♣ Homepage : http://physics.inha.ac.kr

1. Introduction :

Since the year of 1982, the Department of Physics offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science (M.S.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees. Most of students admitted to these graduate programs are supported by a variety of scholarships, such as Brain Korea (BK21) scholarship, Inha vision scholarship and Teaching and Research Assistantships. All graduate students can have an opportunity to participate in forefront research activities in areas of theoretical and experimental optics, theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics, theoretical nuclear physics, and statistical physics. The research works carried by professors in this department are involved not only in pure physical aspects but also multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary matters through collaboration with many leading excellent research centers, world-wide research groups, and industrial research teams. Various research projects are on-going currently, and are supported by funds from government offices and industrial companies and/or by in-house university grants. Many of those who graduated from this department with their MS or Ph.D. degrees hold their positions as faculty members of domestic universities or technical members in industrial R&D groups presently. We invite you to contact this department for further information, and welcome you to apply for our graduate program for your MS or Ph.D. degree in physics.

2. Major in Specific Physics Subjects

1) Optics

2) Theoretical Physics & Condensed Matter Physics

3. Faculty Members

1) Lee, Min Hee (이민희)

* Office : 5N306

* Tel : +82-32-860-7653

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://laser.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology / Korea

- M.S. : Physics / Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology / Korea

* Research Area : High Power Solid State Lasers and Applications

* Academic Works :

- J. Xia and M. H. Lee, “Analysis of cavities for self-starting Kerr-lens mode-locked lasers”, Applied Optics 41, 453 (2002)

- J. Xia, M. H. Lee and J. Eur, “Performance Improvement of flashlamp-pumped Ti:sapphire laser”, J. Optical Society of Korea 6, 48 (2002)

- J. J. Kim et al., “2.5-Gb/s Hybrid Single-Mode and Multimode Fiber Transmission of 1.5-um Wavelength VCSEL” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 19, 297 (2007)

2) Lee, Jae Il (이재일)

* Office : 5N206

* Tel : +82-32-860-7654

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://physics.inha.ac.kr/jilee

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

- M.S. : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area : Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

(First-principles electronic structure calculation and many-body theory)

* Academic Works :

- “Half-metallicity at the non-polar surfaces of rock-salt and zinc-blende MgN”, Solid State Commun. Vol. 150, pp. 2138-2141 (2010).

- “Electronic structure, half-metallicity, and magnetism odf zinc-blende (CrTe)1(VTe)1 superlattic,” J. Magn. Magn. Mater. Vol. 310, pp.2250-2252 (2007).

- “First Principles study on the half-metallicity of zinc-blende CrP (110) surface,” SURFACE SCIENCE, vol. 600, pp. 1608-1611 (2006).

-자성재료 물리학 (공저),백산출판사, 2001

3) Lee, Kee Yung (이기영)

* Office : 5N207

* Tel : +82-32-860-7656

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://physics.inha.ac.kr/

* Educational Background :

- Ph.D. : Physics / Louisiana State University / U.S.A.

_ M.S. : Physics / Sogang University / Korea

* Research Area : Electronic and Magnetic properties of Clusters, Physics Education

* Academic Works :

_ The two-capacitor problem revisited, European J. Physics 30 (2009)

_ 고전 전자기에서의 측정문제, 새물리 59 (2009)

4) Hwangbo , Chang Kwon (황보창권)

* Office : 5N309

* Tel : +82-32-860-7657

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Optical Sciences Center/University of Arizona / USA

- M.S. : Department of Physics/ Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology/Korea

- B.S. : Department of Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area :

- Optical Thin-Film Coatings (Design, Deposition and Characterization)

- Nanostructure Engineering of Optical Films Using Glancing Angle Deposition

- Display Optics

- EUV Optics

* Academic Works :

- “Binary mask designs with single- and double-layer absorber stacks for extreme ultraviolet lithography and actinic inspection” Appl. Opt. 53, A42 (2014).

-“Determination of Optical Constants of Thin Films in Extreme Ultraviolet Wavelength Region by an Indirect Optical Method,” J. Opt. Soc. Korea, 17, 38 (2013).

-“Nanostructured porous SiO2 films for antireflection coatings”, Optics Communications, 284, 873 (2011).

5) Kim, Kisik (김기식)

* Office : 5N311

* Tel : +82-32-860-7658

* E-mail :

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / University of Rochester / USA

- M.S. : Physics / University of Nebraska / USA

* Research Area : (Coherence and Quantum Optics)

* Academic Works :

- Amplification of Nonclassical Light in Phase Space, JKPS 60, 181 (2012).

- Entanglement dynamics of three interacting two-level atoms within a common structured

Environment, Phys. Rev. A 84, 022329 (1911).

- Entanglement, detection, and geometry of nonclassical states, Phys. Rev. A 82, 042105


6) Lee, Sukmock (이석목)

* Office : 5N312

* Tel : 82-32-860-7661

* E-mail :

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics/University of Arizona/U.S.A.

- M.S. : Physics/University of Arizona/U.S.A.

* Research Area: Geometrical optics

* Academic Works:

- “Acccurate determination of distortion for smartphone cameras,” Appl. Opt. 53, H1-H6 (2014).

- “Determination of Transverse Magnifications by Distortion Analysis,” J. Opt. Soc. Kor.

17, 136 (2013).

- “Self-consistent way to determine relative distortion of axial symmetric lens systems,”

Appl. Opt. 51, 588 (2012).

7) Kim, Kyong Hon (김경헌)

* Office : 5N310

* Tel : +82-32-860-7664

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://physics.inha.ac.kr/

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / State Univ. of New York at Buffalo / USA

* Research Area : Photonics

* Academic Works :

- “Enhanced four-wave-mixing effects by large group-indices in one-dimensional silicon photonic crystal waveguides,” Optics Express 21, 30019 (2013)

- "An actively Q-switched single-longitudinal-mode fiber laser with an optically pumped saturable absorber," Laser Physics 23, 095107 (2013).

- “A New Method of Measuring Localized Chromatic Dispersion of Structured Nano-waveguide Devices Using White-light Interferometry,” J. Lightwave Technol. 30, 1, 43-48 (2012)

- “Experimental and numerical analysis on temporal dynamics of polarization switching in an injection-locked 1.55-μm wavelength VCSEL,” Optics Express, 19, 16934-16949 (2011)

8) Lee, Jae Woo (이재우)

* Office : 5N204

* Tel : +82-32-860-7660

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://statmech.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / KAIST / Korea

- M.S. : Physics / KAIST / Korea

* Research Area : Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Dynamics, Complex Systems,

Econophysics, Brain Dynamics, Social Physics

* Academic Works :

- “Interspecific competition underlying mutualistic networks”, Physical Review Letters, Vol 108, 108701 (2012).

- “Wealth dynamics in world trade”, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 182, pp. 216 (2011).

- “Power law in firms bankruptcy”, Physics Letters A Vol. 361, pp. 6-8 (2007).

- “자연은 어떻게 움직이는가?(How nature works)”, 한승 (2012).

9) Noh, Jae Woo (노재우)

* Office : 5N307

* Tel : +82-32-860-7662

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://photon.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics/U Rochester/USA

- M.S. : Physics/KAIST/Korea

* Research Area : Quantum optics experiment, Quantum information

* Academic Works :

- “Remote preparation of complex spatial states of single photons and verification by two-photon coincidence experiment”, Opt. Exp. 18, 1217 (2010)

- “Pure-state single-photon wave-packet generation by parametric down-conversion in a distributed micro-cavity”, Phys. Rev. A 72, 023825 (2005)

10) Yoon, Jin-Hee (윤진희)

* Office : 2N209

* Tel : +82-32-860-7663

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://ntg.inha.ac.kr/profile_kor/jhyoon.html

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Theoretical Nuclear Physics / Purdue University / USA

* Research Area :

- Quark Gluon Plasma

- Relativistic Heavy Ion Collision

- Landscopic Analysis on the lowest excited energies of Natural Parity Multipole States in Even-Even Nuclei

- Bose-Einstein Condensation

* Academic Works :

- “Quantum Opacity, the RHIC HBT puzzle, and the chiral phase transition”, PRL 94, 102302, (2005)

- “NpNn dependence of empirical formula for the lowest excitation energy of the 2(+) states in even-even nuclei”, Nucl. Phys. A 812, 58-71 (2008).

- “Singularity structures in Coulomb-type potentials in two-body Dirac equations of constraint dynamics”, Phys. Rev. D 79, 034011 (2009).

11) Lee, Byung Chan (이병찬)

* Office : 2S201

* Tel : +82-32-860-7665

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://physics.inha.ac.kr/bclee

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign / USA

- M.S. : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area : Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics

* Academic Works :

- “Spin accumulation in lateral all-ferromagnetic spin valves,” Applied Physics Letters 91, 022504 (2007).

- “Kondo effect in magnetic tunnel junctions,” Physical Review Letters 98, 107202 (2007).

- “Local Hall effect in hybrid ferromagnetic/semiconductor devices,” Applied Physics Letters 90, 023510 (2007).

12) Kim, Hyun Chul (김현철)

* Office : 5S436D

* Tel : +82-32-860-7652

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://ntg.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Rheinische Friedrich-WilhelmsUniversitaet Bonn/ Germany

- M.S. : Physics / Inha University / Korea

* Research Area : Theoretical Nuclear and Hadronic Physics

* Academic Works :

- S.i. Nam and Hyun-Chul Kim, Phys. Lett. B 707, 546-552 (2012).

- S.i. Nam and Hyun-Chul Kim, Phys. Lett. B 700, 305-312 (2011).

- G.-S. Yang and Hyun-Chul Kim, Phys. Lett. B 695, 214-218 (2011).

13) You, Chun Yeol (유천열)

* Office : 5N535B

* Tel : +82-32-860-7667

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://spintronics.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / KAIST / Korea

- M.S. : Physics / KAIST / Korea

* Research Area : Condensed Matter Physics (magnetism)

* Academic Works :

-“Synchronous precessional motion of multiple domain walls in a ferromagnetic nanowire by perpendicular field pulses”, Nat. Comm.5, 3429 (2014).

- “Dissipative soliton dynamics in a discrete magnetic nano-dot chain”, Appl. Phys. Lett.104, 052416 (2014).

- “Double resonance response in nonlinear magnetic vortex dynamics”, Phys. Rev. B,88, 064402 (2013).

14) Lee, Geun Seop (이근섭)

* Office : 5N537

* Tel : +82-32-860-7668

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://surface-nano.inha.ac.kr/

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / University of Pennsylvenia / USA

- M.S. : Physics / Seoul National University / USA

* Research Area : Surface Physics, Nano science

* Academic Works :

- “Influence of Defects on transport in quasi-one-dimensional arrays of chains of metal atoms on silicon,” Physical Review B, Vol. 76, pp. 195418 1-4 (2007).

-  “Real-space observation of nanoscale inhomogeneities and fluctuations in a phase transnition of a surface quasi-one-dimensional system: In/Si(111),” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 95, pp. 116103 1-4 (2005).

-  “Intertwined electronic and structural phase transitions in the In/Si(111) interface,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 95, pp. 046102 1-4 (2005).

15) Jung, Jong Hoon (정종훈)

* Office : 5N535A

* Tel : +82-32-860-7659

* Homepage : http://qfml.inha.ac.kr

* E-mail :

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

- M.S. : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area : Oxide Electronics, Low-dimensional Physics, Functional Devices

* Academic Works :

- “Flexible Pyroelectric nanogenerators using a composite structure of Lead-free KNbO3 nanowires’, Adv. Mater. (2012).

- “Lead-free NaNbO3 nanowires for a high output piezoelectric nanogenerator”, ACS Nano 5, 10041 (2011).

- High-k Dielectric Sol-Gel Hybrid Materials Containing Barium Titanate Nanoparticles, Chem. Mater 22, 5445 (2010).

- Strain-induced magnetoelectric coupling in BaTiO3/Fe3O4 core/shell nanoparticles, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 032903 (2009).”

16) Hur, Nam Jung (허남정)

* Office : 5W567

* Tel : +82-32-860-7651

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://nmpl.inha.ac.kr

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Rutgers University / USA

- M.S. : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area : Synthesis and characterization of novel multifunctional materials and strongly correlated systems, Magnetic and thermal/electronic transport properties of exotic magnetic materials.

* Academic Works :

- “Electric Polarization Reversal and Memory in a Multiferroic Material Induced by Magnetic Fields.,” Nature, Vol. 429, p. 392 (2004).

- “Colossal Magnetodielectric effects in DyMn2O5.,” Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, p. 107207 (2004).

- “Magnetic imaging of supercooled glass transition in a weakly disordered ferromagnet.,” Nature Materials, Vol. 5, pp. 881-886 (2006).

17) Ryu, Han-Youl (류한열)

* Office : 5S436C

* Tel : +82-32-860-9200

* E-mail :

* Homepage : http://

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) / Korea

- M.S. : Physics / Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology (KAIST) / Korea

* Research Area : : Design & Characterization of Semiconductor Photonic Devices (LED, laser, solar cell), Nano-photonics, Computational Electrodynamics

* Academic Works :

- “Structural parameter dependence of light extraction efficiency in photonic crystal InGaN vertical light-emitting diode structures,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 46, p. 714 (2010).

- “Rate equation analysis of efficiency droop in InGaN light-emitting diodes,” Applied Physics Letters, vol.95, p. 081114 (2009).

- “Determination of internal parameters in blue InGaN laser diodes by the measurement of cavity-length dependent characteristics,” Applied Physics Letters, vol. 93, p. 011105 (2008).

- “Effect of active-layer structures on temperature characteristics of InGaN blue laser diodes,” Optics Express, vol.16, pp. 16849-16857 (2008).

18) Lee, Min Baek (이민백)

* Office : 5S103

* Tel : To Be Decided

* E-mail :

* Homepage : To Be Decided

* Educational Background :

- Ph. D : Physics / Seoul National University / Korea

* Research Area : Flexible/Wearable Hybrid Device, Energy Harvesting nanotechnology

* Academic Works :

- A Hybrid Piezoelectric Structure for Wearable Nanogenerators, Advanced Materials 24, 1759, 2012.

- Piezopotential Gated Nanowire-Nanotube Hybrid Field-Effect Transistor, Nano Letters 10, 3084, 2010.