Universitat Pompeu Fabra – year-long placements
(This should be read in conjunction with the more general information on Studying at university in Spain)
This is a young, dynamic and well-run Catalan university located on the Ramblas near the sea. Our main exchange is with the Faculty of Translation, though there are opportunities –depending on the level of your Spanish—to pursue literature and other approved studies, which we encourage you to do.
· Your St Andrews contact will be:
Dr Eleni Kefala
Telephone: 01334 (from overseas +44 1334) 462961, direct 463655
Fax: 462959
If you have problems reaching Dr Kefala, or in an emergency, please contact:
The School Office:
Email address: or
Telephone: 01334 462949 (from Spain: 00 44 1334 462949)
Fax: 463677
· Your contact at your host university will be:
Lisa Gilbert
Tutor for Incoming Students
International Exchange Programme
Faculty of Translation and Interpreting
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Faculat de Traducció i Interpretació
La Rambla 30-32
08002 Barcelona
Ph. (34) 93.542.22.23
Fax (34) 93.542.16.17
Your contact for Management/Economics will be
Prof. Diego Ruiz
Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
Dept. d'Economia i Empresa
c/ Ramon Trias Fargas 25-27, 08025,
· The webpage of the University of Pompeu Fabra is: www.upf.edu. There is full information about courses in Catalan, Spanish and English.
Additionally, the box marked POMPEU FABRA in the Seminar Room (36) contains maps and other information that you may find useful.
· You can travel to Barcelona by plane from Scotland and England. There are frequent bus and train services from the Airport into the centre of town, Plaza de Catalunya.
· The following advice on accommodation is based on the experience of previous students. Near the Plaza Catalunya there are a number of pensiones where you can stay whilst you look for more permanent accommodation. The Generalitat (Catalan government) runs a service of accommodation for young people that is worth checking out. Their address is: Secretaría General de Joventut, Oficina del Programa Habitatge Jove, Calàbria 147, 08015 Barcelona. Tel.: (93) 4838392; they have an internet address that you could consult before you set off: www.habitatgejove.com. Past students also recommend that you check the noticeboard at Facultad de Filología, Unversitat de Barcelona (not UPF, but the big city University), Plaza Universitat, Metro: Universitat, which is good for rooms in student flats. The Pompeu Fabra webpage (www.upf.es) also has information. There is a hall of residence, but St Andrews students have tended not to stay there. Be careful not to part with any money in terms of commission or other shady deals, before you are happy with the room or flat. A month’s deposit and a month’s rent in advance are standard.
· As you will see Catalan is the local language. Catalan is similar to Spanish and French, and you won’t find it difficult to follow it after a while. Your classes will generally be in Spanish, though, and every Catalan speaker also speaks Spanish. You will thus become familiar with one of the areas that represent the rich variety of Spain’s culture.
· Students who have been to Pompeu Fabra:
Luis Márquez (Spanish & Economics),
Raja Sahni (Spanish & Economics),
Louise Soutar (Spanish Single Honours), .
Gurbia GREWAL (Spanish & Management), ,
Hannah GUZ (French, Spanish & Management), ,
Dominic MILLS (Spanish & Management),
You should contact some of them for first-hand experience.
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