services, Central Transportation and soon to be Food Services
- CallCenter has taken over 126,000 requests through June for Central Transport and EVS
Mike Warren –
- Email sent to everyone regarding the flu. Letter was posted on intranet. This year will be dealing with multiple flus; coordinating with other organizations like UAB to handle any outbreaks that may occur.
- Received email from Don Williamson, State Health Officer, advising 800 positive tests for the H1N1strain.
- Mr. Warren asked Dr. Fargason to talk to the group about the Swine Flu. Dr. Fargason said that this strain is more contagious than previous strains of flu but is also not as fatal as other strains and is affecting primarily school age children. Dr. Fargason said to make provisions assuming 20% of staff gets infected. He advised that healthcare workers who get this strain should plan to be out of work seven days. Dr. Fargason advised preparations are being made to limit access to the areas and buildings in the event of a large scale outbreak.
- Mr. Warren advised we have already received 500 doses of the vaccine which have begun to be administered to the residents and high risk areas. He also advised that in some areas receiving the vaccine may be mandatory.
- Question 1 – Is it possible to get a copy of the Declination Form? Heather Lazo advised that Debra Mitchell is working on creating the form and will make it available
- Question 2 – If person refuses to take the vaccine and gets the flu will they still be allowed to take sick time? Doug advised we are not changing our policy on PTO and PTO will not be based on whether you have had the vaccine or not.
- Mr. Warren advised the idea behind the Declination Form was statistical and not disciplinary in nature.
- McDevitt not at Leadership Meeting. He is in a meeting negotiating the GMP (Guaranteed Maximum Price) for the new facility
- Deep foundation work going on now. 203 holes have to be dug. So far 50 are complete.
- Construction on the Central Energy Plant will begin in a week
- Last week $235 million bonds were sold. Second bond sale should happen in the fall of 2010 or Spring of 2011
- Medicaid issues still not resolved. We are still not sure what will happen October 1 when the new fiscal year begins. We can’t address additional salary increases until the Medicaid issue is resolved.
- Our agreement for $20 million funding was with the City of Birmingham and not with Mayor Langford. Regardless of what happens with his trial we will still get those funds from the City.
- National Healthcare Reform – Spencer Bachus will hold a Town Hall Meeting here at the hospital tomorrow. 35 to 50 physicians have been invited to attend the 9:30 till 10:30 session. We are hosting this event at the request of MASA and the Jefferson County Medical Society.
Dawn Walton –
- We are rolling out a new budget software system. Millie O’Quinn will be sending you an email after Labor Day to schedule the training sessions. Training will be during the last week of September and complete by October 15th. When you come to the training sessions you will be asked to bring your materials for creating the budget for your department.
John Stone –
- All Foundation events are now on the intranet
- Remember Partners for A Cause – sale of electronic coupons for various local establishments; majority of the proceeds go to Children’s Hospital
The meeting was adjourned at 3:08 p.m.
Recorded by: Beth McGuire