Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Criminal Justice

Meeting #3, 2012-13 Academic Year

Tues, October 2, 2012, 3:45-5:00 pm


Approve Minutes of Meeting #2 of 2012-13 Academic Year


1. Update on College of L&S Strategic Planning Retreat of last Friday

New Business:

Discussion of possible adjustments to Search Process for this year’s tenure track searches

For information purposes. The relevant section from the departments bylaws are as follows:


Section A. Membership. A Search and Screen Committee shall be appointed by the Department Chairperson from the tenured and tenure-track Members of the Department For all tenure-track or tenured faculty searches, The Department Chairperson is an ex-officio member of all Faculty Search and Screen Committees. A tenured member of the faculty shall be selected as the Chair of the Search and Screen Committee. Up to one voting member of the Search and Screen Committee may be appointed from among tenured faculty from outside the Department in special situations.

Section B. Screening Procedure. The Search and Screen Committee shall oversee the advertising of a position in appropriate outlets, shall review all files for all candidates, and shall deliberate and identify a list of the eight to twelve most highly qualified candidates from the candidate pool.

Section C. Selection for Interview Procedure. At a special Selection for Interview Meeting, the Search and Screen Committee shall present the eight to twelve most qualified candidates to the all Members of the Department for deliberation and review. Any Member of the Department may review all files of all candidates and propose adding a candidate to the list of most highly qualified candidates offered by the Search and Screen Committee at the special meeting. All Members of the Department may cast ballots to identify the candidates from the most highly qualified list to be invited for an on-campus interview. A simple3 majority is required for each candidate invited for an interview.

Section D. Selection of Candidate After Interview All Members of the Department are encouraged to participate fully in the on-campus interviews of all candidates. Participation includes attending social events or meals, giving campus or area tours, attending classroom presentation and attending a research presentation. Interviewed candidates who are deemed to be acceptable shall be ranked by a vote as First Choice, Second Choice, and so forth at a special Selection of Candidate Meeting.

Section E. Voting. All Members are welcome to attend and at the special Selection of Candidate Meeting. A Department Member who has: (1) participated in the Selection for Interview Meeting, (2) met personally with a candidate at a social occasion, meal or tour, and (3) attended either the candidate’s research or teaching presentation shall be eligible to cast a vote for the ranking of interviewed candidates at the Selection of Candidate Meeting. Votes shall be by secret ballot and require a simple majority to pass. Voting shall proceed by selecting the First Choice, then the Second Choice and so forth. Voting may be repeated until a decision is reached.