Course Syllabus Outline
DEPARTMENT: Wellness and Therapeutic Sciences
Division of Communication Disorders
I.TITLE: Speech and Language Development
II.CATALOG DESCRIPTION: A survey of speech and language acquisition in children. Prerequisites: none.
III.PURPOSE: To familiarize the student with the normal development of speech and language and its relationship with communication and to lay a strong language foundation for upper level courses in Communication Disorders.
IV.COURSE OBJECTIVES: Through written examination and class participation the student will demonstrate knowledge of 1:
1.The terminology associated with language and its development [VIII.1],
2.Traditional and current theories of language acquisition [VIII.2],
3.The interrelated development of pragmatics, semantics, syntax, morphology and phonology [VIII.5],
4.The developmental sequence for each aspect of language from birth to school-age [I.5, III.4],
5.Regional, racial and ethnic dialects, language variations and differences [III.4, VIII.5].
Introduction & Syllabus
Ch. 1 Dimensions of Human Communication
Ch.3 The Structural Bases TEST 1
Ch. 5 The Beginnings - Infant Communication
Ch. 6 Early Language Dev - Toddlers
Ch. 7 Pragmatic & Semantic Dev - Preschoolers
Ch. 8 Developing Grammar – Preschoolers
Speech/Language Development Chart
Ch. 9 Language Changes, School & Beyond
Ch. 10 Language Differences, Diversity, Disorders
Ch. 4 Models of Language Development
VI.INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES: The objectives of this course are developed through activities such as lectures and class discussions, on-demand tasks such as four tests, analyzing video tapes, and the preparation of skits for oral presentations, as well as a portfolio task in the form of a speech/language development chart.
VII. FIELD, CLINICAL, AND/OR LABORATORY EXPERIENCES: The student will view videotapes of children who are in the various stages of normal language acquisition.
VIII.RESOURCES: Videotapes to provide language samples; developmental information for speech/language charts.
IX.GRADING PROCEDURES: Student learning will be evaluated based on performance on 4 tests during the semester and a final examination, the Speech/Language Development Chart, and the Skit.
Grading BreakdownPoints
TEST 1 75
TEST 2 75
TEST 3 75
TEST 4 75
S/L Development Chart 50
Skit 50
Class Participation 50
Points earned in course assessments will be converted to the departmental grading scale to determine the student’s final grade:
A(90-100%)495 - 550
B(80-89%)440 - 494
C(70-79%)385 - 439
D(60-69%)330 - 384
E(0-59%)below 330
X.ATTENDANCE POLICY: Class attendance and participation in class activities are required. Assignments must be handed in on time. No exceptions will be made. Exams may be made up at the discretion of the instructor only in cases of emergency and/or with a doctor’s excuse. Prior approval of the instructor will be required. The instructor reserves the right to either raise or lower final grades in accordance with class attendance and participation.
XI.ACADEMIC HONESTY POLICY: In keeping with college policy, academic dishonesty (cheating on class assignments/exams, etc.) will not be tolerated; students so engaged will be subject to disciplinary action.
McLaughlin, S. (1998). Introduction to language development. San Diego: Singular Publishing Group, Inc.
1Numbers in brackets refer to components of the New Teacher Standards for Preparation and Certification adopted by the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board, November, 1994, which are addressed by the course objectives