Surveyor-General: KwaZulu-Natal

P. O. Pox 396, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3200 – 300 Pietermaritz Street, PIETERMARITZBURG, 3201

Tel (033) 355 2900 - Fax (033) 394 7610 - e-mail:

SG CIRCULAR No. 2 of 2009, updated on 12th June 2009


Portable Document Format Lodgement Process for the Office of the Surveyor General: KwaZulu-Natal

1. Lodgement from the Professional Land Surveyor

  1. Each e-mail lodgement should not exceed 3Mb.
  2. Subject heading must specify that it is a portable document format lodgement.
  3. E.g., Subject Heading: PDF Lodgement for Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  1. Larger jobs can be split into two or more emails, or submitted on disk or other medium acceptable to the Surveyor-General.
  2. E.g., Subject Heading: PDF Lodgement for Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Mail 1 of 3
  1. Portable Document Format files must be at a standard size (A4, A3, A2, A1 or A0) and this should be made explicit on the file name if it is not A4. E.g.:
  2. 70 of 70 consent Portion 47 of the farm Pot Luck No 16923 FS
  3. 70 of 70 plan Portion 47 of the farm Pot Luck No 16923 FS A2
  4. Diagram Portion 47 of the farm Pot Luck No 16923 FS 2 sheets
  5. General Plan of Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Sheet 6 A0
  1. Each of the following documents must be a separate file:
  2. Submission letter
  3. Consents
  4. Proof of payment
  5. Each Diagram
  6. Each sheet of a General Plan
  7. Sectional Plan
  8. Survey Record (Cadastral)
  9. Part 1 Report
  10. Part 2 Co-ordinate list
  11. Part 3 Field book, Calculations and comparison sheet
  12. Part 4 Working plan
  13. Survey Record (Sectional Title)
  14. Part 1 Report
  15. Part 2 Co-ordinate list
  16. Part 3 Field book, Calculations and median sheet
  17. Part 4 Working plan
  1. Consents, Sectional Plans and Survey Records may be in more than one file, especially if there are different sizes of pages, e.g.:
  2. See 1 (c) (i) and (ii) above
  3. See 1 (d) Survey Record Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  4. Working Plan Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU A1
  1. Professional Land Surveyor will use exclusive email address
  2. No other correspondence will be accepted through this email address.
  3. No lodgement will be accepted through any other email address.

2. An example of a 3-email lodgement

  1. Email Heading: PDF Lodgement for Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Mail 1 of 3
  2. Submission Letter Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  3. Proof of payment Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  4. PTB Consent Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  5. PTB Plan Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU A1
  6. Email Heading: PDF Lodgement for Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Mail 2 of 3
  7. Diagram Portion 1087 of the farm Witts End No 9925 FU
  8. General Plan Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Sheet 1 A0
  9. General Plan Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Sheet 2 A0
  10. General Plan Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Sheet 3 A0
  11. Email Heading: PDF Lodgement for Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU Mail 3 of 3
  12. Report Survey Record Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  13. Co-ordinate list Survey Record Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  14. Survey Record Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU
  15. Working Plan Erven 750 to 850 Witts End FU A1

3. Office Procedure:

  1. The documents that will be approved must have the necessary information added to them.
  2. Special software will be obtained so that this can be done electronically, or
  3. The documents will be returned to the Professional Land Surveyor so that he can add all the necessary information himself.
  4. The final (completed) document will be printed on durable paper for signature
  5. The office will follow normal post approval system, including re-scanning the approved documents.

C. D. Williams-Wynn


DATE: 12th June 2009

We are the custodians of the Cadastral Information for KwaZulu-Natal