Mr. Ihde

310-732-0900 x253

PVC Math 8

Course Policy2017-2018

Welcome back mathematicians! I’m very excited for the upcoming school year. I will be your math teacher and am looking forward to an exciting and productive year. Below is a general course policy so we can all start off with the same expectations. Please read it carefully, sign it and return it to me by Thursday,August31st.

Class Guidelines/Student Responsibilities

  • Be on time. This means in your seat when the bell rings, ready to participate productively. This includes having your pencil sharpened and ready to go.
  • Show respect to others and their property. This includes substitute teachers.
  • Have all your materials with you daily. (3-ring binder, paper, pencils, eraser, homework, expo marker, coloredpen)
  • Complete the daily warm-up.
  • Take complete and organized notes daily.
  • Copy all homework solutions in pen at the beginning of class, ask questionsto help solve problems and correct all errors.
  • Record all assignments in your agenda book/daily planner.
  • Keep cell phones outside of the classroom! This is your first warning! If you are seen using your phone (without teacher permission) or if it goes off while in class, it will be confiscated and turned into the office where either you/your parents can pick it up at the end of the day. Should you choose to use your phone inappropriately in class, you will receive an “N” in citizenship.

Recommended Supplies:

  • 3-ring binder, 4dividers (Warn-ups, Homework, Notes, Classwork), and lined paper. Notes and homework will be done in the binder.
  • Pencils with eraser (if you have a mechanical pencil be sure to have lead)
  • 2 expo white board markers
  • A colored pen(for correcting only. All tests and quizzes must be done in pencil to receive credit)

Grading Policy

Citizenship: I will be grading you according to the Miraleste Citizenship Rubric. It is located online and in your agenda for you to refer to.

Letter Grade: Your letter grade will be based on the number of points you earn out of the number of points possible for each trimester.

A+: Above 99% B+: 87.00-89.99% C+: 77.00-79.99%D+: 67.00-69.99% F: Below 50.00%

A: 93.00-98.99% B: 83.00-86.99% C: 73.00-76.99%D: 60.00-66.99%

A-: 90.00-92.99% B-: 80.00-82.99%C-: 70.00-72.99%D-: 50.00-59.99%


  • Assigned Monday –Thursday
  • Corrected every day at the beginning of class
  • Most homework assignments will be assigned out of your textbook. To receive full credit on homework (2 points), students must complete assignments and show all work/computations in a 3-ring binder. Bring your binder everyday. Even if you are not sure how to do a problem at least make an honest attempt to get it done. There will be no penalty for an honest attempt. No work, no points!
  • If absent during the week it is your responsibility to come and make an appointment with me to correct your homework and go over questions.
  • Homework Help Sessions will be offered on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 7:40 – 8:15. You may come to this classroom to ask questions and receive help on previously completed homework. All homework must be attempted before seeing me for additional help!


  • Given throughout the chapter (usually 1 per chapter). These are to check for understanding. These will be worth 20-30 points each.


  • Will be given at the end of each chapter. These will range between 40-60 points each.
  • If you have an excused absence on a test day please be prepared to take the test the day you return. However, when you talk to me we may have to schedule another day. If you wait more than two days to arrange a time to take the test you will receive a zero. If it is not an excused absence, you must take the test upon return. No exceptions.

Extra Credit:

  • There will be a limited amount of extra credit offered each trimester and will be offered at the teacher’s discretion.
  • Extra Credit points will be banked each trimester. Extra credit will only be counted towards your final grade if more than 90% of your homework is completed during the course of the trimester.


  • Edlio( will be used daily for posting daily homework assignments and to notify students of upcoming tests/quizzes. If you are absent, please check my teacher’s page for your notes and homework assignment. It will be updated after school daily.
  • Grades will be posted on Aeries


You will find keeping up with school work difficult if you are absent frequently. Vacations are unexcused absences. If you plan to be away from school three days or more, please make arrangements with the office through Independent Study. When absent, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to find out what you missed, this includes the notes, classwork, and homework. All homework and notes will be posted regularly on my teacher’s page on Edlio ( You will have one day for each day of excused absence to make up any work.



I have read and understand Mr. Ihde’s course policy and guidelines.

Student name:______Student Signature: ______

(please print first and last name)

Parent Signature:______

Parent daytime and home phone number:______



Return this by Wednesday, August 30thand receive one extra credit point.