Department of Modern & Classical Languages & Cultures
Spanish 115 Intensive Elementary Spanish –
Professor: Dr. Emily Stow
Office: Anderson Hall 28
Phone: 863-7993
Office Hours:MW 2-3, T 1:30-3:00, R 8:30-9:00
Required Materials:Cuadrado, Melero, Sacristán and Jan Underwood. Protagonistas: A Communicative Approach.
Boston: Vista Higher Learning, 2012.
Access to the Supersite Plus.
Spanish-English Dictionary.
Course Description: (3 hours) Intensive review of the fundamentals of Spanish designed for students who have already developed a basic command of the language but are not fully prepared for SPA 102. Communicative skills will be emphasized through the four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) and culture. At least two years of high school Spanish required. ACTFL level of novice-high.
Objectives: SPA 115 is designed to enable the student to communicate with others in the Spanish language at an elementary level (a novice-high level in accordance with the ACTFL Guidelines; and A2.2 in accordance to the Global Scale. In accordance with Foundation and Core Guidelines students will review and master many Spanish grammatical structures and vocabulary items, will acquire skills for meaningful communication appropriate to many situations, and will become aware of a variety of cultural practices. Students will be also exposed to local and global community and environment. Students will be able to maintain simple conversations on every-day topics. Students will be able to convey autobiographical information and will be able to ask and answer simple questions. Oral communication will be sufficiently accurate so as to be understood by a native speaker used to dealing with foreigners.
Learning Outcomes:
1.Communicatein Spanish using simple, routine oral & written tasks that require exchange of information on familiar topics and activities (assessed with exams & quizzes, oral interviews, homework & labs, participation, and compositions);
2. Gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures, including their art, holidays, architecture, etc. (assessed with exams, homework & labs, participation, and compositions);
3.Connect with other disciplines, such as history, religion, music, etc. (as demonstrated in exams, homework & labs, participation, and compositions);
4. Make comparisons with their own language through readings, vocabulary-building exercises, and grammatical structure practices (as demonstrated in exams & quizzes, homework & lab, participation, and compositions);
5. Participate in multilingual communities at home and around the world (as demonstrated in participation and oral interviews).
Assessment of learning outcomes/ Evaluation:
The final grade will be calculated as follows:
I. Exams & Orals (55%)
Exams (3) & quizzes(Outcomes 1-4)30%
Final Exam(Outcomes 1-4)15%
Oral Exams (3)(Outcomes 1, and 5) 20%
II. Homework & Participation (45%)
Homework (tarea, lab) (Outcomes1-4)10%
Participation(Outcomes 1-5)10%
Composiciones (3)(Outcomes 1-4)15%
The final grade will be based on the following un-curved scale:
A= 100-93A/B=92-88B=87-83B/C=82-78C=77-70D=69-60F=59 or less
Attendance: Because language learning is a cumulative process, mastery of each step is essential. For most of you, the time you spend in the classroom will be your only opportunity to hear and speak Spanish, and these skills are crucial for your success in this class. Consequently, attendance is mandatory. All work missed due to absences must be made-up to the satisfaction of the professor. Excused absences will be given for the following situations: illness with a written doctor’s excuse, death of an immediate family member or other family crisis, religious holidays, or participation in a scheduled event as a member of a university-sponsored athletic/scholastic team (official absence form required).The professor must receive documentation for the excuse within one week of the absence.
You may miss up to 3 unexcused absences.Once you have a total of 3 unexcused absences, EACH unexcused absence after the 3rd one will result in the reduction of the final course grade by two percentage points - for each. In addition, 3 tardies will equal one unexcused absence.
Moodle: All assignment schedules, class worksheets, extra grammar explanations, and study guides may be found on our Moodle site. You should consult this site on a regular basis. Moodle can be accessed via
Quizzes (Pruebas): There will be several online quizzes during the semester The quizzes will cover vocabulary and grammar. If you miss a quiz and have a valid, documented excuse, you must take it within a week of the scheduled quiz.
Exams: Three exams and a Final Exam will be given during the semester. If you miss an exam and have a valid, documented excuse, you must take it within a week of the scheduled exam. Note: if any question arises with regards to the grade on a test, the grade must be questioned within one week after being made available to you. The Final Exam will be cumulative and cover the material from the semester.
Oral Interviews: Oral proficiency will be formally assessed during individual interviews and online voice recordings. Oral Interviews are worth 50 points each and will be assessed on the following: Pronunciation, Fluency, Comprehension, Content / Vocabulary, and Grammar.
Homework & Lab: Homework and Lab are crucial for success in this class. ALL HOMEWORK and LAB activities will be done on the Protagonistas Supersite: You will need to buy a code to enter the site, and then follow the directions sent to you via email. If you have any difficulties with the site, please do not wait to tell your professor until the first assignment is due!
The assignments are listed in the “Plan del curso” on pages 3-6 of this syllabus. All homework must be turned in online and on time. If you miss class, you must still complete the homework due that day (online) and come prepared the following class with the reading and assignment for that day – no exceptions. Late homework and lab will not be accepted for a grade.
In-Class Participation: An informal oral assessment will be made on a daily basis. The Participation grade will cover your individual contribution both in group work and in-class discussion. The daily participation grade will be worth 5 points; in order to receive all 5 points, you must do the following:
- Come prepared to class with all the vocabulary, grammar, and readings from the textbook completed and studied well;
- Stay on task during group activities and contribute actively to the group;
- Participate enthusiastically in class discussions;
- Pay attention to your peers and professor during discussions and ask questions;
- Speak Spanish the entire class time.
NOT speaking Spanish at all times in the classroom will result in a 0 in your participation grade for that particular day. If you are not willing to use Spanish in every communicative situation in the classroom, I strongly encourage you to drop the class. Using Spanish in the classroom (whether we work in small or big groups) will be absolutely necessary to be successful in this course.
Compositions: You will write 3 compositions throughout the semester. You will make an appointment and write these compositions in the Spanish Lab (LRC 003) during the week that it’s due (Monday-Thursday, 4:00pm-8:00pm). You may use your textbook or dictionary for help. You may NOT, however, use any electronic devices in the Lab (computers, cell phones, translators, etc.). Once you are finished with your composition, you will leave it with the Spanish Lab Assistant to turn in to your professor. If you miss your appointment, you may sign up for another time during that same week if space is available. If there is no more space in the lab, you must contact your professor as soon as possible.
Extra Help: There will be a Spanish Lab Assistant in the Spanish Lab (LRC 003) from 4:00-8:00pm, Monday through Thursday, to help you with your compositions, speaking skills, and homework & lab assignments. If you prefer a private tutor, your professor can help you find someone.
NOTE: The Honor System will be enforced in this course. Infractions include cheating [use of unauthorized materials, assistance, etc. during exams, homework, orals, and compositions], plagiarism [to present ideas and statements of another person as own], and facilitating academic misconduct [to help another student do any of the above]. With this in mind consider the following: all assignments for this course should be your own work only. You cannot copy each other’s work.You cannot have another student, a tutor or friend correct or do the work you turn in. You may not use electronic translation programs to do any of the work for this course. The only exception to the above is if, and only if, your instructor assigns you to work with another student. Cheating, plagiarism, and other examples of academic misconduct as outlined in the Student Handbook will be pursued and sanctions will be levied.
DISABILITY STATEMENT: If you are registered to receive accommodations for a disability, please discuss them with the course instructor during the first week of class. You will also need to obtain official documentation from Lloyd Clark in the Wellness Center (x7074).
Cell phone policy: The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited in this class. Under no circumstances should cell phones be used in the classroom either for answering phone calls or text messaging. Students who do not follow this policy will be asked to leave class and lose all points for that day. If the incident occurs twice the student will be asked to leave permanently. Cell phones must be kept in your bag at all times. If your cell phone is somewhere close to your hand, I will assume you are using it and you will be asked to leave the class.
PLAN DEL SEMESTRE (tentativo):
Online homework and lab assignments are due the day listed by 11:59pm; handouts are due in class. Text pages and vocabulary should be read and studied before class. Always bring your textbook to class. All homework and lab assignments should be done ONLINE (Protagonistas SupersitePlus). You will only have to do the activities that are assigned (on the Protagonistas Supersite, the activities have a due date to the left of the activity name – example: M 9/14 for Monday, September 14.)
Explanations of grammar in class will be extremely brief, but I will always answer any questions students may have. If you have any questions about homework, grammar, vocabulary and/or readings, be sure to ask in class, via email, or during office hours.
A list of all the vocabulary words can be found at the end of each chapter section (see pages below). In addition to the grammar explanation at the end of each chapter section, a complete grammar reference section can be found at the end of the textbook.
Lecciones / Gramática / Vocabulario / Lecciones / Gramática / VocabularioPreliminar / 6-7 / 7-8
1A / 17-18 / 19 / 1B / 27-30 / 31
2A / 43-44 / 45 / 2B / 53-54 / 55
3A / 67-68 / 69 / 3B / 77-80 / 81
4A / 93-96 / 97 / 4B / 105-106 / 107
5A / 119-122 / 123 / 5B / 131-132 / 133
6A / 145-148 / 149 / 6B / 157-158 / 159
7A / 171-174 / 175 / 7B / 183-184 / 185
8A / 197-198 / 199 / 8B / 207-208 / 209
9A / 221-222 / 223 / 9B / 231-232 / 233
10A / 245-246 / 247 / 10B / 255-256 / 257
(You will learn to)
Unidades 1-3
29 de agosto / Introducción a la clase
Saludos, Despedidas y el alfabeto / - Greet people
- Introduce yourself
- Say goodbye
- Spell
31 de agosto / 1A: ¡Bienvenidos! / p. 9-15, 17-18 / - Identificar y especificar
- Hablar del origen
- Afirmar y negar
2 de septiembre / 1B: Lenguas / p. 20-25, 27-30 / - Informar sobre las lenguas
- Indicar la nacionalidad
- Hablar de la profesión
5 de septiembre / LABOR DAY – no hay clases
7 de septiembre / Lectura: Saludos y besos
2A: Entre el norte y el sur / p. 32, 35-37, 43-44 / - Cómo saludar en el mundo hispano
- Expresar cantidades
- Situar, presentar y describir lugares
9 de septiembre / 2A: Entre el norte y el sur / p. 38-41, 44 / - Hablar del lugar de residencia
- Expresar posesión
12 de septiembre / 2B: Especialidad de la casa / p. 46-51, 53-54 / - Pedir y pagar en un restaurante o café
- Hablar de las comidas del día
- Valorar la comida
14 de septiembre / Flash Cultura: Los estudios
3A: Ritmo de la vida / p. 58-61, 67-68 / - Aprender de la UNAM
- Hablar de horarios y días de la semana
- Hablar de rutinas
16 de septiembre / 3A: Ritmo de la vida / p. 62-65, 68 / - Expresar frecuencia
- Comparar
19-23 deseptiembre / Composición 1 en LRC 003
19 de septiembre / 3B: Centro comercial / p. 70-75, 77-80 / - Identificar, especificar y localizar
- Solicitar productos (con colores)
- Pedir permiso y aceptar
21 de septiembre / Lectura:Dos idiomas,dos camisetas, un campeón
Flash Cultura: ¡Fútbol en España! / p. 82-84 / - Apreciar el fútbol y otros deportes en el mundo hispano
23 de septiembre / Repaso de Unidades 1-3
26 de septiembre / EXAMEN I: Unidades 1-3
28 de septiembre / Entrevistas Orales: Unidades 1-3
Unidades 4-6
30 de septiembre / 4A: Barrios con carácter / p. 85-91, 93-96 / - Dar y pedir opinión
- Expresar gustos y preferencias
- Preguntar y responder
3 de octubre / 4B: Con vistas al mar / p. 98-103, 105-106 / - Hablar de viviendas
- Describir objetos
- Hablar de preferencias
5 de octubre / Flash Cultura: Comprar en los mercados / p. 110 / - Comprar en los mercados
7 de octubre / 5A: Experiencias personales / p. 111-113, 119-121 / - Hablar del pasado
- Dar fechas en el pasado
- Indicar el tiempo con los meses
10 de octubre / 5A: Experiencias personales / p. 114-117, 121-122 / - Indicar momentos en el pasado
- Expresar secuencias temporales
- Estructurar un relato
12 y 13 de octubre / 5B: Mi gente / p.124-129, 131-132 / - Hablar del estado civil y de los
- Hablar de conocidos
- Hablar de viajes y experiencias en
momentos concretos
14 de octubre / FALL BREAK – no hay clases
17-21 de octubre / Composición 2 en LRC 003
17 de octubre / Lectura: Gaturro
Flash Cultura: La casa de Frida / p. 134-136 / - Leer una biografía
- Apreciar la vida de Frida Kahlo
19 de octubre / 6A: El arte de vivir / p.137-143, 145-148 / - Negar
- Describir su día
- Dar consejos
21 de octubre / 6B: Amor a distancia / p.150-155, 157-158 / - Hacer planes
- Hablar de viajes y medios de transporte
- Solicitar información o servicio
24 de octubre / Flash Cultura: ¿Estrés? ¿Qué estrés? / p. 160-162 / - Relajarse para tener menos estrés
26 de octubre / Repaso de Unidades 4-6
28 de octubre / EXAMEN II: Unidades 4-6
31 de octubre / Entrevistas Orales: Unidades 4-6
Unidades 7-9
2 de noviembre / 7A: Hoy por hoy / p.163-165, 171-172 / - Describir hábitos
4 de noviembre / 7A: Hoy por hoy / p.166-169, 173-174 / - Hablar de acciones que ocurren en este
- Hablar de intereses
7 de noviembre / 7B: Cambio de vida / p.176-181, 183-184 / - Hablar de experiencias recientes
- Pedir y ofrecer ayuda
9 de noviembre / Flash Cultura: El mundo del trabajo
8A: Hecho a mano / p. 188-191, 197 / - Comparar y apreciar el mundo del trabajo
- Hablar de habilidades
- Hacer propuestas (aceptar/rechazar)
11 de noviembre / 8A: Hecho a mano / p. 192-195, 198 / - Dar instrucciones
- Hablar de personas o cosas
14 de noviembre / 8B: Horizontes / p.200-205, 207-208 / - Hablar de experiencias
- Comparar formas de vida
16 de noviembre / Flash Cultura: Arquitectura modernista / p. 212 / - Apreciar la arquitectura catalana
18 de noviembre / 9A: Etapas de la vida / p. 213-215, 221 / - Describir hábitos & situaciones del
- Comparar el pasado con el presente
21 de noviembre / 9A: Etapas de la vida / p. 216-219, 222 / - Referirse a cantidades indefinidas
- Expresar preferencias
- Hablar de la cantidad de tiempo
23 de noviembre / 9B: Historias de la calle / p.224-229, 231-232 / - Indicar el camino
- Relatar en el pasado y contar anécdotas
25 de noviembre / THANKSGIVING – no hay clases
28 de noviembre
-2 de diciembre / Composición 3 en LRC 003
28 de noviembre / Lectura:Semana Santa
Flash Cultura: Las fiestas
Repaso: Unidades 7-9 / p. 234-236 / - Apreciar las tradiciones religiosas y las
fiestas en el mundo hispano
30 de noviembre / EXAMEN III: Unidades 7-9
Unidad 10
2 de diciembre / 10A: Al mal tiempo, buena cara / p.237-243, 245-246 / - Hablar del tiempo
- Describir síntomas y dolencias
- Pedir & dar consejos
5 de diciembre / 10B: Memorias / p. 248-249, 255 / - Hablar de memorias
- Relacionar momentos pasados
7 de diciembre / 10B: Memorias / p. 250-253, 256 / - Pedir & dar opiniones
- Expresar acuerdo y desacuerdo
- Expresar qué se recuerda
9 de diciembre / Flash Cultura: La salud / p. 258, 260 / - Comprender el sistema de salud argentino
12 de diciembre / Entrevistas Orales
14 de diciembre / READING DAY – no hay clases
19 de diciembre / EXAMEN FINAL: 9-11am