Inventory of Learning Resources

People, authors, experts.

Hadley-Ives, Eric: Associate Professor of Liberal Studies and Liberal and Integrative Studies

Degree: Ph.D. Washington University

Liberal and Integrative Studies

University of Illinois at Springfield

One University Plaza, MS UHB 3038

Springfield, Illinois 62703

Office: UHB 3028

Office Phone: 217-206-8207


Rationale: Presently serving as the coordinating chair of the online Liberal and Integrative Studies Program at UIS, Dr. Hadley-Ives has served as my graduate professor and graduate advisor. Eric Hadley-Ives has also served as my online instructor for: LNT 501 Graduate Colloquium.

Karl McDermott, Accountancy Professor, Ameren Endowed Professor

Degree: Ph.D. University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Liberal and Integrative Studies

University of Illinois at Springfield

One University Plaza, MS UHB 4093

Springfield, Illinois 62703

Office: UHB 4090

Office Phone: 217-206-8468


Rationale: Professor McDermott’s area of expertise is public utility regulation. He has extensive experience in and knowledge of the field. I am in Professor McDermott’s “American Policy and Regulation Class.” He has agreed to guide me in an independent study. McDermott was a Commissioner in Illinois. He has served on presidential committees and collaborated with the National Resource Defense Council. Additionally, he is a lively and caring instructor.

Beverly Bunch, Associate Professor

Degree: Ph.D. Carnegie-Mellon University

Public Administration

University of Illinois at Springfield

One University Plaza, MS PAC 420

Springfield, Illinois 62703

Office: PAC 476

Office Phone: 217-206-6080


Rationale: She has a PhD in Public Policy Analysis from Carnegie-Mellon University, an MPA from the Maxwell School at Syracuse University, and a BS in Business Administration from UIUC. She has many publications and presentations on public debt financing, capital budgeting, and alternative public financing of capital projects to her credit.

Junfeng Wang, Assistant Professor

Degree: Ph.D. University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Public Administration

University of Illinois at Springfield

One University Plaza, MS PAC 420

Springfield, Illinois 62703

Office: PAC 414

Office Phone: 217-206-6310


Rationale: Her research interests focus on urban development policy, environmental policy, and comparative studies. Her most recent research is to assess the health impacts of brownfield redevelopment.

Yi-Sz Lin, Assistant Professor

Degree: Ph.D. Urban and Regional Sciences, Texas A&M University

Environmental Science

University of Illinois at Springfield

One University Plaza, MS PAC 309

Springfield, Illinois 62703

Office Phone: 217-206-7805


Rationale: Yi-Sz’s interests include environmental hazard management, GIS applications in environmental planning and hazard management, and statistical/planning methods. He is certified in GIS, Remote Sensing, and Environmental Hazard Management.

Hua Chen, Associate Professor

Degree: Ph.D. Forest Ecology, Oregon State University


University of Illinois at Springfield

One University Plaza, MS HSB 223

Springfield, Illinois 62703

Office: HSB 230

Office Phone: 217-206-8339


Rationale: Dr. Chen is interested in effects of land-use change, climate change, and disturbance on terrestrial carbon and nitrogen dynamics across various spatial scales using a combination of field experiments, simulation modeling, remote sensing, and GIS.

Matthew Holden Jr., Political Science Professor

I have exchanged emails with Professor Holden, and he has sent me some helpful documents. I’m still getting to know him better before I ask him to serve on my committee.

Holden’s specialty is regulatory policy. He has worked for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the Wisconsin Public Service Board.

Carl Peterson- another professor in the Center for Business and Regulation.

Michael R. Cheney- A professor with experience in economics and journalism. He might be a good fit since my background is in journalism, but I am exploring a field that requires more economics.

Hillary Anne Frost-Krumpf- A global studies professor, who might be able to guide me in comparative studies of international regulatory systems.

Texts, articles, seminal works.

Energy policy in the U.S.: politics, challenges, and prospects for change. Laurance R. Geri, David E. McNabb.

Alternating currents: electricity markets and public policy. Timothy J. Brennan, Karen L. Palmer, and Salvador A. Martinez.


University of Illinois at Springfield


Institute for Regulatory Policy Studies through Illinois State University Spring Conference April 26, 2012

Internet and library resources.

Our Energy Policy

Our Energy Policy encourages discussion between professionals, and publishes research related to energy policy.

Public Utility Research Center
Warington College of Business Administration University of Florida

PURC provides free resources related to public utilities. One of the most helpful resources is the “Regulatory Body of Knowledge.” This is a series of writings that outlines the utility field, starting at the most basic information and building to current policy issues.

Energy Information Administration

EIA publishes current information and analysis of issues related to energy.


Fora provides video of conferences and lectures. It is a resource I have used in classes, and features an entire section devoted to the environment.

Frontline Documentaries

Frontline has documentaries on energy and the environment, many of which are free to view online.

Associations, organizations, conferences, periodicals, museums, etc.

American Public Power Association

National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners