Chapter 5

Learning Objective 1

Explain what a research design is.

A research design is the framework or plan for a study and guides the collection and analysis of data.

Learning Objective 2

List the three basic types of research design.

One basic way of classifying designs is in terms of the fundamental objective of the research: exploratory, descriptive, or causal.

Learning Objective 3

Describe the major emphasis of each type of research design.

The major emphasis in exploratory research is on the discovery of ideas and insights. Descriptive research is typically concerned with determining the frequency with which something occurs or the relationship between variables. A causal research design is concerned with determining cause-and-effect relationships.

Learning Objective 4

Describe the basic uses of exploratory research.

Exploratory research is useful for helping formulate the manger’s decision problem, developing hypotheses, gaining familiarity with a phenomenon, and/or clarifying concepts. In general, exploratory research is appropriate for any problem about which little is known. The output from exploratory research is ideas and insights, not answers.

Learning Objective 5

Specify the key characteristics of exploratory research.

Exploratory studies are typically small scale and are very flexible; anything goes.

Learning Objective 6

Discuss the various types of exploratory research and describe each.

Common types of exploratory research include literature searches, depth interviews, focus groups, case analyses, and projective methods. Literature searches involve reviewing conceptual and trade literature, or published statistics. Depth interviews attempt to tap the knowledge and experience of those familiar with the general subject being investigated. Focus groups involve a discussion among a small number of individuals, normally 8 to 12, simultaneously. With case analyses, researchers study selected cases of the phenomenon under investigation; ethnographic research is a popular example. Finally, projective methods encourage respondents to reveal their own feelings, thoughts, and behaviors by shifting the focus away from the individual through the use of indirect tasks.

Learning Objective 7

Identify the key person in a focus group.

The moderator is key to the successful functioning of a focus group. The moderator must not only lead the discussion so that all objectives of the study are met but must also do so in such a way that interaction among group members is stimulated and promoted.

Learning Objective 8

Discuss two major pitfalls to avoid with focus groups (or any other form of exploratory research).

Researchers and managers must consciously work to remain as objective as possible when reviewing and interpreting exploratory data. It is very easy to see what you expect or want to see in qualitative data. The second pitfall to avoid is to use exploratory research to obtain answers and decisions rather than the ideas, insights, and hypotheses that these techniques were designed to deliver.