Depression Health Care Plan

Individualized Healthcare Plan

Medical Diagnosis: Pscyh: Depression .

Brownsville ISD: Health Services

Student Name: DOB:Home Campus:

School Nurse: Date of IHP:

1. Ineffective role performance related to altered self-view. / The student will develop appropriate responses to stress.
The student will develop appropriate self-view and self-regulation skills.
The student will participate in school and classroom activities.
The student will maintain academic achievement and performance. / Assist student, staff and parents/guardians in monitoring student mood, stress level and self-regulation skills.
Assist the student to identify their strengths and abilities.
Assist teachers to provide needed instructional strategies and classroom accommodations.
- Provide acknowledgment for positive classroom contributions and performance, (e.g., acknowledge when one part is successfully completed and the student is ready to move on to the next part).
- Provide classroom accommodations: preferential seating, assistance needed with assignments, quiet or alternate work/study/test-taking area, breaking large projects into smaller parts.
- Assist student to get and complete assignments missed due to absences for health-related appointments or illness.
Collaborate with student, parents/guardians, teachers, and other school staff to develop a plan for maintaining academic progress and achievement:
- Modification of course assignments or requirements, as needed
- School schedule modification, as needed
- Appropriate behavior reinforcement/reward system
- Task/assignment completion reinforcement/reward system / School Nurse/Counselor/Classroom teacher - as needed. / The student will demonstrate increase in effective response to stress [e.g., improved conflict mediation skills] talks with teacher/school counselor/school nurse when feeling stress at school]).
The student will demonstrate an appropriate, realistic self-view [e.g., describes strengths and successes and limitations, accepts compliments from others, describes realistic goals].
The student will demonstrate respectful behavior toward peers in the school setting.
The student will complete classroom and homework assignments (on time, _80_ %) of the time.
The student will actively participate in classroom activities with peers, as reported by teachers.
The student will demonstrate a good school attendance pattern, (misses less than _3__ days per year/quarter/semester)..
2. Risk for Hopelessness related to emotional features of depressed mood / 1. The student will demonstrate developmentally appropriate mood and affect. / Assist student and parents/guardians in accessing mental health services.
Assist student, staff and parents/guardians in monitoring student mood, stress level and self-regulation skills.
Participate in school planning team to identify students at risk for depression and/or self-injury or suicide and to develop and implement an educational plan to address these concerns.
If ordered, develop plan for psychotropic medication administration at school:
- Obtain medication authorization from healthcare provider and parents/guardians
- Assist student, parents/guardians, healthcare provider, and staff in monitoring medication benefits and side effects
Participate on school crisis response team to develop plan for and provide physical and emotional care and safety for students who attempt or threaten suicide or other self-injury.
Assist the student to identify school staff members he/she would feel comfortable talking with if he/she needed assistance coping with a problem or issue at school. / School Nurse, staff, office personnel - ongoing
School Nurse/Counselor – as needed / The student will demonstrate decrease in depressed mood.
3 Risk for Social isolation related to dysfunctional social relatedness / The student will develop and maintain social relationships with peers.
The student will develop sense of safety and respect from peers and staff.
The student will participate in school and classroom activities. / Assist the student to identify their strengths and abilities.
With student and parents/guardians, teachers, and administrators, identify student perceptions regarding sense of safety and respect in school and if needed work to develop plan to address these concerns.
Assist the student to identify school staff members he/she would feel comfortable talking with if he/she needed assistance coping with a problem or issue at school. / School Nurse/Counselor/Teacher – ongoing / The student will demonstrate ability to create and maintain social relationships with peers and adults.
The student will report feeling safe and respected at school, to school staff and family members.
The student will actively participate in classroom activities with peers, as reported by teachers.